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From changelog.com

What happened to open source with Gareth Greenaway from Salt (Ship It! #111)

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Gareth Greenaway from the Salt project joins us for a trip down memory lane with configuration management and why open source projects have changed over the past decade.

#podcast #opensource

18h ago

From changelog.com

A different kind of rug pull (Changelog & Friends #51)

1 2

Adam & Jerod discuss the news! But first, we discuss how you can keep up with the software world (good question, Tyler Boyd!) On the docket: Developer job postings trend, the Ladybird Browser Initiative, the Polyfill.js supply chain attack & is the future self-hosted?

on Fri, 6PM

From changelog.com

Dependencies are dangerous (Go Time #321)

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Dependencies! We need them, but how do we use them effectively and safely? In this week’s episode Kris is joined by Ian and Johnny to discuss the polyfill.io supply chain attack, the history of dependency management and usage in Go, and the Go Proverb that “a little copying is better than a...

on Fri, 3PM

From changelog.com

A standard library for JavaScript with Philipp Burckhardt from stdlib.io (JS Party #329)

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Philipp Burckhardt, Athan Reines & the team behind stdlib.io believe in a future in which the web is a preferred environment for numerical computation. They’ve been working toward building that future for over a decade. Thanks to listener, Brian Zelip, Jerod sits down with Philipp to...

on Fri, 3PM

From changelog.com

Code review anxiety with Carol Lee, PhD & Clinical Scientist (Changelog Interviews #598)

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Carol Lee (Clinical Scientist) shares her research on code review anxiety. We dive deep into her recent research paper “Understanding and Effectively Mitigating Code Review Anxiety”. We get into all the nooks and crannies of this topic — common code review myths, strategies for coping, the need...

on Wed, 6PM

From changelog.com

Stanford's AI Index Report 2024 with Nestor Maslej, research manager at Stanford's HAI (Practical AI #276)

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We’ve had representatives from Stanford’s Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI) on the show in the past, but we were super excited to talk through their 2024 AI Index Report after such a crazy year in AI! Nestor from HAI joins us in this episode to talk about some of the...

on Wed, 1AM

From changelog.com

Every commit is a gift (Changelog Interviews #444)

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Maintainer Week is finally here and we’re excited to make this an annual thing! If Maintainer Week is new to you, check out episode #442 with Josh Simmons and Kara Sowles. Today we’re talking Brett Cannon. Brett is Dev Manager of the Python Extension for VS Code, Python Steering Council Member,...

on Tue, 11AM

From changelog.com

The scariest chart in all of software (Changelog News #101)

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Software developer jobs are trending down, the creator of dotenv creates a better dotenv, the Chrome team puts Gemini Nano AI model right inside your browser, a pollyfill.js supply chain attack hits 100k+ sites & Steph Ango asks, “What can we remove?”

on Mon, 8PM

From changelog.com

Maintainer week! with Josh Simmons & Kara Sowles (Changelog Interviews #442)

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This week is all about Maintainer Week — it’s a week long event starting June 7th for open source maintainers to gather, share, and be celebrated. We’re joined by Josh Simmons (Ecosystem Strategy Lead at Tidelift & President of Open Source Initiative) and Kara Sowles (Senior Open Source...

on Mon, 7PM

From changelog.com

How to build a Nushell with Devyn Cairns & Jakub Žádník (Ship It! #109)

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Devyn Cairns & Jakub Žádník join Justin & Autumn to talk about building a new kind of cross-platform shell that provides easy extensions with traditional command compatibility. That’s no easy feat!

on Jun 29

From changelog.com

Kaizen! NOT a pipe dream with Gerhard Lazu (Changelog & Friends #50)

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Welcome to Kaizen 15! We go deep on the big Changelog News redesign, give shout outs to folks who’ve helped us along the way & Gerhard takes us on his journey to turn Jerod’s pipe dream into a reality!

on Jun 28

From changelog.com

React Native the Expo way featuring Simon Grimm from Galaxies.dev (JS Party #328)

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Jerod sits down with React Native aficionado, Simon Grimm, to catch up on everyone’s favorite native app platform & learn about Expo, which Simon thinks is the way forward for devs building with React Native.

on Jun 28

From changelog.com

Gophers Say! GopherCon EU Berlin 2024 with Cameron + Chioma + Ron vs Johnny + Travis + Paula (Go Time #320)

