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Users: 714 total, 7 today.

Posts: 51.2k total, 11 today.

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Toot.si je slovenska večjezična Mastodon instanca katere osnovni cilj je omogočati prostor varen od terorja algoritmov corporativnih družbenih omrežij, diktature profita pred uporabniki in podpornikov kiber-nadlegovanja in sodobnega neolib-fašizma. Preden si ustvarite račun si preberite naš kodeks obnašanja in pogosta vprašanja. Več o tem kaj je Mastodon zveš na joinmastodon.org.
Toot.si is a slovenian multilingual Mastodon instance with the main idea to offer a safe space free from terror by algorithms of corporate social networks, by dictatorship of profits before people, and by supporters of cyber-harrasment and contemporary neolib-fascism. Please take the time to read our code of conduct. More about what is Mastodon at joinmastodon.org.

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Hourly Posts

A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).

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Last Week's Top Hashtags

#ldgd(16.7%) #eu(8.3%) #uk(8.3%) #Iran(8.3%) #USpol(8.3%) #orban(8.3%) #ukraine(8.3%) #education(8.3%) #DraculaDaily(8.3%) #politbizarka(8.3%) #stateofthings(8.3%)

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toot.si blocks or silences 0 domains:

    Data from 2024-07-07 00:09:13.106217