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From aa.com.tr

Egypt hosts international conference to address Sudan crisis

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Egyptian foreign minister calls for immediate, sustainable cessation of military operations in Sudan - Anadolu Ajansı

16h ago

From aa.com.tr

ANALİZ- Avrupa'nın bozkurt cehaleti: Futbola ırkçı müdahale

1 1

Türkiye'de sosyal demokratından muhafazakarına, milliyetçisinden farklı ideoloji ve görüşlere sahip siyasi aktörler bozkurt işaretini kullandı ve bu sembol, Türklüğün ortak sembolü olarak kabul edildi. - Anadolu Ajansı

19h ago

From aa.com.tr

EU turning blind eye to members' arms trade with Tel Aviv: Expert

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‘The weapons cooperation with Israel makes the European Union complicit in the current genocide in Gaza,’ Irish journalist David Cronin tells Anadolu - Anadolu Ajansı

#gaza #palestine #israelwarcrimes

23h ago

From aa.com.tr

Colombia warns about danger for migrants after Panama closes Darien routes

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Newly-installed Panamanian President Jose Raul Mulino, US agreed to repatriate migrants - Anadolu Ajansı

on Sat, 10AM

From aa.com.tr

L'historien israélien Ilan Pappé, auteur du livre ‘’ Le nettoyage ethnique de la Palestine’’, interrogé par le FBI

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- Ilan Pappé fait partie des ‘’nouveaux historiens’’ qui ont réexaminé de manière critique l'histoire de l'État hébreu et du sionisme - Anadolu Ajansı

on Fri, 6PM

From aa.com.tr

Antisemitism weaponized to silence pro-Palestine voices: Expert

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‘Israel has very successfully helped engineer this situation where it’s difficult to speak about … what’s happening to Palestinians,’ says British writer Antony Lerman - Anadolu Ajansı

on Fri, 2PM

From aa.com.tr

Germany's 1st Black lawmaker won’t seek reelection after death threats

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Karamba Diaby announces decision amid rise in racist attacks, xenophobic hate crimes in the country - Anadolu Ajansı

on Wed, 5AM

From aa.com.tr

Italy's northern town of Cogne isolated after torrential rains, mudslides

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Hundreds of tourists evacuated by helicopter as regional highway to Val d'Aosta town on slopes of Gran Paradiso mountain blocked at 3 points due to mudslides - Anadolu Ajansı

on Wed, 12AM

From aa.com.tr

Israeli finance minister threatens to build new settlements for each country recognizing Palestine

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Bezalel Smotrich vows to take Palestinian state off agenda by creating facts on ground - Anadolu Ajansı

on Tue, 2PM

From aa.com.tr

Released head of Gaza's Al-Shifa Hospital says tried 3 times by Israel, with no charges

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Mohammad Abu Salmiya speaks out about severe torture faced by Palestinian detainees in Israeli prisons, lack of formal charges against him during his 7-month detention - Anadolu Ajansı

on Tue, 5AM

From aa.com.tr

Climate and capacity: Why power outages are surging around the world

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Countries in Europe, Africa, Middle East, South Asia and other parts have experienced large-scale blackouts in recent weeks - Anadolu Ajansı

on Tue, 1AM

From aa.com.tr

Greece sweated through hottest June since 2010

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In Athens, average monthly deviation of maximum temperature was up 4C, says meteorology service - Anadolu Ajansı

on Mon, 7PM

From aa.com.tr

3 more Hezbollah members killed in border clashes with Israel

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At least 356 Hezbollah fighters killed since start of clashes with Israeli forces on Oct. 8, according to Anadolu tally - Anadolu Ajansı

on Sun, 6PM

From aa.com.tr

With 90% of votes counted, Mauritania's president leads in polls

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Mohamed Ould Cheikh El Ghazouani at 55.82% as vote counting continues - Anadolu Ajansı

on Sun, 6PM

From aa.com.tr

Egypt, Qatar condemn Israeli approval of illegal settlement expansion in West Bank

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Israeli plan includes measures against Palestinian Authority, legalization of 5 settlement outposts, issuance of tenders for thousands of new housing units - Anadolu Ajansı

on Sun, 12PM

From aa.com.tr

Germany deplores Israeli killing of Doctors Without Borders aid worker in Gaza

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Humanitarian aid workers should “generally not be a target of war,” Foreign Ministry spokesman says - Anadolu Ajansı

on Jun 27

From aa.com.tr

Germany, Netherlands ask their citizens to leave Lebanon over rising regional tensions

