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White's new county and district atlas of the state of West Virginia. Comprising fifty-four counties; three hundred and twenty-seven township districts; and two thousand five hundred and sixty-seven school districts. From the most recent surveys and authentic sources. Maps drawn by William H....
6h ago
No. 24. Die Voelker u. Sprachen der westlichen Erdhaelfte.
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Looseleaf color atlas with accompanying text sheets, all in unbound original publisher's parts/sections. Relief depicted with hachures. Atlas was conceived of and initiated by Georg Leonhart Bauerkeller beginning in 1844 by subscription. From at least 1845, Ludwig Ewald was a primary author and...
11h ago
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Carey's General Atlas, Improved And Enlarged; Being A Collection Of Maps Of The World And Quarters, Their Principal Empires, Kingdoms, &c. ... Philadelphia: Published By M. Carey And Son, 1818.
14h ago
Wasati Amrīka = Central America
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General geographical school atlas of the world, in Ottoman script. No Cover and title page. Atlas consists of 23 different maps of the world countries, regions, and continents, with repeating examples bringing the total to 54 double page maps, for the geography courses in the state school during...
18h ago
V.2. Karte zu den Operationen zwischen der Donau und Isar
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2 volumes of historical atlas of the wars from 1792 to 1815 in Europe and Egypt: with special reference to the battles of Napoleon, edited by Franz von Kausler and Joseph Edmond Woerl. Volume 1 includes 923 pages of text and 6 pages of index and text at the end of the volume. Volume 2 contains...
23h ago
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School and geographical atlas of Sicily by Mario Coltraro, an ecclesiast, philosopher, intellectual and pedagogue, who worked with the Institute of the Lancaster Method and was director of Tre Scuole Comunali, and founder of the Botanical Garden of Catania. Atlas consists of 9 lessons, text,...
on Feb 17
Pilot chart of the coast of Brazil.
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Maury, M.F. Wind and current charts of the Atlantic. Wash. 1852 x 53 fol. Atlas factice. Bound in black cloth with leather corners and spine. Gilt spine title. With seal on front cover: Maury Atlanterhavet. Handwritten title pasted onto front cover. The charts within the volume were published by...
on Feb 17
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Dates are estimated. Complete set of published 110 maps in Old Series or First Edition. This set is the first systematic survey of England and Wales based on triangulation. It was inspired by the prior Cassini survey of France (see our 5694.000) and the threat of French invasion at the end of...
on Feb 16
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Stanford's London atlas of universal geography exhibiting the physical and political divisions of the various countries of the world. Folio edition. One hundred maps, with a list of latitudes and longitudes. Second issue, revised and enlarged. London, Edward Stanford, Geographer to Her Majesty,...
on Feb 16
La partie méridionale de l'Amérique
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Pastoureau describes this large atlas as De Fer's folio atlas. It is described by De Fer in his catalog of 1716 as his highly detailed atlas showing all parts of the world, with all the maps available separately. The collation of the atlas seems to vary by copy - our copy has a title page but no...
on Feb 16
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Colton's General Atlas, Containing One Hundred And Eighty Steel Plate Maps And Plans, On One Hundred And Nineteen Imperial Folio Sheets, Drawn By G. Woolworth Colton. Letter-Press Descriptions, Geographical, Statistical, And Historical, By Richard Swainson Fisher. New York: G.W. & C.B. Colton,...
on Feb 16
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Atlas nouveau, contenant toutes les parties su Monde, ou sont exactement remarquees les empires, monarchies, royaumes, etats, republiques, &c. Par Guillaume de l'Isle. Premier Geographe de sa Majeste. A Amsterdam, Chez Jean Covens & Corneille Mortier, sur le Vygendam. (illus. on title page)...
on Sun, 12AM
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The Edinburgh geographical and historical atlas, comprehending a sketch of the history of geography ... and history of each continent, state, and kingdom, delineated. And a tabular view of the principal mountain chains in the World. Engraved on sixty-nine copperplates, and compiled from...
on Sat, 8PM
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New and corrected edition of Meyer’s world atlas, edited by Ludwig Ravenstein, published by Bibliographic Institute. Containing engraved title page, index, descriptive text and 100 steel engraving outline hand colored maps, with detail information, showing political and administrative...
on Sat, 4PM
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17th Century survey of France, in 4 volumes, published 1660-1663, by Casper Merian, printed by Casper Merian, Broer and Jan Appelaar. First published in German in Frankfurt between 1655 and 1661, also published in Latin. This is the first Dutch language edition of the most extensive survey of...
on Sat, 12PM
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This is Charles Morse's only folio atlas. He uses many of the (Sidney E.) Morse and Breese cerographic maps, but hand colors them. Morse was the son of Samuel F.B. Morse (inventor of the magnetic telegraph) and nephew of map publisher Sidney E. Morse. Charles Morse collaborated with Colby on the...
on Sat, 9AM
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1st edition, with five postal maps added, as issued. With the list of subscribers and the extra postal maps of England, France, Germany, Italy and Spain. The French postal map is dated 1758. All five were added after the printed list of maps was printed, but are mentioned by Vaugondy in the...
on Sat, 4AM
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Czechoslovakian military atlas. Published in 2 volumes, The atlas published in 1965, and the name list published in 1966, this might be one of the most complex post WW2 atlases produced in Europe. The 210 000 names in the separately published in 256 pages, name register prove the amount of data...
on Fri, 9PM
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In an agreement dated March 4, 1878, the states of Prussia, Saxony, Bavaria, and Wurttemberg (the areas of modern day Germany, Luxembourg, Poland, and Kaliningrad, and part of Lithuania) agreed to map their areas on a 1:100,000 scale in a common topographic grid survey consisting of 674 sheets....
on Fri, 5PM
No. II. Deutschland, Niederlande, Belgien, Schweiz. (Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland).
