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From google.com

Echocardiography With Simulations

13 22

The book comes with a permanent license for Echocardiography Online Simulator MyEchocardiography.com - a powerful online resource that users can use from the comfort of their homes.You can access the Simulator when you buy the book.The book provides the reader with the necessary theoretical...

on Tue, 11AM

From adrianroselli.com

Don’t Use Tabindex Greater than 0

1 1

Animated GIF Animated GIF showing the tab order on a page using the default Re-CAPTCHA, which sets a tabindex, forcing a keyboard user through six tab-stops to get to the Skip to content link. Tabindex had the potential to be a useful attribute. A developer could set the order in…

#a11y #accessibility

12h ago

(Showing 20 out of 559.)