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From lero.ie

Lero Director’s Prizes 2024 Celebrate Top Achievements of Leading Irish Researchers | Lero

1 1

Lero, the Research Ireland Centre for Software, recently hosted the sixth edition of the Lero Director's Prizes at a prestigious lunch event on December 11th at the University of Limerick.

#oss #lero #edtech #higherred #OpenScience #openresearch #highereducation

3h ago

From umich.edu

Mcity unveils digital twin, making its physical AV testing facility available for free in the virtual world

1 1

The first open-source digital twin of the Mcity Test Facility—the University of Michigan's test center for connected and autonomous vehicles and technologies—is now available to the public, giving researchers around the world a new free tool.

#oss #edtech #highered #opensource #OpenScience

5h ago

From larampa.news

'Stiamo aspettando da tanto': madre e figlia aggrediscono tre oss

1 1

Nella tarda mattinata di venerdì 13 Dicembre, personale del Posto di polizia ospedaliera e della Squadra Volanti della Questura di

#oss #madre #figlia

10h ago

From neos.io

Neos 9 Beta-17 Release

1 1

Today we released another Neos 9 Beta. Because it doesn’t snow here, have a special snowflake in form of a new shiny Beta ︎❇︎ Thanks to all who contributed <3. Sebastian Kurfürst Denny Lubitz Wilhelm Behncke Marc Henry Schultz Paula Kallert Bastian Waidelich Christian Müller Upgrade...

#oss #neoscms

15h ago

From umassmed.edu

Staking out the Stakeholders: Using NIST’s Research Data Framework Within a Public University System

1 1

Purpose: This article first introduces and contextualizes the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Research Data Framework (RDaF) and then explores its application in a local context. Setting/Participants: The State University of New York (SUNY) System, both at a system-wide...

#oss #researchdata

15h ago

From neos.io

Neos 9.0 Pre-release update

1 1

We last talked about our plans for Neos 9.0 back in May shortly after the conference and we expected at that point to provide the 9.0 release in 2024. As it is December this update will give you ou...

#oss #neoscms

15h ago

From ropensci.org

Getting Bibliographic Records from OpenAlex Database Using DSL API

1 1

A set of tools to extract bibliographic content from OpenAlex database using API <https://docs.openalex.org>.

#oss #rstats #PeerReviewed #apackageaday

on Sep 6

From thelounge.chat

The Lounge

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The Lounge is a self-hosted web IRC client for the modern world.

#irc #oss #thelounge

on Nov 17, 2023