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From askubuntu.com

what is the purpose of -newer especially paired with find -newer

1 1

I looked it up in the man page of find, but I'm having trouble understanding the definition of -newer. An example would be find . -newer ~/start-date I have no idea what the expression -newer is. ...

#find #manpage #commandline

on Feb 16

From github.com

Show your current readline edit-mode in your Starship prompt

1 1

Show your current readline edit-mode in your Starship prompt - readline-edit-mode-changes.txt

#vi #vim #bash #neovim #ripgrep #readline #starship #commandline

on Feb 16

From askubuntu.com


1 1

I have recently upgraded from 18.04 to 20.04. I have been using Mate terminal to log into our server. I believe that Mate supported WYSE 50 emulation in 18.04, but now in 20.04 I have lost my F5

#emulation #commandline

on Feb 16

From askubuntu.com

Why can't you copy the folder into itself with cp -r

1 1

so, I know there are similar looking questions here, but this is not duplicate. please consider helping me. I come from Windows background and trying to learn bash scripting. so, I write a script l...

#bash #commandline

on Feb 16

From babbagefiles.xyz

So you need kill (or do something else to) something in Linux

1 1

(Or, what if you can’t just click the bad thing with the skull until it dies?) Sometimes you need to kill something in Linux. Sometimes it makes sense to use some sort interactive process monitor, like the process table in Plasma’s System Monitor, or top or htop or bottom or some...

#pid #linux #terminal #commandline

on Feb 16

From askubuntu.com

Ubuntu after ubdate problem

1 1

When i delet python3 my laptop stuck in ubuntu loop. Then i run many code sudo ubdate, pkdg,gdm3 and code for reinstall python. Some of many things i do to fix this problem. Finally i fix this prob...


on Sep 5