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From byteseu.com

Looking for a Drummer to help us out today at Redstar studios at Bowen Hills.

1 1

Hi the Guntones are rehearsing at RedStar studios. We have a drum kit but no Drummer 😭We would really appreciate if a drummer would help us out. We're rehearsing from 2pm to 6pm.We will be rehearsing a few classic rock covers including Sympathy For The Devil.Posted by Ulick__McGee

#brisbane #Australia

6h ago

From byteseu.com

Will tax-cut price gouging be the next thing?

1 1

I feel it very important to call this out, as it can easily go unnoticed but has already started taking place. If this becomes standard across many industries, tax cuts will benefit business and cost of living will remain the same. For example: 28th of June price rise for new menu at this...

#brisbane #Australia

7h ago

From queenswharfbrisbane.com.au

Explore - Queen's Wharf Brisbane

1 1

Explore our exciting development's key attractions, features and heritage buildings and places using the interactive masterplan map.

#history #brisbane

8h ago

From byteseu.com

Study lounge

1 1

This just popped up on Facebook apparently the grand opening is today if anyone needs a place to study, link in comments Posted by kctacos

#brisbane #Australia

15h ago

From byteseu.com

This is literally my job hunting experience in brissy so far

1 1

At least they gave me a rejection email 😂Posted by FuckmeDead2112

#brisbane #Australia

18h ago

From byteseu.com

Bin Chooks V Bat Colony – Who Wins?

1 1

The Bin Chooks have rolled in on bat territory over the last week (Edenbrook / Sinnamon Park). Who wins this turf war?Posted by Sometimes-Relevant

#brisbane #Australia

19h ago

From byteseu.com

friend of a friend lost her dogs

1 1

the right one answers to Lexi the left one answers to Ruby, my friend told me that the person who had been taking care of her friend's dogs 'lost' them (as in like they got out but he probably let them out) and is refusing to pay pound bills and uh yeah idk what to do bit of a longshot but if...

#brisbane #Australia

22h ago

From byteseu.com

My local kebabbery had these two on the specials menu tonight.

1 1

I normally order a Mexican kebab but I went in with the Ron's Special and it was bloody fantastic. Gotta love a local business not afraid to offer the occasional new product (And because this isn't a shill post I'm not even going to mention them unless asked)Posted by dannyr

#brisbane #Australia

23h ago