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From theguardian.com

Britain’s food supply is precarious – and Trump’s chaos is spreading. I have a plan. Do you? | George Monbiot

6 6

I’ve started a stockpile, but that isn’t the answer. If crisis strikes, the government needs a strategy to protect us all, says Guardian columnist George Monbiot

#doom #food #farming #uutisboten #donaldtrump #theguardian #tradepolicy #emergencyplanning #trumpadministration

4h ago

From theguardian.com

‘The best crumpets you’ll ever buy’: 19 of the best indie food products

3 3

From pasta made in Cumbria to biscuits from the Isle of Mull: our expert picks the best small food producers in Britain and Ireland – and where to find their products

#Food #wine #chefs #press #farming #UutisBotEN #theguardian #lifeandstyle #smallbusiness

on Sep 6

From cleantechnica.com

New Agrivoltaic Tool Optimizes Solar Energy And Crops

2 2

The agrivoltaic movement in the US has lost momentum under Trump's budget axe, while other countries continue to pursue the dual-use track.

#renewableenergy #solar #dualuse #farmers #farming #tariffs #agrisolar #solarfarm #usfarmers #solarpower

18h ago

From youtube.com

- YouTube

1 1

Bekijk je favoriete video's, luister naar de muziek die je leuk vindt, upload originele content en deel alles met vrienden, familie en anderen op YouTube.

#diy #farming #meingemuse #growyourown #hofkollektiv #silentsunday #landwirtschaft

7h ago

From theguardian.com

The life of the lonesome cowboy, 1978

1 1

The enduring romance of the Wild West was one thing, the tough conditions faced by ranchers quite another

#cattle #farming #agriculture #environment #lifeandstyle

10h ago

From rspb.org.uk

I want the UK to invest in nature friendly farming

1 1

To grow food, we need nature. The UK Government must increase investment in nature friendly farming. Sign and share the petition.

#uk #rspb #birds #nature #farming #petition #wildlife #biodiversity #naturefriendlyfarming

18h ago

From goingtoseed.org

Going to Seed

1 1

Going to Seed inspires a shift in agriculture towards adaptation, community, and diversity. Adaptation Agriculture or Adaptation Gardening allows the ecosystem to select the best plants, rather than relying on the farmer or gardener to supply inputs such as fertilizers, pesticides, and plastics.

#seed #farming #seedswap #foodsovereignty #seedsovereignty #landracegardening #adaptiveagriculture

on Feb 16

From civileats.com

The Future of Seaweed Farming in America

1 1

The outlook has seemed bright for a crop with multiple uses, including mitigating the impacts of climate change. But major obstacles remain for the seaweed industry.

#farming #seaweed #climatecrisis

on Sep 6