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From bbc.com

Japan's government finally says goodbye to floppy disks

23 23

The use of the floppy disk, which was still used in some government agencies in Japan, has now been scrapped.

#japon #futuro #business #noticias #okboomer #Technology #floppydisc #floppydisk #bureaucracy #floppydisks

11h ago

From theguardian.com

Japan introduces enormous humanoid robot to maintain train lines

12 12

The 12-metre high machine has coke bottle eyes and a crude Wall-E-like head, as well as large arms that can be fitted with blades or paint brushes

#News #rail #japon #mecha #press #train #railway #guardian #noticias #Worldnews

11h ago

From ukrinform.net

Netherlands does not rule out participation in French initiative to train Ukrainian military

3 3

The Dutch government "generally does not rule out" participation in the French initiative to organize training for Ukrainian military in Ukraine. — Ukrinform.

#eu #g7 #uk #USA #News #nato #Italy #Japan #czech #spain

1h ago

From ukrinform.net

Zelensky: 14 brigades of AFU are not equipped due to delay in arms supplies

3 3

Due to the delay in the supply of Western weapons, 14 brigades in Ukraine remain understaffed. — Ukrinform.

#g7 #News #Italy #Japan #czech #press #spain #Canada #Europe #Latvia

3h ago

From emsc.eu


3 3

A unique earthquake detection system: a blend of collaborative work from eyewitnesses and of data collection from seismic institutes. You felt an earthquake and want to add or see testimonies on a specific seismic event? Do you want to know if there are any earthquakes near you, or see the...

#Japan #地震 #katsuura #earthquake

13h ago

From emsc.eu


3 3

A unique earthquake detection system: a blend of collaborative work from eyewitnesses and of data collection from seismic institutes. You felt an earthquake and want to add or see testimonies on a specific seismic event? Do you want to know if there are any earthquakes near you, or see the...

#mito #Japan #地震 #earthquake

15h ago

From n-tv.de

Japaner brechen Weltrekord in der Datenübertragung

3 3

Japanische Forscher zeigen, dass mit handelsüblichen Glasfaserkabeln weit höhere Übertragungsgeschwindigkeiten als Gigabit-Datenraten möglich sind. Mit einer Kombination verschiedener Verstärkertechniken stellen sie mit 402 Terabit pro Sekunde einen neuen Weltrekord auf.

#Japan #bildung #Glasfaser #weltrekord #technologie #Internetnutzung #datenubertragung

23h ago

From itmedia.co.jp

KADOKAWAグループ、セキュリティエンジニア募集中 最大年収800万円 「0→1を経験」

3 5


#Japan #Technology

on Wed, 7AM

From firefish.city


3 3

An open source, decentralized social media platform that's free forever! 🚀


on Oct 23

From emsc-csem.org

Earthquake= Magnitude 5.1 - NEAR EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN - 2024-07-04 03:12:29.5 UTC

2 2

Earthquake information= Magnitude: 5.1, Region: NEAR EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN, Date time: 2024-07-04 03:12:29.5 UTC, Location: 35.1225 ; 140.3816, Depth: 41 km.

#Japan #地震 #katsuura #earthquake

13h ago

From emsc-csem.org

Earthquake= Magnitude 4.6 - NEAR EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN - 2024-07-04 01:25:26.7 UTC

2 2

Earthquake information= Magnitude: 4.6, Region: NEAR EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN, Date time: 2024-07-04 01:25:26.7 UTC, Location: 36.4495 ; 140.654, Depth: 62 km.

#mito #Japan #地震 #earthquake

15h ago

From torrentfreak.com

Sony Music Goes After Piracy Portal 'Hikari-no-Akari' * TorrentFreak

2 2

Hikari-no-Akari, a long-established and popular pirate site that specializes in Japanese music, is being targeted by Sony Music.

#anti #Japan #sonymusic #cloudflare

19h ago

From bytesde.com

Mindestens 37 Menschen in Japan seit April von Bären angegriffen

1 1

Nach Angaben der japanischen Behörden wurden von April bis 3. Juli mindestens 37 Menschen in 16 Präfekturen von wilden Bären angegriffen und zwei davon getötet. Im gleichen Zeitraum des Haushaltsjahres 2023, als die Zahl der Bärenangriffe für das gesamte Jahr einen Rekordwert erreichte, wurden...

#nhk #News #Japan #nhknews #japannews #newsjapan #nhkworldnews

1h ago

From sumikai.com

Manipulierte Bilder von Tokyos Gouverneurskandidaten verbreiten sich online

1 1

Das Japan Fact Center, kurz JFC, warnt vor manipulierten Bildern und Falschinformationen über die beiden Hauptkandidaten der Gouverneurswahl in Tokyo am 7.


1h ago

From diningandcooking.com

What is this?

