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15 105 daily Toot LinkedIn
A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From chaos.social

Maxi 10x 💉 (@frumble@chaos.social)

2 2

Was haben sie bei #KDE #Dolphin jetzt schon wieder verschlimmbessert? 😭 Die Adressleiste hat jetzt vertikale | Trennstriche | zwischen den Hierarchien, voll der visuelle Clutter, oh Mann! Und jede Hierarchie hat ein eigenes Ordnersymbol, warum??! 😭


22h ago


From gitlab.io


2 5

Proof-of-Concept OS for the EU

#kde #euos #linux #fedora #freiheit #opensource

on Dec 29


From codeberg.org


1 1

A script which downloads the latest picture of the day from Bing.com or apod.nasa.gov and allows the user to automatically set the downloaded image as a wallpaper on *nix.

#bsd #kde #apod #bing #xfce #gnome #linux #walls #wallpaper

on Mar 14



From kockatoo.org

Comparing Performance, Budget, and Development Pace

1 1

You can find all of these videos as written articles, plus some extra content, at https://thelibre.news You can the channel grow by donating to the following platforms: Paypal: https://paypal.me/ni...

#kde #linux #kdeplasma

11h ago


From kde.org

This Week in Plasma: 6.4 Improvements

1 3

Welcome to a new issue of "This Week in Plasma"! Every week we cover the highlights of what's happening in the world of KDE Plasma and its associated apps like Discover, System Monitor, and more.


on Sat, 5AM


From kdeblog.com

Mejoras en Plasma 6.4 - Esta semana en Plasma - KDE Blog

2 2

Mejoras en Plasma 6.4, tercer artículo de "Esta semana en Plasma", traducción de los informes con las novedades de Nate Graham.


12h ago


From 9to5linux.com

EndeavourOS Mercury Neo Launches with KDE Plasma 6.3, NVIDIA 570, and Mesa 25 - 9to5Linux

3 3

EndeavourOS Mercury Neo distribution is now available for download with Linux 6.13.7, updated core components, and improved installation.

#kde #mesa #linux #nvidia #archlinux #opensource #endeavouros

12h ago

Showing first 8 out of 9