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From byteseu.com

Following the traces of the Soča front – Deadhead

1 1

Following the traces of the Soča front - Deadheadhttps://www.reddit.com/gallery/1fwj038Posted by Azitromicin

#slovenia #slovenija #republicofslovenia #republikaslovenija

3h ago

From byteseu.com

Zvonec, Kocman and Eržen are the cheapest surnames

1 1

Zvonec, Kocman and Eržen are the cheapest surnameshttps://i.redd.it/r37ur1y2yqsd1.jpegPosted by Rambo-Shark6328

#slovenia #slovenija #republicofslovenia #republikaslovenija

5h ago

From byteseu.com

Help with the facade in the rain

1 1

On a relatively new facade (passive construction), when it rains heavily or for a long time, water flows under the window sill from somewhere under the facade. Would anyone have an idea where this water would come from?This problem has been relevant for a couple of months, I have been in contact...

#slovenia #slovenija #republicofslovenia #republikaslovenija

6h ago

From byteseu.com

Krka spill: road closures, in Šentjernej a call to withdraw from threatened places

1 1

Krka spill: road closures, in Šentjernej a call to withdraw from threatened placeshttps://www.24ur.com/novice/slovenija/mocan-dez-in-veter-bosta-na-jugu-drzave-vztrajala-vse-do-popoldneva.htmlPosted by Real-Hat-6749

#slovenia #slovenija #republicofslovenia #republikaslovenija

8h ago

From byteseu.com

Bart day

1 1

Bart https://i.redd.it/9emoed5ptssd1.pngPosted by Crafty-Plant-7307

#slovenia #slovenija #republicofslovenia #republikaslovenija

8h ago

From byteseu.com

Will hospitals have to schedule staff with the help of artificial intelligence?

1 1

Will hospitals have to schedule staff with the help of artificial intelligence?https://www.rtvslo.si/zdravje/ali-bodo-morale-bolnisnice-razporejati-kader-s-pomocjo-umetne-inteligence/723239Posted by Hrevak

#slovenia #slovenija #republicofslovenia #republikaslovenija

10h ago

From byteseu.com

But is it so difficult to turn on the rear lights manually in the rain?

1 1

But is it so difficult to turn on the rear lights manually in the rain?https://i.redd.it/a146r2ld9ssd1.jpegPosted by XtremeshoX

#slovenia #slovenija #republicofslovenia #republikaslovenija

11h ago

From byteseu.com

The Outin Nano: Is Portable Espresso Finally Solved? | V Ljubljani

1 1

The Outin Nano: Is Portable Espresso Finally Solved? | V Ljubljanihttps://youtu.be/ig_vJqAjyfUPosted by NerminPadez

#slovenia #slovenija #republicofslovenia #republikaslovenija

11h ago

From byteseu.com

But maybe someone knows all the locations on the legend of the name on the map map, because it's hard to see in the pictures.

1 1

But maybe someone knows all the locations on the legend of the name on the map map, because it's hard to see in the pictures.https://i.redd.it/gxr5ou2t6rsd1.pngPosted by Exact_Profession9715

#slovenia #slovenija #republicofslovenia #republikaslovenija

12h ago

From byteseu.com

When she came to pick up contraception, the pharmacist did not give her pills because of a conscientious objection

1 1

'In the Pomurské lekarne in Lendava, the pharmacist refused to issue contraceptive pills to the citizen due to a conscientious objection. This is said to be the third time this has happened, and the pharmacist is said to have cited her religious principles as the reason.'...

#slovenia #slovenija #republicofslovenia #republikaslovenija

15h ago

From byteseu.com

Studio apartment in the center of Ljubljana, partially furnished, €600/month, costs to be paid separately

1 1

Studio apartment in the center of Ljubljana, partially furnished, €600/month, costs to be paid separatelyhttps://i.redd.it/kg6emtm3zqsd1.jpegPosted by nikanikic666

#slovenia #slovenija #republicofslovenia #republikaslovenija

16h ago

From byteseu.com

My first bread. It's not the prettiest, but it's good

1 1

I'm quite satisfied for the first time, but I still need some advice. How to get a thin and crispy crust (on my bread maybe a little too hard for me) and how to get a slightly fluffier center? I used 350g of smooth white flour type 500 250g of wholemeal flour 5 dcl of lukewarm water one packet...

