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From globalnews.ca

Pig head mounted on UBC fence an act of antisemitism, Jewish group says - BC | Globalnews.ca

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The severed head was discovered on Tuesday, in front of what appears to be UBC President Benoit-Antoine Bacon's home. 

#protest #Politics #globalnews #antisemitism #israelgazawar

on Sep 6

From trustsnew.com

UK decision to suspend some Israel arms sales faces growing backlash | TrustsNew

1 2

The decision to suspend some arms sales to Israel was facing a growing backlash from all sides, with Boris Johnson accusing Labour of abandoning Israel and asking if it wanted Hamas to win the war in Gaza. The Board of Deputies of British Jews said the decision sent the wrong message at the...

#law #gaza #Israel #UKnews #Politics #Worldnews #armstrade #foreignpolicy #israelgazawar #Palestinianterritories

on Sep 6