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From ofb.biz

Apple Needs a Snow Sequoia

13 23

The same year Apple launched the iPhone, it unveiled a massive upgrade to Mac OS X known as Leopard, sporting “300 New Features.” Two years later, it did something almost unheard of: it released Snow Leopard, an upgrade all about how little it added and how much it took away. Apple needs to make...

#os #mac #osx #apple #macos #snowleopard #snowsequoia

on Mar 20

From applech2.com

MacのTime Machineプロセスをメニューバーから確認できるユーティリティ「TimeMachineStatus」がバックアップが失敗した際のエラーメッセージ表示に対応。

2 2

TimeMachineStatusはオーストリアのLukas Pistrolさんが2023年11月から開発しているオープンソースのTime Machineユーティリティですが、この最新バージョンとなる「TimeMachineStatus v0.2.5」でバックアップエラーメッセージの表示に対応しています。

#oss #macos #github #applech2 #アプリ #timemachine #time_machine #レビュー #仕事効率化 #アップデート

on Fri, 1AM

From appaddict.app

Improve your Google Searches

2 2

I am in the process of moving all my Internet research to Kagi, but I wrote this for someone who needed these instructions today. Google, the advertising company that also has a search engine, is...

#mac #Apple #macos #appaddict

on Feb 16

From github.com

GitHub - xotypeco/big_shoulders

2 2

Contribute to xotypeco/big_shoulders development by creating an account on GitHub.

#cask #macos #newpkg #homebrew

on Feb 16

From bitwarden.com

Download the Bitwarden Password Manager App for iPhone, Android, Chrome, Safari, and More | Bitwarden

1 1

Secure your digital life. Download Bitwarden and sync your secure password vault across all your devices including mobile iPhone or Android devices, desktop applications such as Windows, MacOS, or Linux, and the browser extension on Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and more!

#macos #homebrew #opensource

3h ago

From github.com

GitHub - fmaclen/hollama: A minimal web-UI for talking to Ollama (and OpenAI) servers

1 1

A minimal web-UI for talking to Ollama (and OpenAI) servers - fmaclen/hollama

#macos #homebrew #opensource

3h ago

From github.com

GitHub - MacDownApp/macdown: Open source Markdown editor for macOS.

1 1

Open source Markdown editor for macOS. Contribute to MacDownApp/macdown development by creating an account on GitHub.

#macos #homebrew #opensource

4h ago

From github.com

GitHub - GNOME/gimp: Read-only mirror of https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gimp

1 1

Read-only mirror of https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gimp - GNOME/gimp

#macos #homebrew #opensource

4h ago

From gitlab.com

Inkscape / inkscape · GitLab

1 1

Inkscape vector image editor

#macos #homebrew #opensource

4h ago

From heise.de

Quicksilver lives: Update of the macOS tool lands on Sequoia

1 1

The Quicksilver team has once again published an update for its well-known Mac tool. This time it's about future technology.

#it #mac #news #apple #macos #mobiles

5h ago

From heise.de

Quicksilver lebt: Update des macOS-Tools landet auf Sequoia

1 1

Totgesagte leben länger: Das Quicksilver-Team hat wieder einmal ein Update für sein bekanntes Mac-Tool publiziert. Dieses Mal geht es um Zukunftstechnik.

#it #mac #news #apple #macos #mobiles

12h ago

From macg.co

macOS Sequoia empêche l'installation d'une ancienne version de macOS en externe

1 1

À une époque, il était simple d'installer plusieurs versions de Mac OS X sur un disque dur interne, ou même en externe. Mais avec les Mac Apple Silicon, Apple a tenté de sécuriser le tout, ce qui amène parfois quelques inconvénients. Avec macOS Sequo...

#macos #applesilicon

12h ago

From heise.de

Final Cut Pro: Updates for Mac and iPad including image generators

1 1

Apple has updated its professional editing program on all platforms. This time it is (also) about AI – but not only.

#it #mac #ipad #news #apple #macos #ipados #mobiles #videoschnitt #entertainment

13h ago

From heise.de

Final Cut Pro: Updates für Mac und iPad inklusive Bildgeneratoren

1 1

Apple hat sein Profischnittprogramm auf allen Plattformen aktualisiert. Diesmal geht es (auch) um KI – aber nicht nur.

#it #mac #ipad #news #apple #macos #ipados #mobiles #videoschnitt #entertainment

13h ago

From allthingsopen.org

Getting started with Krita: A free digital painting tool for beginners and pros | We Love Open Source - All Things Open

1 1

Welcome to the exciting world of digital art! Whether you are an experienced artist or a curious beginner, Krita is a name you should know. Developed by the KDE community, Krita... Read More

#macos #homebrew #opensource

on Feb 28

From youtube.com

- YouTube

1 1

Bekijk je favoriete video's, luister naar de muziek die je leuk vindt, upload originele content en deel alles met vrienden, familie en anderen op YouTube.

