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From bbc.com

IPBES report sees climate, nature and food challenges interlinked

10 15

A new approach is needed to tackle the interlinked crises afflicting the planet, scientists warn.

#ipbes #nature #report #economy #capitalism #extinction #globalwarming #globalcarbonfeeanddividendpetition #Food #water

on Tue, 2PM

From ipbes.net

Media Release: IPBES Transformative Change Assessment

3 3

Summary for Policymakers, photos, ‘B-roll’ & media resources  

#Vote #ipbes #peace #nature #wealth #ecology #marxism #Election #Politics #organize

6h ago

From carbonbrief.org

IPBES nexus report: Five takeaways for biodiversity, food, water, health and climate - Carbon Brief

2 3

“Fragmented governance” between biodiversity, climate change, food, water and health is putting all of those...

#Food #Vote #ipbes #labor #peace #water #ecology #marxism #workers #Election

on Tue, 5PM

From ipbes.net

Media Release: IPBES Nexus Assessment

1 1

Summary for Policymakers, photos, ‘B-roll’ & media resources  

#ipbes #klimaberichte

6h ago