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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).


From youtube.com

Scuba dive Lombok - Gili islands

1 1

Diving with Terumbu Divers Gili - LombokDiving and/or stay :https://terumbudivers.com/Snorkeling trips with statues, turtles :https://snorkelinggili.com/

#sea #bali #fish #gili #pets #reef #beach #coral #ocean #scuba

21h ago


From sciencedaily.com

Ocean acidification turns fish off coral reefs

1 1

A new study of coral reefs in Papua New Guinea shows ocean acidification simplifies coral structure, making crucial habitat less appealing to certain fish species.

#fish #ocean #coralreefs #marinelife #Environment

5h ago


From whoi.edu

A swimmer’s encounter with creatures of the open ocean

1 1

A swimmer’s encounter with creatures of the open ocean

#ocean #salps

8h ago


From phys.org

The world's fourth mass coral bleaching is underway, but well-connected reefs may have a better chance to recover

1 2

The world's coral reefs are like underwater cities, bustling with all kinds of fish and sea animals. Coral reefs cover less than 1% of the ocean, but they support an estimated 25% of all marine species, including many important fish species. The economic value of the services that these complex...

#algae #coral #ocean #corals #zooxanthellae #coralbleaching

on Fri, 11AM



From pixels.com

Enjoy the silence by Karen Kaspar

1 1

Enjoy the silence by Karen Kaspar

#art #sea #arte #meer #beach #kunst #ocean #relax #Artist #Summer

on Jan 31


From onegreenplanet.org

12 Reasons and Ways to Help the World’s Oceans

1 1

It's no news that our oceans are rapidly beginning to resemble the trash heaps we humans have created on land.

#ocean #Environment

8h ago



From greenpeace.org

Ocean between NZ and Australia brims with life. Needs protection - Greenpeace Aotearoa

2 2

The vast expanse of ocean between Aotearoa and Australia is brimming with life: home to whales, tropical fish, turtles, abundant corals and seabirds. It needs protection.

#ocean #Australia #newzealand #Environment

15h ago

Showing first 11 out of 11