1 1

Hi everyone! Not sure if this is the right place, but can anyone here help me identify this? Appreciate any help!by MrGodzillahin

#Japan #japanfood #japanesefood

1h ago

From japantimes.co.jp

Japan to survey job changes by foreign care workers

1 1

The labor ministry aims to improve measures to secure and retain foreign human resources.


1h ago

From japantimes.co.jp

Over 80 nursing homes in Japan went bankrupt in first half

1 1

Rising costs and a severe manpower shortage are the main reasons driving care providers out of business.

#Japan #aging #elderly #society #nursingcare #nationalhealthcare

1h ago

From sumikai.com

Neuer Anime zu CLAMPs "Magic Knight Rayearth" angekündigt

1 1

Auf dem offiziellen X-Account des Franchise "Magic Knight Rayearth" wurde vor Kurzem bekannt gegeben, dass der CLAMP Manga eine neue Adaption als Anime


2h ago

From japantimes.co.jp

Mercury hits 39.3 degrees Celsius in Shizuoka

1 1

Many cities experienced 35 degree weather, resulting in heatstroke alerts being issued for several regions across Japan.

#Japan #tokyo #shizuoka #heatwaves #heatstroke

2h ago

From wacoca.com

【夜 ニュースライブ】最新ニュースと生活情報(7月4日)――THE LATEST NEWS SUMMARY(日テレNEWS LIVE)

1 1

【夜 ニュースライブ】最新ニュースと生活情報(7月4日)――THE LATEST NEWS SUMMARY(日テレNEWS...

#ntv #News #live #Japan #tokyo #事件 #事故 #国際 #地震 #報道

3h ago

From diningandcooking.com

Nothing better than quality sashimi, konomono..and a nice beer..

1 1

Nothing better than quality sashimi, konomono..and a nice beer.. by kingoftheoneliners

#Japan #japanfood #japanesefood

3h ago

From byteseu.com

At least 37 people in Japan attacked by bears since April

1 1

Japanese authorities say at least 37 people in 16 prefectures were attacked by wild bears from April through July 3 and two of them were killed. The authorities say 39 people were attacked by bears during the same period in fiscal 2023 when the number of bear attacks for the whole year hit a...

#nhk #Japan #nhknews #nhkworldnews

3h ago

From japantimes.co.jp

Ex-nursery head gets prison term over girl's heatstroke death

1 1

The suffering of the girl, who died after being left on a bus in temperatures exceeded 40 degrees Celsius, is 'unimaginable,' a judge said.

#Japan #children #shizuoka #crimelegal #kindergartens #japanesecourts

3h ago

From wacoca.com

【速報】千葉・勝浦市などで震度4 津波の心配なし #shorts

1 1

【速報】千葉・勝浦市などで震度4 津波の心配なし #shorts気象庁によりますと午後0時12分頃地震 がありましたこの地震による津波の心配は ありませ ん震源地は千葉県東方置き震源の深さは 50km地震の規模を示すマグニチュード は5.4と推定されます...

#ntv #News #live #Japan #tokyo #shorts #事件 #事故 #国際 #地震

3h ago

From japantimes.co.jp

Philippines hopes to sign key defense pact with Japan

1 1

Defense Minister Minoru Kihara and Foreign Minister Yoko Kamikawa are set to meet with their Philippine counterparts in Manila on Monday.

#Japan #defense #minorukihara #yokokamikawa #philippinesjapanrelations

3h ago

From bytesde.com

Ost- und Westjapan leiden unter sengender Sonne

1 1

Am Donnerstag herrschte in weiten Teilen Ost- und Westjapans große Hitze. In vielen Orten stiegen die Tageshöchsttemperaturen über die Körpertemperatur. Die japanische Wetterbehörde erklärte, ein Hochdruckgebiet habe sich über Ost- und Westjapan verstärkt und beschere diesen Regionen eine...

#nhk #News #Japan #nhknews #japannews #newsjapan #nhkworldnews

3h ago

From diningandcooking.com

Abura Soba @ Ramen Shichisai

1 1

Todays special, except they had this last Saturday too, so maybe it’s hanging around for a bit? Strong Niboshi flavors with thick ass chewy noodles. This one’s a winner 9/10. Wish I got the large size and added an egg though.by Ok-Guest8734

#Japan #ramen #noodle #noodlesoup #japanesenoodle #japanesenoodlesoup

4h ago

From wacoca.com

【夜 ニュースライブ】最新ニュースと生活情報(7月4日)――THE LATEST NEWS SUMMARY(日テレNEWS LIVE)

1 1

【夜 ニュースライブ】最新ニュースと生活情報(7月4日)――THE LATEST NEWS SUMMARY(日テレNEWS...

