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23 240 daily Toot LinkedIn
A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From jogh.org

Evolution of long COVID over two years in hospitalised and non-hospitalised survivors in Bangladesh: a longitudinal cohort study — JOGH

1 1

Post-COVID syndrome, or long COVID, refers to the long-term health consequences of COVID-19 that can persist for months or even years after recovering from the acute infection [1,2]. Despite a significant decline in COVID-19 cases and the disease no longer being a global health emergency, new...


11h ago


From clinicnineteen.com.au

Clinic Nineteen

1 1

Get started on the path to feeling like yourself again

#covid19 #australia #longcovid #healthcare

19h ago


From europe-solidaire.org

En France, cinq ans après l’émergence du covid, quelques leçons ont été retenues, beaucoup oubliées - Europe Solidaire Sans Frontières

1 1

Naïveté, prétention, impréparation, confusion et mensonges : les échecs politiques dans la gestion du covid ont été largement disséqués. Cinq ans (…)

#covid19 #pandemie #gestioncrise #santepublique #leconsapprises

11h ago


From europe-solidaire.org

Ce que le covid nous a fait - Europe Solidaire Sans Frontières

1 1

Cinq ans après le grand confinement, nos sociétés et nos intimités n'ont sans doute pas encore pris la mesure du grand basculement entraîné par la (…)

#covid19 #societe #pandemie #confinement #santepublique

11h ago


From europe-solidaire.org

Covid-19 (France) : l’hommage volé aux morts et aux endeuillés - Europe Solidaire Sans Frontières

1 1

Ailleurs, de nombreux dirigeants ont honoré la mémoire des morts du covid. En France, les associations de proches de victimes réclament en vain un (…)

#deuil #sante #france #covid19 #hommage

11h ago


From productordesostenibilidad.es

Grandes granjas, grandes gripes.

1 1

En «Grandes granjas, grandes gripes» Rob Wallace explica la relación entre el sistema de producción de alimentos y el creciente riesgo de pandemias

#covid19 #pandemia #zoonosis #macrogranjas

11h ago


From plos.org

Direct and indirect impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on life expectancy and person-years of life lost with and without disability: A systematic analysis for 18 European countries, 2020–2022

1 5

Sara Ahmadi-Abhari and colleagues explore the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic might have had on life expectancy and years of life lost, with and without disability, in 18 European countries. They hope that this will help to inform future work in the area of public health preparedness.


on Wed, 10AM


From svt.se

Bommar och traktordäck – så såg det ut när Norge stängde gränsen

1 1

Den 16:e mars 2020 stängde Norge gränsen. Coronaviruset spreds snabbt och syftet var att stoppa det som norrmännen kallade ”importsmitta”. På alla farbara vägar mellan Sverige och Norge markerade skyltar, bommar och traktordäck att det inte var tillåtet att passera.

#norge #covid19 #onthisday

14h ago


From fortunejournals.com

Post Covid Syndrome and Cognitive Dysfunction – Aetiology and Possible Treatment

1 1

Post Covid Syndrome and Cognitive Dysfunction – Aetiology and Possible Treatment. PubMed, SCI, Scopus, ESCI, PMC indexed

#pasc #pwlc #covid #novid #covid19 #covid_19 #sarscov2 #longcovid #neuropasc #postcovid

7h ago

Showing first 17 out of 18