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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From usrtk.org

Glyphosate: Cancer and other health concerns

1 1

Studies linking glyphosate, the key chemical in Roundup herbicides, to cancer, liver disease, endocrine disruption and other illnesses.

#Health #insects #wildlife #glyphosate #pesticides #Environment

on Jan 28


From usrtk.org

Common herbicide glyphosate significantly harms infants’ health in rural areas, new research suggests

1 2

Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup®, significantly harms the health of babies in rural communities — especially those already at risk.

#Health #insects #wildlife #glyphosate #pesticides #Environment

on Thu, 9PM


From francetvinfo.fr

Cancer du pancréas et exposition aux pesticides : une piste pour expliquer l'explosion des cas en France ?

1 1

Entre les années 1990 et 2020 en France, le nombre de cas de cancers du pancréas a doublé chez les hommes et triplé chez les femmes. Une progression deux à trois fois plus rapide que dans le reste de l'Europe. On ne connaît...

#Europe #cancer #france #pesticides

4h ago

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