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Netherlands repeats its call on citizens still in Lebanon to leave country over risk of further escalation - Anadolu Ajansı

on Jun 27

From aa.com.tr

'I am anti-Zionist Jew, not antisemitic,' pro-Palestine Jewish activist says

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‘If you criticize Israel, you are called antisemitic. I want to break this discourse,’ activist Dalia Sarig-Fellner tells Anadolu - Anadolu Ajansı

on Jun 26

From aa.com.tr

Navi Pillay : Les autorités israéliennes sont responsables de 'crimes de guerre' et de 'crimes contre l'humanité'

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- Selon la Présidente de la Commission d’enquête de l'ONU sur les territoires palestiniens occupés, des décennies de violence et de représailles contre les Palestiniens ont précédé l'attaque du 7 octobre contre Israël - Anadolu Ajansı

on Jun 26

From aa.com.tr

Palestinian journalist describes torture, abuse at Israeli detention camp

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Mohammed Saber Arab recounts severe mistreatment at Sde Teiman camp in testimony to his lawyer - Anadolu Ajansı

on Jun 26

From aa.com.tr

Germany calls Israeli bombing of Rafah refugee camp 'mistake'

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Investigations underway in Israel to determine whether it was a targeted attack, says German government spokesman - Anadolu Ajansı

on Jun 26

From aa.com.tr

Turkish president urges global action against Israeli 'bloodthirstiness' during Eid al-Adha

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'The world must take measures against Israel's bloodthirstiness and prevent the massacres that we witness anew every day,' says Recep Tayyip Erdogan - Anadolu Ajansı

on Jun 25

From aa.com.tr

Netanyahu meets Biden’s adviser to discuss border tensions with Lebanon

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Amos Hochstein begins discussions with Israeli officials, including Prime Minister Netanyahu, focusing on recent developments along Israeli-Lebanese border - Anadolu Ajansı

on Jun 25

From aa.com.tr

Netanyahu denounces Israeli army’s ‘tactical pause’ in southern Gaza Strip

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Army said earlier it would implement daily ‘tactical pause’ of military activity in southern Gaza Strip to allow more aid into Palestinian enclave - Anadolu Ajansı

on Jun 25

From aa.com.tr

Rallies in 48 Moroccan cities in support of Palestinians in Gaza

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Palestinian people in Gaza have been experiencing Israel's devastating onslaught for over 250 days - Anadolu Ajansı

on Jun 25

From aa.com.tr

'Mourning in every home': Palestinians express grief ahead of Eid Al-Adha

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Palestinians in West Bank struggle with economic woes, violence before Eid Al-Adha - Anadolu Ajansı

on Jun 25

From aa.com.tr

Nikki Haley’s 'Finish Them' message on Israeli bomb for Gaza sparks condemnation

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Former UN envoy extends support for Israel two days after more than 40 Palestinians were killed in airstrike on camp in Rafah - Anadolu Ajansı

on Jun 25

From aa.com.tr

Hundreds in Switzerland call for ban on Israel in 2024 Olympic Games

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Protesters in Lausanne leave red hand marks on doors of International Olympic Committee building, calling attention to civilian suffering in Gaza - Anadolu Ajansı

on Jun 25

From aa.com.tr

Accumulated waste in Gaza poses ‘catastrophic’ environmental, health risks: UN agency

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UNRWA says 330,000 tons of waste accumulated in or near populated areas in Gaza - Anadolu Ajansı

on Jun 25

From aa.com.tr

Morocco braces for forest fires amid anticipated heat wave

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Moroccan authorities introduce series of preventive, technical measures to curb forest fires in summer - Anadolu Ajansı

on Jun 25

From aa.com.tr

40 UN member states demand release of UN staff in Yemen

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'We are gravely concerned at the significant and rapid deterioration of the humanitarian situation in Yemen,' says UK's envoy to UN - Anadolu Ajansı

on Jun 25

From aa.com.tr

German association slams plans to cut funding for professors defending pro-Palestinian protests

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‘Linking an expression of opinion that is not subject to criminal prosecution to the question of whether scientific work is further eligible for funding would constitute a violation of academic freedom,’ statement says - Anadolu Ajansı

on Jun 24

From aa.com.tr

Türkiye rescues 37 irregular migrants pushed back by Greece

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Turkish forces also apprehend 143 migrants on Aegean, Mediterranean coasts - Anadolu Ajansı

on Jun 24

From aa.com.tr

Batı medyası kullandığı dil ve anlatımla İsrail'in işlediği suçların üstünü örtüyor