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Our award winning worthy survey game show is back, this time Mat Ryer hosts it live on stage at GopherCon EU Berlin 2024! Join in & play along as we see which team can better guess what these GopherCon gophers had to say!

on Jun 28

From changelog.com

Apple Intelligence & Advanced RAG (Practical AI #275)

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Daniel & Chris engage in an impromptu discussion of the state of AI in the enterprise. Then they dive into the recent Apple Intelligence announcement to explore its implications. Finally, Daniel leads a deep dive into a new topic - Advanced RAG - covering everything you need to know to...

on Jun 27

From changelog.com

MAJOR.SEMVER.PATCH with Predrag Gruevski & Chris Krycho (Changelog Interviews #597)

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Predrag Gruevski and Chris Krycho joined the show to talk about SemVer. We explore the challenges and the advantages of semantic versioning (aka SemVer), the need for improving the tooling around SemVer, where semantic versioning really shines and where it’s needed, Types and SemVer, whether or...

on Jun 26

From changelog.com

Where DOESN’T curl run with curl BDFL Daniel Stenberg (Changelog & Friends #49)

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Daniel Stenberg shares his guiding principles for BDFL’ing curl, gives us his perspective on the state of the internet, talks financial independence, ensuring curl won’t be the next XZ & more!

on Jun 26

From changelog.com

Polypane-demonium with Kilian Valkhof, creator of Polypane (JS Party #327)

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Polypane purveyor Kilian Valkhof joins Nick & Jerod to tell us all about his efforts building a web browser just for web development. We cover it all: from the business concerns, to the technical details, to his excellent choice not to use TypeScript! We even sneak in a feature request...

on Jun 26

From changelog.com

The perplexities of information retrieval with Denis Yarats of Perplexity (Practical AI #274)

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Daniel & Chris sit down with Denis Yarats, Co-founder & CTO at Perplexity, to discuss Perplexity’s sophisticated AI-driven answer engine. Denis outlines some of the deficiencies in search engines, and how Perplexity’s approach to information retrieval improves on traditional...

on Jun 26

From changelog.com

Securing GitHub with Jacob DePriest, VP and Deputy Chief Security Officer at GitHub (Changelog Interviews #596)

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Jacob DePriest, VP and Deputy Chief Security Officer at GitHub, joins the show this week to talk about securing GitHub. From Artifact Attestations, profile hardening, preventing XZ-like attacks, GitHub Advanced Security, code scanning, improving Dependabot, and more.

on Jun 26

From changelog.com

The onset of "Senior Engineer Fatigue" (Changelog News #99)

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Luminousmen writes about Senior Engineer Fatigue, Microsoft rethinks its AI-based Recall feature, Mike Hoye gives a big shout out to the “diff” program, Thom Holwerda covers ChromeOS’ quiet switch to Android Linux subsystems & Mihail Eric tells the inside story on how Alexa dropped the...

on Jun 26

From changelog.com

Is Go evolving in the wrong direction? (Go Time #319)

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This week we’re catching up on the news! Kris is joined by Ian to discuss some of the recent news from around the Go community. Listen in to hear whether the co-hosts believe there’s software that shouldn’t be written in Go, their thoughts on if Go is evolving in the right direction &...

on Jun 26

From changelog.com

Retired, not tired. with Kelsey Hightower (Changelog Interviews #595)

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Kelsey Hightower is back to share more of his wisdom. This time it’s one year after his retirement from Google. But guess what? He might be “retired,” but he’s not tired. In this episode Kelsey shares what drives him, what he fears, and how he thinks through his life choices and parenting. This...

on Jun 25

From changelog.com

Putting the Apple in AI with Justin Searls (Changelog & Friends #48)

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Justin Searls joins us for hot takes on Apple’s 2024 WWDC keynote. Apple Intelligence stole the show, but did it steal our hearts? Oh, and we learn all about Justin’s Vision Pro Life and how he hopes/expects Apple’s latest device to improve in future iterations.

on Jun 25

From changelog.com

The infrastructure behind a PaaS with Anurag Goel, founder & CEO at Render (Ship It! #108)

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Render founder/CEO Anurag Goel joins us for a look behind their platform. An application native hosting option that hides the lower levels still requires a LOT of infrastructure.

on Jun 25

From changelog.com

Please let this be Peak LLM (Changelog News #100)

