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From dice.com

Communication Tips from Technology Speakers

1 1

To help boost your skills, we asked two software engineers who have mastered the art of public speaking to give you some key pointers for developing your communication skills. Here are some of the techniques they use that can be applied to everyday situations.

#career #technology #publicspeaking

on Feb 16

From vox.com

Can AI help us predict extreme weather?

1 1

 AI models are revolutionizing weather forecasts.

#ml #data #tech #career #python #latetotheparty #machinelearning

on Feb 16

From opensourcejobhub.com

Software developer jobs | Open Source JobHub

1 1

501 software developer jobs available on Open Source JobHub. Apply or sign up for job alerts to get new jobs by email.

#foss #jobs #osjh #career #hybrid #python #remote #opensource #softwaredevelopment

on Sep 5