5 15
Switched to Linux is dedicated to helping people make the switch to a Linux based desktop system and get real work done. Our site author has experience in Windows, Linux, and Mac computers and he use...
#stl #sharing #personaldata #anduinos #gui #kde #LMDE #arch #foss #mate
on May 4
5 14
Switched to Linux is dedicated to helping people make the switch to a Linux based desktop system. Our site author has experience in Windows, Linux, and Mac computers and he uses them every day in his web design business. The Linux operating system…
#stl #sharing #personaldata #anduinos #gui #kde #LMDE #arch #foss #mate
on May 4
Python-Tk: Ein Neofetch-GUI selbst schreiben Teil 11
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Der 11. Teil einer Einführung in die Python3-Bibliothek Tkinter und der lange Weg zum perfekten GUI.
#gui #linux #python #tkinder #neofetch
on Sep 6