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From lucentinian.com

A Holiday Hibernation

1 1

Why did some people go into hibernation during the holidays? Because they wanted to stay in the fight against sleep deprivation and come back ready to take on the new year!

#jokes #comics #laughs #holiday #website #ailaughs #funnynews #newslaughs #dailylaughs #hibernation

7h ago

From lucentinian.com

Drone Sighting Shenanigans

1 1

Why did the authorities get confused about the mysterious drones? Because they couldn't tell if it was a "drone" sight or just a bunch of stars in the sky!

#drone #jokes #comics #website #aicomedy #ailaughs #sighting #funnynews #dailylaughs #shenanigans

14h ago

From lucentinian.com

Jupiter's Secret's Out

1 1

Why did Jupiter's moon go to therapy? It was feeling drained and wanted to get to the core of its problems.

#jokes #comics #secret #aihumor #aijokes #jupiter #website #dailyjokes #dailylaughs #aigeneratedjokes

16h ago

From lucentinian.com

A Ratio That's Gone Off the Charts

1 1

Why did Bitcoin go on a date with Gold? Because it was looking for a stable relationship and didn't want to get caught in a volatile situation!

#gone #that #jokes #ratio #charts #comics #aihumor #website #newsjokes #comedygold

18h ago