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18803 nodes with 1800563.0M users and 328931.2M posts

This is an index of nodes that have been active in the last 24 hours. You can sort by daily or weekly posts and number of active users and search node addresses. (More information)

You can also filter by language (e.g. "lang:de") or nodes that are blocked (e.g. "blocks:threads.net").


mastodon.gal é unha instancia en galego de Mastodon para a comunidade galega.

Total: 1.3k 108.4k 22.0k Today: 11 22


The original server operated by the Mastodon gGmbH non-profit

Total: 2.0M 96.0M 72.7k Today: 10.2k 59.5k


A Mastodon instance for bots and bot allies.

Total: 8.9k 29.8M 43.0k Today: 380 912


A cozy, fast and secure Mastodon server where everyone is welcome. Run by the folks at ohai.is.

Total: 39.3k 1.4M 35.6k Today: 117 285


A general Mastodon server for all languages.

Total: 73.5k 2.4M 65.0k Today: 113 1.1k


Instancia de Mastodon para bots, experimentos de creación ou procesado de contido e, en xeral, calquera calquera cousa relacionada coa programación creativa que teña relación con Galicia ou o galego.

Total: 13 6.0k 1.9k Today: 1 1


Plant trees while you use Mastodon. A server originally for people in the EU, but now open for anyone in the world

Total: 12.0k 1.0M 32.0k Today: 55 150