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From australiangeographic.com.au

Cryptic creatures: the art of camouflage - Australian Geographic

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Many of Australia's seemingly defenceless creatures employ ingenious methods to hide - and seek - in plain view.

#fish #reef #beach #ocean #scuba #Summer #diving #marine #nature #biology

23h ago

From australiangeographic.com.au

What’s behind our fascination for naming places ‘great’? - Australian Geographic

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The use of the prefix ‘great’ in Australian placename nomenclature is a prominent bookmark in our country’s past.

on Sat, 1AM

From australiangeographic.com.au

Birds are the ultimate architects - Australian Geographic

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Whether it’s a dome, cup or pendant, new research shows bird nest designs match specific climatic conditions, giving hope that some can adjust nesting behaviours for changing weather conditions.

on Fri, 1PM

From australiangeographic.com.au

How soaking in saunas could save our frogs - Australian Geographic

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‘Frog saunas’ could help save endangered species of frogs from the chytrid fungus that is devastating populations.

on Wed, 1PM

From australiangeographic.com.au

Estuary stingrays shift ‘insane amount’ of sand - Australian Geographic

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A recent study has uncovered the monumental impact just one species has in providing a functioning ecosystem.

on Tue, 12PM

From australiangeographic.com.au

Notes from the field: 'I loved witnessing that obsession' - Australian Geographic

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When it came to assigning a photographer to cover the World Solar Challenge, from Darwin to Adelaide, we had to have Thomas Wielecki!

on Jun 29

From australiangeographic.com.au

Into thinner air: Learning to climb mountains with an Everest guide - Australian Geographic

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Mountaineering can take you to the top of the world, and back again. We head to the Aussie Alps to join an outdoor classroom that aims high.

on Jun 28

From australiangeographic.com.au

An unlikely alliance: Wombat and fox become housemates - Australian Geographic

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Extraordinary images captured by camera trap show a wombat sharing its burrow with a fox and her cub in northern NSW.

on Jun 27

From australiangeographic.com.au

The New Australians of South America - Australian Geographic

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Nearly 120 years ago an idealistic bunch of Australians set sail for South America to build their utopia.

on Jun 26

From australiangeographic.com.au

The blue beauty with an impressive coat of fuzz - Australian Geographic

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We’re so used to seeing honey and bumble bees that you could be forgiven for assuming bees only came in yellow and black.

on Jun 26

From australiangeographic.com.au

Outback starman - Australian Geographic

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How does a former mineworker from Broken Hill end up working for the world’s biggest space agency, NASA?

on Jun 26

From australiangeographic.com.au

In the name of the great-great-grandfather - Australian Geographic

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The legacy of the famed architect of the theory of evolution, Charles Darwin, is profoundly in evidence through his Aussie-based descendant, Chris Darwin.

on Jun 26

From australiangeographic.com.au

Do kangaroos form mothers groups?

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The social lives of kangaroos are more complex than we thought.

on Jun 25

From australiangeographic.com.au

Sex, stress and fertility in Australian wildlife - Australian Geographic

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Hormones are driving a radical new approach to fighting the country’s extinction crisis.

on Jun 25

From australiangeographic.com.au

A tale of mistaken identity and whalebone picnics - Australian Geographic

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For more than 20 years, the jawbone of a whale lay on the grass just behind the golden sands of Long Beach, near Batemans Bay on the South Coast of New South Wales

on Jun 25

From australiangeographic.com.au

Victoria’s riflebird is just out here dominating - Australian Geographic

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If you’re looking for an absolute alpha, a force of nature that demands to be reckoned with, look no further than Victoria’s riflebird.

on Jun 25

From australiangeographic.com.au

Lions and tigers and bears, oh my! Unlikely animal friendships - Australian Geographic

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Why do we love to see unlikely animal friendships so much? A psychology expert explains why we adore these cute animal connections.

on Jun 24

From australiangeographic.com.au

Beatlemania: the enduring legacy of the Beatles' tour of Australia, 60 years on - Australian Geographic

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The Beatles began their first and only tour of Australia 60 years ago this week. It remains a landmark event in social and cultural history.

on Jun 24

From australiangeographic.com.au

What it would be like to live permanently in Antarctica - Australian Geographic

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Both the physical and mental challenges of living in Antarctica would make a permanent human settlement incredibly difficult.

on Jun 24

From australiangeographic.com.au

Fact File: Bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)

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A much-loved and recognised marine animal found in temperate waters across the world, the bottlenose dolphin is a keen communicator and loves to frolic and have fun in the ocean.

on Jun 23

From australiangeographic.com.au

Australia's space race: From red dirt to the stars - Australian Geographic

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Despite the lack of a strong, overarching national strategy, engineers, scientists, academics and entrepreneurs across the continent have been busy developing Australia into a spacefaring nation, building our modern space industry from the ground up.

on Jun 23

From australiangeographic.com.au

Ultimate guide to Australian sharks

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Beautifully attuned to a life under water, sharks have patrolled the oceans for more than 400 million years. Discover Australian sharks.

on Jun 23

From australiangeographic.com.au

The best family bike rides in Victoria - Australian Geographic

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With its plethora of rail trails through scenic regions – and some surprise city rides – Victoria is rich with family bike rides.

on Jun 23

From australiangeographic.com.au

What’s that in my nest? How parasitic relationships create new species - Australian Geographic

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How do new species arise? One possible reason is the arms race between animals such as predators and parasites, and the victims they exploit.

on Jun 14

From australiangeographic.com.au

Stargazing in broad daylight - Australian Geographic

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Astronomers at Macquarie University have pioneered a new technique for observing celestial objects during the day, potentially allowing around-the-clock visual monitoring of satellites and greatly improving safety on Earth and in space.

