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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From radiosintoniaesportiva.com.br

Sintonia Esportiva - O site para quem é apaixonado por esportes!

1 1

Notícias, artigos e muito mais sobre o Futebol e Outros Esportes, além da narração dos principais eventos esportivos, do Brasil e do Mundo.

#cli #gnu #linux #GNUlinux #commandline #linhadecomando

16h ago


From askubuntu.com

Running a .sh file on windows with Ubuntu

1 1

I have installed Ubuntu and I am trying to run a .sh file located in this windows directory: C:\Users\[REDACTED]\OneDrive\Desktop\Dreamspeaker-main\Dreamspeaker-main\install.sh I can't find a prope...

#directory #commandline #windowssubsystemforlinux

on Sat, 10AM


From askubuntu.com

Copy website files to another site, keeping permissions, and exclude some files

1 1

I have two websites, will have more, the same code except config, and some other files. Two brands of same project. Will have more sites - testing site for example. Also, I need to update DB struct...

#bash #scripts #commandline

18h ago

Showing first 3 out of 3