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From alternativanerd.com.br

Paciência, Fãs de Gotham: Andy Muschietti Revela Longa Espera para o Novo Batman do DCU - Alternativa Nerd

1 1

Andy Muschietti confirma que o novo Batman do DCU não chegará tão cedo. Fique por dentro e veja o que esperar enquanto isso!

#DCU #batman #cinema #theflash #jamesgunn #benaffleck #mattreeves #continuacao #michaelkeaton #andymuschietti

4h ago

From deadline.com

‘Beetlejuice Beetlejuice’ Cast Jokes Tim Burton “Had To Wait” For Jenna Ortega’s Birth To Make Sequel

1 1

More than 35 years later, 'Beetlejuice' stars Michael Keaton and Catherine O'Hara credited Jenna Ortega for getting Tim Burton to make the sequel.

#News #timburton #wednesday #jennaortega #michaelkeaton #catherineohara #beetlejuicebeetlejuice

on Sep 6

From hollywoodreporter.com

Michael Keaton Hints He’s Ready to Change His Name Professionally

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The actor's anticipated credit change references his birth name, which he couldn't use due to SAG rules.

#News #generalnews #michaelkeaton

on Sep 5

From meugamer.com

Crítica - Os Fantasmas Ainda se Divertem: Beetlejuice Beetlejuice

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Crítica de Os Fantasmas Ainda se Divertem: Beetlejuice Beetlejuice. Tim Burton retorna com uma continuação divertida e fiel. Leia sem spoilers.

#cinema #review #warner #critica #jennaortega #winonaryder #beetlejuice2 #michaelkeaton

on Sep 5

From thecraggus.com

Beetlejuice (1988) Review

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A review for the previously released. There’s possibly no better way to introduce Beetlejuice than with the immortal line, "It's showtime!" A fitting pro

#comedy #horror #tonycox #blogging #jackangel #movieblog #timburton #dickcavett #geenadavis #thecraggus

on Sep 5