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From siupress.com

St. Louis and Empire

1 1

At first glance, St. Louis, Missouri, or any American city, for that matter, seems to have little to do with foreign relations, a field ostensibly conducted ...

#stl #lincoln #stlouis #civilwar #histodons #bookstodon

9h ago

From youtube.com

- YouTube

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Bekijk je favoriete video's, luister naar de muziek die je leuk vindt, upload originele content en deel alles met vrienden, familie en anderen op YouTube.

#rome #Video #africa #empire #britain #history #histodon #imperium #scotland #histodons

10h ago

From youtube.com

- YouTube

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Bekijk je favoriete video's, luister naar de muziek die je leuk vindt, upload originele content en deel alles met vrienden, familie en anderen op YouTube.

#yule #sweden #history #folklore #Christmas #histodons

17h ago

From osil.info

Un depósito funerario e un posible enterramento infantil, entre as descubertas da cuarta campaña no Preguntoiro (Pantón)

1 1

  Co fin de afondar nas orixes e no significado da paisaxe da Ribeira Sacra como espazo simbólico na alta Idade Media, comezaban no 2021 a escavación no xacemento medieval do Preguntoiro (Pombeiro, Pantón). Dende entón xa catro as campañas arqueolóxicas realizadas neste singular espazo e...

#galiza #galicia #histodons #idademedia #middleages #archaeodons #archaeology #arqueologia #opreguntoiro #ribeirasacra

21h ago

From historicum.net

Auslaufende FID-Lizenzen zum Jahresende

1 1

Die Quellensammlungen „Mass Observation Online“ und „Service Newspapers of World War Two“ sowie die Online-Archive der britischen Wochenmagazine „The Listener“ und „The New Statesman“ stehen noch bis 31. Dezember 2024 als FID-Lizenz über den Fachinformationsdienst Geschichtswissenschaft zur Verfügung.

#histodons #fidlizenzen

on Thu, 11AM

From libraries.tas.gov.au

Apply now! Fellowships of the State Library of Tasmania and Tasmanian Archives

1 1

The State Library of Tasmania and Tasmanian Archives are pleased to offer a fellowship program. The Fellowships, each valued at $10,000 will commence in 2023 with one research fellowship and one creative fellowship. The Fellowships have been introduced to support academics, researchers,...

#glam #histodons #digitalhumanities

on Sep 6