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From newspaceeconomy.ca

How Would Immortality Affect Space Exploration?

2 2

Immortality, a concept often reserved for science fiction, carries profound implications for humanity. In the context of space exploration, achieving immortality would revolutionize how humans appr…

#space #newspace #Spaceports #satellites #spaceflight #spaceeconomy #entrepreneurs #newspaceeconomy

9h ago

From newspaceeconomy.ca

Could Falcon Heavy Carry the Orion Capsule Instead of the SLS?

2 2

The Orion spacecraft, designed by NASA for deep-space exploration, plays a pivotal role in the Artemis program. Its current launch vehicle, the Space Launch System (SLS), has been developed to carr…

#space #newspace #Spaceports #satellites #spaceflight #spaceeconomy #entrepreneurs #newspaceeconomy

14h ago

From newspaceeconomy.ca

How Would Immortality Affect Earth?

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Immortality, the hypothetical ability to live indefinitely without succumbing to the biological limits of aging or disease, has long been a concept of fascination in human culture. While it remains…

#space #newspace #Spaceports #satellites #spaceflight #spaceeconomy #entrepreneurs #newspaceeconomy

15h ago

From newspaceeconomy.ca

India’s SPADEX Mission

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The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has consistently demonstrated its innovative approach to space exploration and technology. One such initiative is the Space Docking Experiment (SPADEX)…

#space #newspace #Spaceports #satellites #spaceflight #spaceeconomy #entrepreneurs #newspaceeconomy

on Sat, 7PM

From newspaceeconomy.ca

India’s Moon Missions

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India’s journey into lunar exploration has been defined by determination, innovation, and scientific achievement. Spearheaded by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), the nation has …

#space #newspace #Spaceports #satellites #spaceflight #spaceeconomy #entrepreneurs #newspaceeconomy

on Sat, 7PM

From newspaceeconomy.ca

NASA’s Lunar Impact Monitoring Program

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NASA’s Lunar Impact Monitoring Program is an important initiative aimed at understanding and documenting the natural impacts on the Moon caused by meteoroids and other celestial debris. This …

#space #newspace #Spaceports #satellites #spaceflight #spaceeconomy #entrepreneurs #newspaceeconomy

on Sat, 7PM

From newspaceeconomy.ca

Updated Status of the Polaris Dawn Mission as of September 5, 2024

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The Polaris Dawn mission, a groundbreaking commercial spaceflight led by Jared Isaacman in partnership with SpaceX, is now scheduled for launch on September 9, 2024, at 3:38 a.m. EDT from Kennedy S…

#space #newspace #Spaceports #satellites #spaceflight #spaceeconomy #entrepreneurs #newspaceeconomy

on Sep 6

From newspaceeconomy.ca

Global Exploration Roadmap 2024: Expanding Human and Robotic Exploration Across the Solar System

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The Global Exploration Roadmap 2024 presents a comprehensive vision for the future of human and robotic space exploration, reflecting international collaboration and shared objectives among the wor…

#space #newspace #Spaceports #satellites #spaceflight #spaceeconomy #entrepreneurs #newspaceeconomy

on Sep 6

From dlr.de

Ein Schwarm aus Sensoren, Rovern und Astronauten erkundet den Mond

1 2

Goldene Päckchen auf dem Mond? Nicht ganz: Das DLR hat in der LUNA-Halle erforscht, wie sich Nutzlast-Boxen, Sensoren, Rover und Astronauten zu einem Netzwerk verbinden. Sie tauschen dabei Signale aus, die für die Kommunikation und die Navigation gleichzeitig verwendet werden können.

#Esa #dlr #mond #rover #robotik #netzwerk #lunahalle #raumfahrt #exploration #mondlandung

on Thu, 5PM

From newspaceeconomy.ca

In-Space Servicing, Assembly, and Manufacturing National Strategy 2022

1 1

This National Strategy outlines how the United States will support and stimulate the United States Government (USG), academic, and commercial ISAM capability development.

#space #newspace #Spaceports #satellites #spaceflight #spaceeconomy #entrepreneurs #newspaceeconomy

on Mar 1

From newspaceeconomy.ca

Panspermia: A Hypothesis for Cosmic Life Distribution

1 1

Panspermia is a scientific hypothesis proposing that life, or at least the complex organic compounds necessary for life, exists throughout the Universe and is spread by cosmic bodies such as astero…

#space #newspace #Spaceports #satellites #spaceflight #spaceeconomy #entrepreneurs #newspaceeconomy

on Feb 1

From newspaceeconomy.ca

Extraterrestrial Life: Potential Theological Impacts

1 1

The discovery of extraterrestrial life, whether intelligent or not, would have profound implications for various aspects of human life, and theology is no exception. The impact would likely vary si…

#space #newspace #Spaceports #satellites #spaceflight #spaceeconomy #entrepreneurs #newspaceeconomy

on Feb 1

From newspaceeconomy.ca

National Orbital Debris Implementation Plan 2022

1 1

An interagency implementation plan to guide the actions of the U.S. Government (USG) in addressing orbital debris challenges.

#space #newspace #Spaceports #satellites #spaceflight #spaceeconomy #entrepreneurs #newspaceeconomy

on Jan 23

From newspaceeconomy.ca

Location of Edge Computing Functionality in Earth Observation Systems

1 1

The "edge" in edge computing generally refers to the computing infrastructure that is located closer to the data source or the user, as opposed to centralized computing systems where data processing occurs in distant data centers. In the context of Earth observation, edge computing functionality...

#space #newspace #Spaceports #satellites #spaceflight #spaceeconomy #entrepreneurs #newspaceeconomy

on Oct 18, 2023

From newspaceeconomy.ca

Understanding Edge Computing in the Context of Earth Observation

1 1

Edge computing refers to the practice of processing data closer to its source rather than relying solely on a centralized data center or cloud. In the context of Earth observation, this means that data collected from satellites, drones, sensors, or other observation instruments can be processed...

#space #newspace #Spaceports #satellites #spaceflight #spaceeconomy #entrepreneurs #newspaceeconomy

on Oct 18, 2023

From newspaceeconomy.ca

Titan: A Strange and Fascinating World with Possibilities for Life

1 1

This article explores the unique features of Titan, the scientific missions that have enhanced our understanding of this distant moon, and the theories postulating the existence of life in its harsh yet oddly Earth-like environment.

#space #newspace #Spaceports #satellites #spaceflight #spaceeconomy #entrepreneurs #newspaceeconomy

on Oct 18, 2023