Why is DC's 'Batman: The Brave and the Bold' Movie Facing a Major Delay?
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The DC Universe has been on the cusp of a new era with its reimagined slate of films, but one project has hit an unexpected snag. "Batman: The Brave and the Bold," eagerly anticipated by fans, has been confirmed to be delayed. This news comes amidst a whirlwind of speculation and excitement for...
#DCU #batman #dccomics #jamesgunn #movienews #thedarkknight #andymuschietti #comicbookmovies #superheromovies #thebraveandthebold
17h ago
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Andy Muschietti confirma que o novo Batman do DCU não chegará tão cedo. Fique por dentro e veja o que esperar enquanto isso!
#DCU #batman #cinema #theflash #jamesgunn #benaffleck #mattreeves #continuacao #michaelkeaton #andymuschietti
19h ago