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Gazeteci ve aktivist Ali Abunimah, Batı medyasında yıllardır Filistin'de yaşananlara ilişkin kullanılan dil ve anlatım biçiminin İsrail’in işlediği suçları meşrulaştırmaya çalıştığını belirtti. - Anadolu Ajansı

on Jun 24

From aa.com.tr

Turkish foreign minister meets head of Russia’s Security Council

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Hakan Fidan, Sergey Shoygu discuss situation in Gaza, Syria and potential peace agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia, sources say - Anadolu Ajansı

on Jun 24

From aa.com.tr

Gaza: le bilan du massacre de Nuseirat s'alourdit à 210 morts

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- Plus de 400 personnes ont été blessées suite aux attaques israéliennes, selon le bureau des médias du gouvernement dans la bande de Gaza - Anadolu Ajansı

on Jun 23

From aa.com.tr

Norwegian university cuts all ties with Israel over violations of international law

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Board of directors decided to sever ties with Israel 'because of the war in Gaza, which violates international law,' says University of Stavanger - Anadolu Ajansı

on Jun 23

From aa.com.tr

Which US-made weaponry does Israel, which stands accused of genocide, use in Gaza?

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Media reports say there is evidence Israel used US-made GBU-39B Small Diameter Bombs in attack on unprotected tents where displaced Palestinians were staying in Rafah - Anadolu Ajansı

on Jun 11

From aa.com.tr

Un universitaire juif américain affirme qu'Israël mène une "campagne d'extermination génocidaire" à Gaza

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- "L'approche adoptée par Israël depuis 1948 n'a pas amélioré la sécurité des juifs dans le monde", déclare à Anadolu le professeur Barry Trachtenberg - Anadolu Ajansı

on Jun 11

From aa.com.tr

Israel used US-made bombs to attack UN school in Gaza: Report

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Footage from scene reviewed by CNN found fragments from at least 2 US-made GBU-39 small diameter bombs (SDB) at school in Nuseirat refugee camp - Anadolu Ajansı

on Jun 9

From aa.com.tr

"Les terres volées ne sont pas à vendre": Un salon de l'immobilier israélien suscite la polémique à Nice

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Des militants de la cause Palestinienne ont protesté, mardi, contre la tenue, à Nice, d'un salon de l'immobilier israélien - Anadolu Ajansı

on Jun 8

From aa.com.tr

Amount of Israeli bombs dropped on Gaza surpasses that of World War II

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Israel dropped 70,000 tons of bombs on Gaza Strip since last October, exceeding World War II bombings in Dresden, Hamburg, London combined, according to rights monitor - Anadolu Ajansı

on Jun 5

From aa.com.tr

Houthis launch 2 anti-ship ballistic missiles into Red Sea: US

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No injuries or damage reported, says US Central Command, after Houthis launch missiles from Yemen in past 24 hours - Anadolu Ajansı

on Jun 5

From aa.com.tr

Columbia Law Review takes down entire website after Nakba article goes live on social media

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'This most recent repression by the Columbia Law Review Board of Directors is a shameful attempt to silence groundbreaking legal scholarship shining light on the catastrophe of Zionism,' students say - Anadolu Ajansı

on Jun 5

From aa.com.tr

In Jordan's camps, the walls speak for Palestine

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Murals, grafitti give voice to over 2.5 million Palestinian refugees in Jordan - Anadolu Ajansı

on Jun 4

From aa.com.tr

Le Mossad a menacé l'ancienne procureure de la CPI pour obtenir l’abandon des procédures contre Tel Aviv

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- L’ancien chef du Mossad, Yossi Cohen, a proféré les menaces suivantes contre Fatou Bensouda : “Vous ne voulez pas vous engager dans des choses qui pourraient compromettre votre sécurité ou celle de votre famille“ - Anadolu Ajansı

on Jun 3

From aa.com.tr

Ex-Mossad chief 'threatened' former ICC prosecutor over Israeli war crimes probe in Palestine: Report

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Israeli Premier Netanyahu's 'unofficial messenger' Yossi Cohen threatened Fatou Bensouda during a series of covert meetings, pressuring her to abandon investigations, says The Guardian - Anadolu Ajansı

on May 31

From aa.com.tr

No country safe unless Israel abides by international law: Turkish president

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A bare-knuckled Israel is threat not only to Palestine or Gaza, but also to global peace and humanity as a whole,' Erdogan says - Anadolu Ajansı

on May 30

From aa.com.tr

Scale of Israel’s killings in Gaza not even half uncovered: British-Palestinian surgeon

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Current figures are ‘probably around 40% of the total number of those killed,’ Dr. Ghassan Abu Sitta tells Anadolu - Anadolu Ajansı

on May 29

From aa.com.tr

Turkish parliament adopts motion condemning Israel's offensive in Rafah

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Parliament calls on UN Security Council to urgently convene, take decision to end Israel's attacks - Anadolu Ajansı

on May 29