#ntv #News #live #Japan #tokyo #事件 #事故 #国際 #地震 #報道

4h ago

From bytesde.com

Chinesischer Elektroautohersteller BYD startet Produktion in neuem Werk in Thailand

1 1

In Thailand, wo japanische Autohersteller einen hohen Marktanteil haben, hat Chinas größter Elektroautohersteller BYD eine neue Produktionsbasis geschaffen und mit der lokalen Fertigung begonnen. Die neue Fabrik in der ostthailändischen Provinz Rayong wurde gerade eröffnet. Das Unternehmen gibt...

#nhk #News #Japan #nhknews #japannews #newsjapan #nhkworldnews

4h ago

From nipponi.ca

Gay African Man in Osaka Granted Refugee Status After Prolonged Court Case

1 1

Nipponica is a weblog that curates news about Japan and its evolving place in the world.

#Japan #osaka #society #government #lgbtrights #immigration

4h ago

From taz.de

Japans Opposition wittert Chance: Premier Kishidas Tage sind gezählt

1 1

Für Japans LDP werden Tokios Gouverneurswahl und Nachwahlen zum Lackmustest. Kichida droht die Gunst der eigenen Partei zu verlieren.

#Asien #Japan #tokio #politik #Gouverneur #opposition #liberaldemokraten

4h ago

From byteseu.com

Chinese EV maker BYD starts production at new Thai plant

1 1

In Thailand, where Japanese automakers hold a high market share, China's largest electric car manufacturer BYD has created a new production base and started local manufacturing. The new factory, located in the eastern Thai province of Rayong, just opened. The company says it has a production...

#nhk #Japan #nhknews #nhkworldnews

4h ago

From sumikai.com

Brand in einer Raffinerie eines großen japanischen Ölkonzerns

1 1

Bei dem Brand wurde ein männlicher Angestellter verletzt, wie die Polizei und das Unternehmen mitteilten.


4h ago

From byteseu.com

Shanghai Cooperation Organization formally approves Belarus membership

1 1

The Chinese- and Russian-led Shanghai Cooperation Organization, or the SCO, has formally approved membership of Russia's ally Belarus. The SCO Heads of State Council took place in Kazakhstan's capital Astana on Thursday following bilateral talks on the previous day. Kazakh President...

#nhk #Japan #nhknews #nhkworldnews

4h ago

From nipponi.ca

Overly Cute Poster Warning Against Bear Attacks in Akita Prefecture Deemed Too Cute

1 1

Nipponica is a weblog that curates news about Japan and its evolving place in the world.

#Japan #akita #nature #government

5h ago

From bytesde.com

Japans Produktionslücke ist das 16. Quartal in Folge negativ

1 1

Vertreter der Bank of Japan sagen, ein wichtiger Wirtschaftsindikator zeige, dass die Nachfrage im Quartal von Januar bis März weiterhin hinter dem Angebot zurückgeblieben sei. Die „Produktionslücke“ für den Dreimonatszeitraum betrage minus 0,66, was die Serie negativer Quartalsergebnisse auf...

#nhk #News #Japan #nhknews #japannews #newsjapan #nhkworldnews

5h ago

From japantimes.co.jp

Japan faces shortage of almost a million foreign workers in 2040

1 1

At the current pace, 5.91 million foreign people will be working in Japan in 2040

#jica #Japan #surveys #population #foreignworkers #japaneseeconomy

5h ago

From nipponi.ca

Nikkei Closes at Highest Record Due to Tech Surge

1 1

Nipponica is a weblog that curates news about Japan and its evolving place in the world.

#Japan #economy

5h ago

From youtube.com

Japanese Rugby is a Problem. (Mini-Documentary)

1 1

Japan's domestic rugby competition has exploded into a sport defining entity, drawing global stars and huge crowds alike. However, the national side's result...

#Japan #rugby

5h ago

From sumikai.com

Neuer Anime "Die Rosen von Versailles" soll 2025 in Japan erscheinen

1 1

Zum kommenden Anime-Film zu Riyoko Ikedas Manga "Die Rosen von Versailles" ("Versailles no Bara") wurde ein zweiter Trailer veröffentlicht. In dem Teaser gibt


5h ago

From nipponi.ca

10% of Japanese Children Reported Molestation

1 1

Nipponica is a weblog that curates news about Japan and its evolving place in the world.

#Japan #crime #Health

5h ago

From byteseu.com

Japan minister meets plaintiffs in lawsuits over forced sterilization

1 1

Japan's children's policy minister has offered words of regret and apology to the plaintiffs of lawsuits over forced surgical sterilization conducted under the now-defunct Eugenic Protection Law. Kato Ayuko met the plaintiffs and others on Thursday, one day after the Supreme Court ruled that the...

#nhk #Japan #nhknews #nhkworldnews

6h ago