10 10
Five years after the first lockdown, millions of lives are still being ruined by this debilitating disease. You wouldn’t know it, says Guardian columnist Frances Ryan
#corona #maskup #covid19 #wearamask #coronavirus #covidisnorover #covid #longcovid #covidisnotover
15h ago
30 Charts That Show How Covid Changed Everything in March 2020
2 12
It can be easy to forget, or look away from, the pain and disruption of the pandemic. The numbers will be there to remind us.
#covid #covid19 #economy #americans #education #healthcare
5h ago
1 1
Printemps 2020. En quelques jours, Montréal bascule à son tour en confinement. Je décide de parcourir le quartier où je réside alors (Rosemont-La Petite Patrie) pour créer des portraits des personn…
#bnw #canada #quebec #covid19 #fineart #montreal #pandemic #monochrome #documentary #sociallinks
7h ago
☣ Films vus pendant la pandémie de Covid19 / Coronavirus ☢ - Liste de 786 films - SensCritique
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★ Liste de 786 films par RENGER. Avec Nick Fury, K2000 : La Nouvelle Arme, L'Homme araignée, La Riposte de l'homme-araignée, etc.
9h ago
Tristán Ulloa cuenta su caso personal y lanza un potentísimo mensaje sobre el documental 7291
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Más claro, imposible.
#covid19 #virales #tristanulloa #isabeldiazayuso
14h ago
News from the USA, United States of America
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WBEZ Chicago (NPR station): 'How long COVID patients are faring five years after the pandemic shut down Illinois' Reset checks in with researchers,...
#lc #pasc #pwlc #covid #novid #covid19 #covid_19 #sarscov2 #longcovid #neuropasc
20h ago
Five Years of Pain, Fatigue, and Gaslighting: Life With Long Covid
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People with Long Covid are still sick from a pandemic the rest of the world would rather forget.
#lc #pasc #pwlc #covid #novid #covid19 #covid_19 #sarscov2 #longcovid #neuropasc
on Sat, 2PM
Interview mit Ärztin Astrid Weber: "Long Covid wird uns nicht mehr verlassen"
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Fünf Jahre nach Beginn der Pandemie hat Covid für die meisten seinen Schrecken verloren. Doch Corona ist nicht für alle vorbei. Bei Ärztin Astrid Weber in der Koblenzer Post-Covid-Ambulanz melden sich immer mehr Betroffene.
#covid19 #longcovid #postcovid
on Sat, 10AM
5 years later, long Covid is still a medical mystery: What scientists have learned
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Why do some people develop disabling chronic conditions after the initial viral infection?
#lc #pasc #pwlc #covid #novid #covid19 #covid_19 #sarscov2 #longcovid #neuropasc
on Wed, 6AM
Proposed bill would ban administration of mRNA vaccines in Montana
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Legislators heard a bill on Friday that would make Montana the first state to ban the use of mRNA vaccines.
#mrna #covid19 #medicine #politics
on Feb 17
What Does AI Tell Us About the Future of Population Health in the COVID-19 Era: Anthropic’s Claude
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I’m authoring a series of posts about AI’s assessment of the future of COVID-19’s impact on population health in the US. I asked…
on Feb 16
Post Covid auch 5 Jahre nach Pandemiestart ein Problem
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Fünf Jahre nach Beginn der Corona-Pandemie sind die gesundheitlichen Folgen des SARS-CoV-2-Virus weiter präsent. Schwere akute Verläufe sind zwar für die meisten kein Thema mehr. Problematisch sind aber Langzeitschäden, auch nach milden Verläufen und Reinfektionen, betonten die Leiterinnen des...
on Feb 16
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Background Long COVID is a major public health burden causing a diverse array of debilitating symptoms in tens of millions of patients globally. In spite of this overwhelming disease prevalence and staggering cost, its severe impact on patients’ lives and intense global research efforts, study...
#covid #maskup #covid19 #pandemic #sarscov2 #LongCovid #CovidIsNotOver
on Feb 16
COVID and Other Viral Threats Remain High in the US: Update for February 14, 2025
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This week’s fresh batch of US wastewater data shows that COVID viral activity remains stubbornly high and Influenza is very high…
on Feb 14
Covid-19 : bilan d’une surveillance massive
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La France fait partie des pays qui ont adopté en mars 2020 les règles de confinement les plus strictes pour lutter contre la pandémie de Covid-19. Historien et sociologue, Nicolas Mariot s'est interrogé sur cette expérience d’obéissance de masse.
on Apr 10