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From apnews.com

Pope and imam of Southeast Asia's largest mosque make joint call to fight violence, protect planet

3 5

Pope Francis has joined the grand imam of Southeast Asia’s largest mosque in pledging to work together to fight religiously inspired violence and protect the planet.

#god #call #imam #love #open #pope #fight #Mosque #mutual #planet

on Sep 5

From chipwits.com

ChipWits' 40th Birthday: Original FORTH Code Open Sourced! - ChipWits Robot Coding Game

1 1

To celebrate ChipWits' 40th Anniversary, the original FORTH source code has been open sourced! Learn about the game's history and source code

#open #gaming #software

on Nov 19

From trendingtech.news

Toekomst van softwareontwikkeling: de opmars van open source ai

1 1

In de snel evoluerende wereld van de technologie neemt de interesse in open source software en artificial intelligence (AI) gestaag toe. All Hands AI, een voor

#AI #all #News #open #nieuws #trending #technologie #softwareontwikkeling

on Sep 5

From github.com

GitHub - gmpalter/cl-forth: Common Lisp implementation of the Forth 2012 Standard

1 3

Common Lisp implementation of the Forth 2012 Standard - gmpalter/cl-forth

#lisp #open #programming

on Sep 4

From werd.social

Ben Werdmuller (@ben@werd.social)

1 1

3.62K Posts, 4.18K Following, 6.14K Followers · I lead technology at ProPublica and write speculative fiction. This is a personal account. Every day, I write about tech, democracy, and society at https://werd.io. More about me: https://about.werd.io #indieweb #opensource #journalism...

#open #SocialMedia

on Apr 7