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23459 nodes with 1800568.1M users and 329193.6M posts

This is an index of nodes that have been active in the last 24 hours. You can sort by daily or weekly posts and number of active users and search node addresses. (More information)

You can also filter by language (e.g. "lang:de") or nodes that are blocked (e.g. "blocks:threads.net").


mastodon.gal é un servidor en galego de Mastodon para a comunidade galega.

Total: 1.4k 152.5k 22.7k Today: 15 35


Bridging the new social internet

Total: N/A N/A N/A Today: 933 3.8k


The original server operated by the Mastodon gGmbH non-profit

Total: 2.6M 125.0M 83.5k Today: 0 0


A Mastodon instance for info/cyber security-minded people.

Total: 74.9k 4.2M 53.5k Today: 511 1.7k


Tuiter.rocks: la instancia más simpática y libre de Mastodon. Humor, debate y comunidad sin ataduras. Nada que ver con Twitter.com, aquí se vuela en libertad

Total: 190 150.7k 23.1k Today: 12 35


Mastodon Brigantino

Total: 8 8.6k 21.2k Today: 1 4


Plant trees while you use Mastodon. A server originally for people in the EU, but now open for anyone in the world

Total: 12.0k 1.2M 38.6k Today: 65 190


Mastodon.la es una instancia generalista y moderada ligeramente. Temas con respeto y sin desnudos innecesarios. El español es preferido. / Mastodon.la is generalist, lightly moderated.

Total: 2.6k 593.6k 32.2k Today: 10 46


A Mastodon instance for maths people. We have LaTeX rendering in the web interface!

Total: 20.2k 1.4M 45.8k Today: 84 223


Un lugar teu e para ti onde atopar e promocionar eventos, produtos e servizos próximos á mariña

Total: 46 3.7k 7.2k Today: 1 2