#macos #youtube #FediTips #productivity

on Feb 16

From infoidevice.fr

Organisez vos fenêtres sur macOS avec MacsyZones

1 1

MacsyZones est un gestionnaire de fenêtres open source pour macOS, inspiré de FancyZones. Organisez vos fenêtres avec des mises en page personnalisables et multi-moniteurs.


on Feb 16

From fellr.net

Fell (@fell@ma.fellr.net)

1 1

Whoever at @kde@floss.social made it so that #Plasma remembers resolution and scaling settings for each individual monitor indefinitely is an absolute hero. Plugged your computer into your TV? Boom! Scaling and resolution applied. Plug it back into the monitor on your desk? Bam! Settings...

#Apple #macos

on Feb 16

From imimot.com


1 1

Vezér - timeline and control software for audiovisual artist

#cask #macos #newpkg #homebrew

on Feb 16

From github.com

got: update to 0.109 by artkiver · Pull Request #27684 · macports/macports-ports

1 1

Description Type(s) bugfix enhancement security fix Tested on macOS 15.3.1 24D70 arm64 Command Line Tools Verification Have you followed our Commit Message Guidelin...

#git #got #isc #macos #openbsd #MacPorts #opensource #gameoftrees #versioncontrol

on Feb 16

From github.com

GitHub - houseabsolute/precious: One code quality tool to rule them all

1 1

One code quality tool to rule them all. Contribute to houseabsolute/precious development by creating an account on GitHub.

#linux #macos #newpkg #formula #homebrew

on Feb 16

From pupuweb.com

How Do You Stop Annoying Automatic Unit Conversions in Text Edit on macOS? - PUPUWEB

1 1

Struggling with Automatic Unit Conversions in Text Edit? Here’s How to Fix It! Typing should feel simple, right? But then, Text Edit decides to act smart

#macos #mactips #textedit

on Feb 16

From pupuweb.com

How Can You Easily Remove Bloatware from macOS Sequoia? - PUPUWEB

1 1

Struggling with macOS Bloatware? Master the Art of Debloating Your System Bloatware can clutter your Mac, slow it down, and waste resources. Let’s tackle

#macos #mactips #bloatware

on Feb 16

From ollama.com

Download Ollama on macOS

1 1

Download Ollama for macOS

#macos #homebrew #opensource

on Jan 17

From ufficiozero.org

Ufficio Zero Linux OS

1 1

Ufficio Zero Linux OS è il sistema operativo desktop open source per professionisti, uffici, enti pubblici e privati

#os #pc #mac #linux #macos #windows #computer #opensource

on Nov 25

From telerik.com

It’s Time to Say Goodbye to Visual Studio for Mac

1 1

Time to wish Visual Studio for Mac a fond farewell and embrace VS Code and C# Dev Kit.

#macos #dotnet #vscode #vsformac #aspnetcore #dotnetmaui #visualstudio

on Sep 5

From obdev.at

Little Snitch

1 1

Protects your privacy and prevents your private data from being sent out to the Internet without your knowledge.

#macos #networkinsights

on Sep 5

From github.com

GitHub - medialab/xan: The CSV magician

1 3

The CSV magician. Contribute to medialab/xan development by creating an account on GitHub.

#csv #rust #macos #homebrew

on Aug 26

From github.com

GitHub - felangga/chiko: The ultimate beauty gRPC Client on your Terminal!

1 1

The ultimate beauty gRPC Client on your Terminal! Contribute to felangga/chiko development by creating an account on GitHub.

#linux #macos #newpkg #formula #homebrew

on Jul 15

From basbroek.nl

Testing Swift Testing

1 1

At WWDC24, Apple introduced Swift Testing, which is a new way to write tests in Swift, practically replacing XCTest for unit tests. And it’s great. There are two sessions that give a great introduction to the new framework, and I recommend checking them out: Meet Swift Testing Go further with...

#iOS #tvos #macos #swift #testing #watchos #visionos #programming

on Jun 26

From allthingsopen.org

Create stunning images with a few prompts using DiffusionBee - All Things Open

1 1

Generating a high-quality picture by just entering a few words at a prompt appealed to a person challenged to draw stick figures. That’s what drew me to Stable Diffusion in... Read More

#macos #homebrew #opensource

on Jun 6

From vscodium.com

VSCodium - Open Source Binaries of VSCode

1 2

Free/Libre Open Source Software Binaries of VSCode

#macos #homebrew #opensource

on May 31

From github.com

GitHub - houseabsolute/ubi: The Universal Binary Installer

1 2

The Universal Binary Installer. Contribute to houseabsolute/ubi development by creating an account on GitHub.

#linux #macos #newpkg #formula #homebrew

on May 29

From allthingsopen.org

Unleashing the power of Homebrew on MacOS - All Things Open

1 1

For a tech enthusiast like me, getting an M2 MacBook Air (M2 Air) isn’t just a purchase; it’s an ascent. It’s like stumbling upon a mythical unicorn, except this one... Read More

#macos #homebrew #opensource

on May 21