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From forskning.no

Almost no ME/CFS patients return to work

1 1

'The help we have provided to patients through the welfare and healthcare systems has had little rehabilitative effect,' says a researcher.

#cfs #pwme #mecfs #chronicfatiguesyndrome #myalgicencephalomyelitis

2h ago

From prnewswire.com

Virax Biolabs Enrolls First Patients in Clinical Study Assessing T cell Dysfunction in Post-acute Infection Syndromes

1 1

/PRNewswire/ -- Virax Biolabs Group Limited (NASDAQ: VRAX) ("Virax" or the "Company"), an innovative biotechnology company focused on the detection of immune...

#lc #cfs #pasc #pwlc #pwme #covid #mecfs #covid19 #covid_19 #sarscov2

3h ago

From tidsskriftet.no

CFS/ME-pasienter blir hørt – og det finnes behandling som hjelper mange

1 1

10.02.2025: Debatt - Kritikken fra Kjempengren-Vold er ikke lett å bli klok på (1).

#cfs #pwme #mecfs #chronicfatiguesyndrome #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis

on Feb 16

From tidsskriftet.no

Hvorfor ME-pasienter må bli hørt

1 1

10.02.2025: Debatt - Forskere og behandlingsmiljøer med biopsykososial forståelse av sykdommen snakker om oss, ikke med oss.

#cfs #pwme #mecfs #chronicfatiguesyndrome #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis

on Feb 16

From glass.photo

Not yet bed bound:

1 1

Andrew Gifford on Glass

#pwme #mecfs #mecfsart #spoonies #photography

on Feb 16

From glass.photo

Going nowhere:

1 1

Andrew Gifford on Glass

#pwme #mecfs #mecfsart #spoonies #photography

on Feb 16

From virology.ws

Trial By Error: GET Ideologues Try to Rebut Muscle Abnormality Study--and Fail | Virology Blog

1 2

By David Tuller, DrPH It is a pleasure to read a pointed and effective smack-down of an ill-informed argument, especially when the argument is pushing the g ...

#LC #cfs #PASC #pwLC #pwme #mecfs #LongCovid #PostCovid #LongHaulers #postCOVID19

on Feb 15

From eventbrite.co.uk

Dialogues of a Neglected Illness Film - Dr. William Weir Q&A

1 1

Join us to explore how the increase in Post-Viral Illness/Long Covid is highlighting the tangled history of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis

#cfs #pwme #mecfs #myalgicencephalomyelitis

on Sep 6

From wordpress.com

The Faulty Battery Clause

1 1

Like any upheaval in life, my first year living with ME required an immense amount of alteration to my pre-ME existence, as such, a fight ensued. For most, the word fight conjures up a red and blue…

#cfs #pwme #mecfs #chronicfatiguesyndrome #myalgicencephalomyelitis

on Sep 5