on Jun 8

From australiangeographic.com.au

Understanding Indigenous DNA - Australian Geographic

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Groundbreaking research has identified that levels of genetic diversity among Indigenous Australians may be among the highest in the world.

on Jun 7

From australiangeographic.com.au

A guide to the flying-foxes of Australia - Australian Geographic

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Australia’s flying-foxes are vital pollinators of our flowering forests and a raft of species, humans included, rely on that.

on Jun 5

From australiangeographic.com.au

Awakening a sleeping language - Australian Geographic

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When Thomas Watson learned his language was no longer spoken, his grief gave way to a search for answers that led halfway around the world.

on Jun 2

From australiangeographic.com.au

What your school textbook didn't tell you about the Earth's orbit - Australian Geographic

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Earth, the Sun and a bike wheel: this is why your high-school textbook was wrong about the shape of Earth’s orbit.

on Jun 1

From australiangeographic.com.au

OPINION: The real natural history of our tall wet forests - Australian Geographic

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History and science reveal the true story of mountain ash forests and should inform best management practice for these crucial ecosystems.

on May 31

From australiangeographic.com.au

Going high: Explore the Barrington Tops region, NSW - Australian Geographic

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Experience this mountainous region’s abundance of walks and wildlife, while staying at sublime campsites nestled deep in ancient rainforests.

on May 30

From australiangeographic.com.au

On the nose: wildlife detection dog successfully trained to find rare 'finger' fungus - Australian Geographic - Australian Geographic

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The sniffing talents of a dog breed usually employed to find truffles have been utilised for science.

on May 29

From australiangeographic.com.au

An illustrated guide to knowing your dugongs from your manatees

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We love our mermaids of the sea, but do you know the difference between a manatee (sp. Trichechus) and dugong (Dugong dugon)?

on May 28

From australiangeographic.com.au

Is the “Echidnapus” the Rosetta Stone of early mammal evolution? - Australian Geographic

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The chance discovery of a long-forgotten tray of fossils in the collections of the Australian Museum has highlighted a previously unknown “Age of Monotremes” that thrived while dinosaurs ruled the Earth.

on May 28

From australiangeographic.com.au

In-search-of-our-mysterious-painted-snipe - Australian Geographic

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As one of our most elusive birds, the endangered Australian painted-snipe is a must-see on every serious birdwatcher’s list.

on May 25

From australiangeographic.com.au

Wombat burrows provide refuge from bushfires - Australian Geographic

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A new study has found wildlife use wombat burrows for vital shelter, food and even drinking water, during and after a bushfire.

on May 24

From australiangeographic.com.au

Australian bird flu cases: the potential impact on humans and native wildlife - Australian Geographic

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Avian influenza has been detected on an egg farm near Meredith in Victoria’s west, sparking concerns for Australia's wild birds.

on May 23

From australiangeographic.com.au

Tiny Tanami toadlet call captured for the first time - Australian Geographic

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The call of a tiny, desert-dwelling frog named the Tanami toadlet (Uperoleia micromeles) has been recorded for the first time.

on May 21

From australiangeographic.com.au

Should Australians have to keep pet cats indoors? - Australian Geographic

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Researchers say a ban on roaming domestic cats would save millions of native animals – and billions of dollars.

on May 21

From australiangeographic.com.au

Protecting our pollinators - Australian Geographic

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Meet the Aussie beekeepers giving back after their revolutionary hive design caused a buzz in apiaries worldwide.

on May 20

From australiangeographic.com.au

Chasing the Sun - Australian Geographic

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With visions of a more sustainable future, teams from across the globe drive from Darwin to Adelaide in futuristic solar-powered vehicles, in one of the world’s most gruelling innovation and engineering competitions.

on May 19

From australiangeographic.com.au

Dr Karl: Renewables and agriculture can coexist- Australian Geographic

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Electricity and agriculture is not an 'either/or situation', argues Dr Karl.

on May 18

From australiangeographic.com.au

Australia's best river journeys - Australian Geographic

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It’s the world’s driest inhabited continent, but Australia is also home to some of the planet’s most memorable river-borne adventures.

on May 17

From australiangeographic.com.au

10 Australian keystone endangered species - Australian Geographic

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These endangered Australian animals are vitally important to their ecosystems and their extinction would be disastrous.

on May 17

From australiangeographic.com.au

Defining Moments in Australian History: Assisted migration - Australian Geographic

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1832: Aid to encourage migrants to Australia begins.

on May 16

From australiangeographic.com.au

Why do pilot whales strand themselves? - Australian Geographic

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It’s one of nature’s strangest mysteries that has baffled humans for millennia.

on May 14

From australiangeographic.com.au

Each year, a little township in South Australia celebrates the cuttlefish. Here's why

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Take the plunge and witness the strobing stars of a unique underwater show.

on May 14

From australiangeographic.com.au

Wild, free and feral: how brumbies are destroying Australia's peatlands - Australian Geographic

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Feral horses are running wild across Australia, and it might be reducing the amount of carbon our alpine peatlands can store.

on May 13

From australiangeographic.com.au

Go beyond: the ultimate guide to outback travel - Australian Geographic

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Exploring the outback is a rite of passage for adventurous Australian families. Here’s all you need to know for a memorable experience.

on May 12

From australiangeographic.com.au

Why are we seeing ‘supercharged thunderstorms’ in Australia? - Australian Geographic

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For every 1°C of warming due to climate change, the atmosphere can hold seven per cent more moisture, causing supercharged thunderstorms.

on May 11