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From erininthemorning.com

Trans Legislators, LGBT Orgs Urge Biden To Reconsider Anti-Trans Statement: "A Betrayal"

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On Tuesday, the Biden administration released a statement targeting surgery and other care for trans youth. Now, transgender and nonbinary state legislators are pushing back.

#lgbt #Biden #USpol #trans #lgbtqia #uspolitics #transgender #transrights #TransRightsAreHumanRights #lgbtq

9h ago

From transactual.org.uk

Transphobia – TransActual

1 1

The core value underlying all transphobia is a rejection of trans identity and a refusal to acknowledge that it could possibly be real or valid. Transphobia has no single, simple manifestation. It is complex and can include a range of behaviours and arguments. The consequence of transphobia is...

#lgbtq #trans #nonbinary #transgender #transrights

3h ago

From mprnews.org

In just a few years, half of all states passed bans on trans health care for kids

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The Supreme Court will hear a case on gender-affirming care in the next term after a flurry of legislation. Lower courts have come to conflicting conclusions when these bans were challenged.

#lgbtq #scotus #states #science #healthcare #transgender #transrights #SupremeCourt

23h ago