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From antaranews.com

Preserving Rutong's sago forest for food security

1 1

The local government and community in Rutong, South Leitimur Sub-district, Ambon City, Maluku, are working to preserve a 22-hectare sago forest and ...

#uha #sago #ambon #maluku #papeda #rutong #burgers #brownies #karukaru #sagugula

on Feb 16

From twincities.com

Burnsville to pilot ‘food forest’ at Civic Center Park

1 1

An old hockey rink in Burnsville will soon be transformed into an educational garden under a new citywide initiative to implement sustainable land practices and build long-term solutions to health …

#garden #minnesota #burnsville #foodforest #pesticides #urbanroots #fertilizers #sustainable #FoodSecurity #marketgarden

on Feb 16

From goingtoseed.org

Going to Seed

1 1

Going to Seed inspires a shift in agriculture towards adaptation, community, and diversity. Adaptation Agriculture or Adaptation Gardening allows the ecosystem to select the best plants, rather than relying on the farmer or gardener to supply inputs such as fertilizers, pesticides, and plastics.

#seed #farming #seedswap #foodsovereignty #seedsovereignty #landracegardening #adaptiveagriculture

on Feb 16