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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From theguardian.com

Long Covid is the pandemic’s dark shadow. Why does no one in power in Britain want to talk about it? | Frances Ryan

10 10

Five years after the first lockdown, millions of lives are still being ruined by this debilitating disease. You wouldn’t know it, says Guardian columnist Frances Ryan

#corona #maskup #covid19 #wearamask #coronavirus #covidisnorover #covid #longcovid #covidisnotover

15h ago


From youtube.com

- YouTube

1 1

Bekijk je favoriete video's, luister naar de muziek die je leuk vindt, upload originele content en deel alles met vrienden, familie en anderen op YouTube.


14h ago


From s4me.info

News from the USA, United States of America

1 1

WBEZ Chicago (NPR station): 'How long COVID patients are faring five years after the pandemic shut down Illinois' Reset checks in with researchers,...

#lc #pasc #pwlc #covid #novid #covid19 #covid_19 #sarscov2 #longcovid #neuropasc

20h ago


From rollingstone.com

Five Years of Pain, Fatigue, and Gaslighting: Life With Long Covid

1 6

People with Long Covid are still sick from a pandemic the rest of the world would rather forget.

#lc #pasc #pwlc #covid #novid #covid19 #covid_19 #sarscov2 #longcovid #neuropasc

on Sat, 2PM


From nbcnews.com

5 years later, long Covid is still a medical mystery: What scientists have learned

1 6

Why do some people develop disabling chronic conditions after the initial viral infection?

#lc #pasc #pwlc #covid #novid #covid19 #covid_19 #sarscov2 #longcovid #neuropasc

on Wed, 6AM


From rnz.co.nz

Too many catching Covid-19 in hospital, experts say - but precautions being rolled back

3 3

Hospital-acquired infections are a billion-dollar burden and cause more disability than road crashes. Why aren't we doing more to prevent them?

#covidnz #covidisnotover

2h ago

Showing first 8 out of 8