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From statnews.com

CDC confirms first known severe case of H5N1 bird flu in the U.S.

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The U.S. has confirmed its first known severe human infection of H5N1 bird flu, in a person in Louisiana.

#USA #virus #avianflu #louisiana #vogelgrippe #geflugelpest #CDC #hpai #birdflu #h5n1

20h ago

From labroots.com

Researchers Reveal One Bacterium Can Play Host to Many Phages | Microbiology

1 1

Some viruses only infect bacterial cells; they are known as bacteriophages, and they have real potential to defeat antibiotic resistant superbugs. | Microbiology

#naure #virus #biology #science #bacteria #research #virology #CellBiology #microbiology #bacteriophages

19h ago

From riffreporter.de

WHO-Kampagne: Tausende Kinder in Gaza gegen Polio geimpft

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Es gibt zahllose Hindernisse. Doch bisher verläuft die Impfkampagne gegen die Kinderlähmung trotz der zerstörten Infrastruktur im Gazastreifen erfolgreich

#gaza #polio #virus #kinder

on Sep 5