Nebraska Anti-Trans Proponents: "Separation Of Church And Legislature Really Pisses Me Off"
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On January 10th, Nebraska goevrnor Jim Pillen and Senator Kathleen Kauth announced a sweeping anti-trans bill that targets trans people in bathrooms and on sports teams across the state.
#lgbt #trans #lgbtqia #nebraska #sportsban #bathroomban #lgbtqiaplus #transrights #translivesmatter #acceeptancematters
on Fri, 2AM
Onrust rond seksuele voorlichting op Nijmeegse school, juf zit ziek thuis
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De manier waarop de vrijeschool Meander in Nijmegen omgaat met seksuele voorlichting zorgt voor grote onrust. Een lesbische lerares zit ‘ziek’ thuis. Tientallen ouders willen op het schoolplein demonstreren om haar een hart onder de riem te steken en de schooldirectie verbiedt dat.
#lhbti #HumanRights #transrights #ProtectTransKids
18h ago
How to be a trans ally in academia today (opinion)
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What it means to be an ally has changed, Chelsea Thompto writes.
#lgbtq #academia #transgender #transrights #academicchatter #trans
14h ago
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A recent study found opposition to transgender athletes' inclusion in sports was more common among those with weaker interest in supporting, promoting, and watching female athletes.
#USA #sport #research #transrights #sportsforall #GenderEquality #lgbtq #trans #transgender
on Thu, 8PM