#slovenia #slovenija #republicofslovenia #republikaslovenija

17h ago

From byteseu.com

The coastal tram concept (IsTram)

1 1

https://metrodreamin.com/edit/MmZFYUdtYVYyMWExVE1NbXd2ZVpWWkxrQzg1M3wzI am sending you a hand-made tram concept that would connect the entire Slovenian coast. It should be emphasized here that the tram would not run all day. therefore, none of the roads would be completely closed to cars....

#slovenia #slovenija #republicofslovenia #republikaslovenija

18h ago

From byteseu.com


1 1

AI?https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1fvw037Posted by MattSilverwolf

#slovenia #slovenija #republicofslovenia #republikaslovenija

20h ago

From byteseu.com

The striking auto repairers are announcing tougher measures, but despite the strike, they have not reached a consensus with Generali

1 1

If we ignore the fact that insurance companies are not exactly poor people who need to be protected... and the fact that it is idiocy to say so 'item'..... how does this go through legally? What the repairers are doing is a classic cartel, and cartel collusion is prohibited. The Law on...

#slovenia #slovenija #republicofslovenia #republikaslovenija

on Fri, 11AM

From byteseu.com

New in Ljubljana! Someone is juggling at a red light in front of you. Give him a cent?

1 1

New in Ljubljana! Someone is juggling at a red light in front of you. Give him a cent?https://i.redd.it/5vgh8er7a5nd1.jpegPosted by smuxy

#slovenia #slovenija #republicofslovenia #republikaslovenija

on Sep 6

From byteseu.com

Traffic expert Lep on bus problems: This problem is relatively easy to fix

1 1

Traffic expert Lep on bus problems: This problem is relatively easy to fixhttps://www.rtvslo.si/slovenija/prometni-strokovnjak-lep-o-zagatah-z-avtobusi-ta-tezava-je-relativno-preprosto-odpravljiva/720165Posted by JernjejJ99

#slovenia #slovenija #republicofslovenia #republikaslovenija

on Sep 6

From byteseu.com

Humans throwing fish back to the ocean

1 1

Humans throwing fish back to the oceanhttps://v.redd.it/c7zr9ku1d3nd1Posted by Hedgethefudge

#slovenia #slovenija #republicofslovenia #republikaslovenija

on Sep 6

From byteseu.com

UV lamp against gnats and mosquitoes 12W up to 50 m²

1 1

Anyone else having this issue? Purchased through halotools, which also delivers to bypasses, etc. Supposed to be a simple UV light, it attracts mosquitoes, and the grill burns them. I bought it online, got it yesterday, I've had it in since about 18:00. I've had a bunch of mosquitoes in my room...

#slovenia #slovenija #republicofslovenia #republikaslovenija

on Sep 6

From byteseu.com

The tragic story of Dora the cat should be a lesson to all cat owners: 'Never, never give a cat…'

1 1

'Human medicines are never and never suitable for animals - this is not help at all, but ignorance. Animals have a different physiology than humans. Specifically, paracetamol is very toxic to...

#slovenia #slovenija #republicofslovenia #republikaslovenija

on Sep 5

From byteseu.com

Instead of half an hour, the drive to school takes almost two, with three intermediate transfers

1 1

Instead of half an hour, the drive to school takes almost two, with three intermediate transfershttps://www.24ur.com/novice/slovenija/tezave-z-novimi-voznimi-redi-ponekod-solarji-nagneteni-drugod-avtobusi-ni.htmlPosted by thenormal007

#slovenia #slovenija #republicofslovenia #republikaslovenija

on Sep 5

From byteseu.com

Flea: Legit or scam attempt

1 1

Hello, I am selling a pc on the flea market. For contact, I gave an email to which an Englishman living near us wrote to me. Kerzje on the other side of the country would pay me via Paypal, and send a pick-up service, where he covers the costs. As I'm always a bit cautious, a couple of things...

#slovenia #slovenija #republicofslovenia #republikaslovenija

on Sep 5