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From samgrover.com

The Aptly Named, Sam's Blog

1 1

Walk at Powell Butte Nature Park. Portland, Oregon. 24th December 2024.

#pdx #photography

22h ago

From craigslist.org

Critter & Guitari 5 Moons - musical instruments - by owner - sale - craigslist

1 1

Mint condition Critter and Guitari 5 Moons multitrack mixer 5 tracks for looping endless overdubbing through bounce down functionality Wood enclosure, runs on 5v wall power

#pdx #5moons #oregon #portland #craigslist #critterandguitari

on Sep 5

From google.com

Rehearsing Disaster Workshop RSVP

1 1

How will you survive when the Big One hits? Play some video games and find out! In this interactive session you can try out three different games used in research about motivating earthquake preparedness, check out some tools and tips useful for staying safe, and quiz the researchers about what...

#pdx #gamedev #Cascadia #portland #earthquake #preparedness #seriousgames

on Sep 5

From 211info.org

211info | Connect. Inform. Empower.

1 1

211info is a community-based nonprofit organization funded by state and municipal contracts, foundations, United Ways, donations and community partners in Oregon and Southwest Washington.


on Sep 5