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Evaluation guide for the dedupable storage backend · bareos/bareos · Discussion #2062

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Evaluation Guide for the Bareos Dedupable Backend Prerequisites This guide assumes that you know how to set up Bareos, know how to configure and use multiple storage devices and have successfully b...

#backup #bareos #recovery #archiving #opensource #dataprotection

on Fri, 10AM

From github.com

Evaluation guide for the grpc plugin · bareos/bareos · Discussion #2061

1 1

Evaluation of the grpc plugin. Introduction The bareos grpc-python plugin is a plugin that allows to run bareos python3 plugins in its own process. The plugin behaves like an intermediate piece tha...

#backup #bareos #recovery #archiving #opensource #dataprotection

on Fri, 10AM

From github.com

Evaluation Guide for dplcompat storage backend · bareos/bareos · Discussion #2063

1 1

Evaluation Guide for dplcompat storage backend Prerequisites This guide assumes that you know how to set up Bareos, know how to configure and use multiple storage devices and have successfully back...

#backup #bareos #recovery #archiving #opensource #dataprotection

on Fri, 10AM