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12 112 daily Toot LinkedIn
A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From htmhell.dev


1 3

A collection of bad practices in HTML, copied from real websites.


on Dec 7


From youtube.com

- YouTube

1 1

Bekijk je favoriete video's, luister naar de muziek die je leuk vindt, upload originele content en deel alles met vrienden, familie en anderen op YouTube.


on Dec 3


From access42.net

Access42 recrute un·e chargé·e de projet formation (H/F/NB) – Access42

1 1

Présentation d’Access42 Access42 est une coopérative (SCOP) spécialisée en accessibilité numérique. Notre mission est de rendre le numérique accessible aux personnes en situation de handicap, pour contribuer à une société plus accessible et plus juste. Depuis 2014, nous accompagnons les...

#a11y #paris #emploi #recrutement #accessibilite

23h ago


From adrianroselli.com

A11y Camp: Keynote Slides

1 1

Download a 3.6MB tagged PDF of my slides or try the embedded view if your browser displays PDF inline. The text in the slides is set in Atkinson Hyperlegible. The PDF is exported from PowerPoint, after confirming reading order and alternative text. The PDF itself has had no editing. Not…


on Dec 2


From w3.org

Ethical Web Principles

1 5

The web should be a platform that helps people and provides a positive social benefit. As we continue to evolve the web platform, we must therefore consider the consequences of our work. The following document sets out ethical principles that will drive W3C's continuing work in this direction.

#a11y #sustainableaccessibility

on Thu, 11AM


From mozilla.org

aria-current - Accessibility | MDN

1 1

A non-null aria-current state on an element indicates that this element represents the current item within a container or set of related elements.

#til #a11y #webdev

on Oct 29


From cntraveller.com

This is the world's most disability-friendly airline

1 1

Air New Zealand is on a mission to become the world's most accessible airline – we tested it out


13h ago


From rtve.es

M. A. Valero: "España es una potencia en accesibilidad"

1 1

Miguel Ángel Valero trabaja en proyectos que desarrollan tecnologías innovadoras para facilitar la accesibilidad de las personas con discapacidad.

#web #a11y #podcast #tecnologia #accesibilidad

19h ago


From disabilityscoop.com

Walmart Enhancing Accessibility For Shoppers With Disabilities

1 1

The nation's largest retailer is piloting a new program aimed at enabling people with disabilities to shop more independently.

#a11y #disabilities #accessibility

11h ago

Showing first 12 out of 12