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Søren Fuglede Jørgensen builds a font thats also an LLM, Hugo Landau writes about the demise of the mildly dynamic website, SQL Studio is the simplest little database explorer ever, Mathew Duggan reviews GitHub Copilot Workspace & Stephan Schmidt lays out the case against mocking + what...

on Jun 25

From changelog.com

How things get done on the Go Team with Cameron Balahan, Sameer Ajmani & Russ Cox (Go Time #318)

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Angelica is joined by Cameron Balahan, Sameer Ajmani & Russ Cox from the Go Team at Google to talk about how things get done on the Go Team, how do they decide what to improve and then how do they go about improving it. We also discuss how they decide what to work when & what the...

on Jun 25

From changelog.com

Using edge models to find sensitive data with Ramin Mohammadi, AI/ML Lead at Tausight (Practical AI #273)

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We’ve all heard about breaches of privacy and leaks of private health information (PHI). For healthcare providers and those storing this data, knowing where all the sensitive data is stored is non-trivial. Ramin, from Tausight, joins us to discuss how they have deploy edge AI models to help...

on Jun 25

From changelog.com

1999: A Film Odyssey (Changelog++ 🔐) (Changelog & Friends)

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Adam & Jerod hallway-track-it between Microsoft Build interviews. Was 1999 the best year in film history? Was 2004 the worst? Have you heard the full story behind Blues Traveler’s “Hook”? Are you still reading this? Go listen! (This episode is for Changelog++ ears only.)

on Jun 24

From changelog.com

Building the Patreon for developers with Birk Jernström, founder / CEO of Polar (Changelog Interviews #591)

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Birk Jernström from Polar joins the show to tell us all about the creator platform for developers: why he built it, how it works, why it works how it works, what’s in store for the future & we even give Birk some super deep UX feedback on the funding flow.

on Jun 24

From changelog.com

3D printed infrastructure with Gina Häußge from OctoPrint (Ship It! #107)

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Gina Häußge is here to tell us about the infra behind the OctoPrint project, which tests and releases new versions that work on multiple different printers and gets deployed hundreds of thousands of times.

on Jun 23

From changelog.com

#define: legendary with Thomas Eckert, Nick Nisi & Mat Ryer (Changelog & Friends #47)

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What happens when you take three #define newbs (Thomas Eckert, Nick Nisi, Mat Ryer) & pit them against the grizzled vet, Adam? Find out on this episode because our award-worthy game of fake definitions is back & this time it’s even more legendary!

on Jun 22

From changelog.com

Should web development need a build step? (JS Party #326)

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We’re back with another spicy YepNope debate! This time, Nick & regular guest Eric Clemmons are arguing that web development should need a build step, while KBall & special guest Amy Dutton argue that we really shouldn’t. Of course, the stance each panelist is taking is assigned...

on Jun 9

From changelog.com

Microsoft is all-in on AI: Part 2 with Mark Russinovich, Eric Boyd & Neha Batra (Changelog Interviews #594)

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Mark Russinovich, Eric Boyd & Neha Batra join us to discuss the state of AI for Microsoft and OpenAI at Microsoft Build 2024. It’s safe to say that Microsoft is all-in on AI.

on Jun 8

From changelog.com

Rise of the AI PC & local LLMs (Practical AI #272)

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We’ve seen a rise in interest recently and a number of major announcements related to local LLMs and AI PCs. NVIDIA, Apple, and Intel are getting into this along with models like the Phi family from Microsoft. In this episode, we dig into local AI tooling, frameworks, and optimizations to help...

on Jun 5

From changelog.com

Yet another open source rug pull (Changelog News #97)

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A popular open source iOS authenticator app goes rogue under new ownership, Andreas Kling steps back from SerenityOS & forks Ladybird, Vhyrro takes a thought-provoking try at a “static effect system”, Matt Bessey is over GraphQL & Marc-Andre Giroux still likes GraphQL sometimes...

on Jun 3

From changelog.com

Is it too late to opt out of AI? featuring our favorite tech lawyer, Luis Villa (Changelog & Friends #46)

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Tech lawyer Luis Villa returns to answer our most pressing questions: what’s up with all these new content deals? How did Google think it was a good idea to ship AI Summaries in its current state? Is it too late to opt out of AI? We also discuss AI in Hollywood (spoilers!), positive things we’re...

on May 31

From changelog.com

Is Wasm the new Java? with Danielle Lancashire (Ship It! #106)

