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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From timharek.no

I received an AI email - Tim Hårek

19 25

At first I thought it was from a reader.

#spam #github #郵件 #人工智慧 #ml #llm #LLMs #tech #email #BigTech

on Wed, 6AM


From matrix.rocks

Matrix Rocks

1 1

This Fediverse server instance is part of My Privacy DNS https://mypdns.org/, managed by @spirillen@matrix.rocks This server diverse from many other fediverse networks, as we prioritize your privacy. See also blocked servers.

#big5 #foss #BigTech #Drawing #request #walledgarden #privacyMatters

9h ago


From matrix.rocks

Matrix Rocks

1 1

This Fediverse server instance is part of My Privacy DNS https://mypdns.org/, managed by @spirillen@matrix.rocks This server diverse from many other fediverse networks, as we prioritize your privacy. See also blocked servers.

#big5 #foss #BigTech #Drawing #request #walledgarden #privacyMatters

9h ago


From matrix.rocks

Matrix Rocks

1 1

This Fediverse server instance is part of [My Privacy DNS](https://mypdns.org/), managed by `Spirillen` aka. @spirillen@matrix.rocks & @Jerry@matrix.rocks. Primary topics are about #Internet #privacy, #security, #RPZ (Response policy zone) and other #Blacklist related topics. Other Common usage...

#big5 #foss #BigTech #Drawing #request #walledgarden #privacyMatters

on Oct 21


From matrix.rocks

Matrix Rocks

1 1

This Fediverse server instance is part of My Privacy DNS https://mypdns.org/, managed by `Spirillen` aka. @spirillen@matrix.rocks & @Jerry@matrix.rocks. Primary topics are about #Internet #privacy, #security, #RPZ (Response policy zone) and other #Blacklist related topics. Other Common usage is...

#big5 #foss #BigTech #Drawing #request #walledgarden #privacyMatters

on Nov 6


From matrix.rocks

Matrix Rocks

1 1

This Fediverse server instance is part of [My Privacy DNS](https://mypdns.org/), managed by `Spirillen` aka. @spirillen@matrix.rocks & @Jerry@matrix.rocks. Primary topics are about #Internet #privacy, #security, #RPZ (Response policy zone) and other #Blacklist related topics. Other Common usage...

#big5 #foss #BigTech #Drawing #request #walledgarden #privacyMatters

on Oct 22


From matrix.rocks

Matrix Rocks

1 1

Registration have temponarty been disable do to spam This Fediverse server instance is part of My Privacy DNS https://mypdns.org/, managed by `Spirillen` aka. @spirillen@matrix.rocks Primary topics are about #Internet #privacy, #security, #RPZ (Response policy zone) and other #Blacklist...

#big5 #foss #BigTech #Drawing #request #walledgarden #privacyMatters

on Apr 17


From matrix.rocks

Matrix Rocks

1 1

Registration have temponarty been disable do to spam This Fediverse server instance is part of My Privacy DNS https://mypdns.org/, managed by `Spirillen` aka. @spirillen@matrix.rocks Primary topics are about #Internet #privacy, #security, #RPZ (Response policy zone) and other #Blacklist...

#big5 #foss #BigTech #Drawing #request #walledgarden #privacyMatters

on May 25


From youtube.com

Konferencja Demagoga: Jak firmy technologiczne mogą skuteczniej wspierać walkę z dezinformacją?

1 1

📣 W 2024 roku Stowarzyszenie #Demagog obchodzi swoje 10-lecie! Z okazji dekady walki z fałszywymi treściami zorganizowaliśmy konferencję: Razem Przeciw Dezi...

#meta #tiktok #BigTech #demagog #facebook #dezinformacja

22h ago


From youtube.com

The A.I. Bubble is Bursting with Ed Zitron

6 6

Big tech is betting tens of billions of dollars on AI being the next big thing, but what if it isn't? ChatGPT burns obscene amounts of cash daily with little...

#tech #growth #BigTech #chatgpt #unicorn #edzitron #overhype #AdamConover #stockmarket #siliconvalley

6h ago


From protechbro.com

Big Tech's Carbon Footprint Surpasses BTC Mining Since 2019

1 1

Before ChatGPT, U.S. tech giants pledged "net zero" carbon emissions. Now, Big Tech's carbon footprint surpasses Bitcoin's.

#tech #Crypto #BigTech

12h ago


From topio.info

ℹ Topio - Veranstaltungen | Smarte Welt? – Grundrechte und digitale Zukunftsvisionen.

1 1

Besuche unsere Veranstaltungen in Berlin | Smarte Welt? – Grundrechte und digitale Zukunftsvisionen

#berlin #moabit #BigTech #grundgesetz #ueberwachung

18h ago


From tagesschau.de

CO2-Emissionen des US-Techkonzerns Google steigen drastisch

2 2

Wegen energieintensiver Rechenzentren für die Künstliche Intelligenz haben die Treibhausgas-Emissionen des US-Konzerns Google rasant zugenommen. Binnen weniger Jahre kletterten sie um fast 50 Prozent.

#it #co2 #klima #BigTech #menschen #emissionen #klimakrise #Infrastruktur #Rechenzentren #co2fußabdruck

15h ago


From euractiv.com

Inside the EU Commission's rush to build codes of practice for general purpose AI

1 4

Providers of general purpose AI, like ChatGPT, will be in the driver's seat when drafting codes of practice that they can later use to demonstrate compliance with the AI Act.

#AI #ec #eu #BigTech #technocracy #generativeAI #digitalrights

on Tue, 3PM

Showing first 15 out of 15