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From emptywheel.net

Emil Bove's Missing Documents - emptywheel

10 10

There are a number of documents Judge Dale Ho might demand that Emil Bove submit to the docket before dismissing the case against Eric Adams, including the notes from a January 31 meeting that Bove confiscated. Remarkably, though, Bove didn't even submit the most obvious: Adams' consent to...

#nonazis #stopfascism #impeachtrump #gopcorruption #savedemocracy #gopfourthreich #opposetrumpsamerika

on Feb 16

From theguardian.com

Netanyahu says Israel working closely with US on Trump’s plan for Gaza

9 9

Israeli PM and US secretary of state express joint support for ‘bold vision’ that would force 2 million people to leave

#bds #gaza #trump #nonazis #leahylaw #netanyahu #stopaipac #UutisBotEN #settlersout #stopfascism

on Feb 16