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Danielle Lancashire is here to tell us how Fermyon cloud is built on top of nomad and EC2 and how they put it in a box with Kubernetes and WebAssembly.

on May 31

From changelog.com

11ty goes fully independent with Zach Leatherman (JS Party #325)

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11ty creator Zach Leatherman is taking the open source site generator fully independent in 2024 and he’s back on the pod to tell us why, how & what we all can do to help.

on May 31

From changelog.com

Microsoft is all-in on AI: Part 1 with Scott Guthrie @ Microsoft Build 2024 (Changelog Interviews #593)

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Scott Guthrie joins the show this week from Microsoft Build 2024 to discuss Microsoft being all-in on AI. From Copilot, to Azure AI and Prompty, to their developer first focus, leading GitHub, VS Code being the long bet that paid off, to the future of a doctor’s bedside manner assisted with AI....

on May 30

From changelog.com

Your ultimate guide to mastering Go featuring Samantha Coyle (Go Time #317)

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Angelica is joined by Samantha Coyle to talk about her newly published textbook: Go Programming - From Beginner to Professional. This book serves as a go-to guide to master Go for real-world software dev success covering fundamentals to advanced topics.

on May 29

From changelog.com

Why you shouldn't use AI to write your tests (Changelog News #96)

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Swizec’s article on not using AI to writes tests, LlamaFs is a self-organizing file system with Llama 3, a Pew Research analysis confirmed that the internet is full of broken links, Sam Rose built a spectacular interactive study of queueing strategies & Jordan Cutler shares a real-life...

on May 28

From changelog.com

It's a long & windy road with Shaundai Person at Microsoft Build 2024 (Changelog & Friends #45)

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We kick off our Microsoft Build 2024 “coverage” in this free-wheelin’ conversation with our friend, Shaundai Person! We’re talking Netflix infra, we’re talking sales, we’re talking real-world AI usage, we’re talking career choices…. What’s a good next step? Listen in!

on May 24

From changelog.com

Tars all the way down with Jon Johnson from Chainguard (Ship It! #105)

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Jon “gzip enthusiast” Johnson joins us for a history lesson on compression & how it impacts everything from containers to Alpine.

on May 24

From changelog.com

Big Gulps, huh? (JS Party #324)

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Jerod & KBall discuss what’s new in the world of web development: the State of HTML survey results, Node 22, React Compiler, React 19 Beta, vlt.sh & the Gulp (!) Developer Survey.

on May 24

From changelog.com

Migrating from PHP to Go with Matthew Boyle & Chris Shepherd (Go Time #316)

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Based on their experience in Curve and Cloudflare, Matthew Boyle & Chris Shepherd share their experience migrating from PHP to Go.

on May 23

From changelog.com

From Sun to Oxide with Bryan Cantrill (Changelog Interviews #592)

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Bryan Cantrill, Co-founder and CTO of Oxide Computer Company, joins Adam to share his journey from Sun to Oxide – from Sun and Fishworks, to DTrace, to ZFS, to Joyent and Node.js, and now working to build on-prem cloud servers as they should be at Oxide.

on May 22

From changelog.com

First impressions of GPT-4o (Practical AI #270)

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Daniel & Chris share their first impressions of OpenAI’s newest LLM: GPT-4o and Daniel tries to bring the model into the conversation with humorously mixed results. Together, they explore the implications of Omni’s new feature set - the speed, the voice interface, and the new multimodal...

on May 22

From changelog.com

Kyle explains "Legacy Software" to the aliens (Changelog News #95)

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Taylor Troesh writes Kyle explaining “Legacy Software” to the aliens, Vitaly Friedman addresses why so many designers feel misunderstood and under appreciated in business contexts, Oracle dumps Terraform for OpenTofu & hackers discover how to reprogram NES Tetris from within the game.

on May 20

From changelog.com

FROM guests SELECT Andrew with Andrew Atkinson (Ship It! #104)

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Andrew Atkinson joins Autumn & Justin to tell them why folks should (and are) picking PostgreSQL as their database in 2024 and how to scale it.

on May 19

From changelog.com

Self-hosted media server goodness with Alex Kretzschmar (Changelog & Friends #44)

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Alex Kretzschmar joins Adam to discuss their experiences with building the “perfect media server” and all the hardware and software involved to make it happen — LinuxServer.io, PerfectMediaServer.com, Plex, Jellyfin, ZFS, mergerfs, TrueNAS, Docker Compose and so much more in this episode.

on May 18