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Date estimated. A composite atlas with title page, no index. A strange collection in original binding, indicating it was made up for a customer who seemed to want several maps of the same area, but with different publication dates. Maps are dated from early 1860's to 1873. According to the title...
on Fri, 1PM
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This folio comprises scale-accurate, obliquely viewed maps compiled from 1961-1986 that portray the physiography of selected areas of the ocean floor and continents around the world. These oblique views of landscapes draw upon the techniques of Armin K. Lobeck, Erwin J. Raisz, and Philip B....
on Fri, 8AM
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Operation Sea Lion (Unternehmen Seelöwe) Terms from Map Legends German – English Translation: Abwasserwerk – Sewage Plant; Akkumulatoren – Storage Batteries or Boilers; Alkali-Werk – Alkali Plant; Alte Befestigungsanlage – Old Fortification; Apparate – Appliances; Asbest – Asbestos; Backerei –...
on Fri, 4AM
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The scarce last edition listed in Phillips of Mitchell's New Universal Atlas (although we have seen a copy of a title page of the same atlas dated 1862, published by Charles Desilver). The maps still bear the copyright and imprint of Charles Desilver, but his address on most of the maps is...
on Fri, 1AM
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Czechoslovakian military atlas. Published in 2 volumes, The atlas published in 1965, and the name list published in 1966, this might be one of the most complex post WW2 atlases produced in Europe. The 210 000 names in the separately published in 256 pages, name register prove the amount of data...
on Thu, 9PM
Greyhound's fun map of the sunshine zone
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Color pictorial map, showing the fun activities of Florida and the Gulf Coast, with humorous notes and images throughout the map, including Mardi Gras at New Orleans, horse racing outside Miami and a man in large sombrero smoking an oversized cigar in Key West. Showing major cities and places of...
on Thu, 12PM
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The Civitates Orbis Terrarum was the first atlas of world cities and one of the most important books published in the late 16th century. Although led by Braun and Hogenberg, the books were created by a large team of writers, engravers, and artists. R.V. Tooley writes: "The Civitates is one of...
on Thu, 4AM
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Hand col. lithographed map. Shows buildings with construction material, barns or sheds, green houses, water pipes, fire hydrants, sewers, block numbers, parcel numbers, owners, street numbers, West Roxbury Station, Highland Station, First Parish, West Roxbury, etc. Includes legend and list of...
on Thu, 1AM
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The first pocket atlas and the first edition of Ptolemy's Geographia in Italian, also the first engraved Ptolemy edition since Berlingheri in 1482. Maps engraved on copper by Giacomo Gastaldi, the foremost Italian cartographer of the 16th century, marking a turning point in the history of...
on Wed, 9PM
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Pennsylvania, and New Jersey, Maryland and Delaware are split into two maps in this edition, as opposed to being combined in previous years. This copy also includes a new map of Utah and Nevada, and Idaho and Montana are now shown on the Oregon and Washington map. Maps have full hand painted...
on Wed, 5PM
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New and corrected edition of Meyer’s world atlas, edited by Ludwig Ravenstein, published by Bibliographic Institute. Containing engraved title page, index, descriptive text and 100 steel engraving outline hand colored maps, with detail information, showing political and administrative...
on Wed, 8AM
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Operation Sea Lion (Unternehmen Seelöwe) Terms from Map Legends German – English Translation: Abwasserwerk – Sewage Plant; Akkumulatoren – Storage Batteries or Boilers; Alkali-Werk – Alkali Plant; Alte Befestigungsanlage – Old Fortification; Apparate – Appliances; Asbest – Asbestos; Backerei –...
on Wed, 4AM
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3-volume atlas contains 182 maps: 55 in Volume I, 70 in Volume II and 57 in Volume III. Dimensions: Volume I = 44 x 33 cm; Volume II = 47 x 33 cm; Volume III = 48 x 34. Board covers with abbreviated spine titles: Atlante geografico universale I -- Atlante geografico universale II -- Atlante...
on Wed, 1AM
No. 32: Bosquejo Geologico Del E. De Zacatecas
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Thirty-two numbered maps, all followed by a relief map and a geologic map. Full color. The relief maps are on transparent paper and intended to overlay the geologic maps. We have made a composite map that does that overlay. This issue is complete with all geologic maps - our other copy is...
on Tue, 8PM
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From the Preface: "This book is called "WORLD GEO-GRAPHIC ATLAS" because it includes, in addition to GEO-graphic maps, many GRAPHIC illustrations of subjects closely related to modern geography." From the Foreward: "We, in Container Corporation, believe that a company may occasionally step...
on Tue, 5PM
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In outline color showing Egypt and the Arabian Peninsula. Illustrations include the Mosque of Sultan Hassan, Alexandria, the Temple of Karnac and the Great Sphinx and Pyramids at Giza. Ornate border feature sphinx-like creatures flanking the title and Egyptian columns along the sides.
on Tue, 12PM
Pilot chart of the North Atlantic Ocean. January 1886.
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Pilot chart : Dec. 1883. 1884-86, published in 1886 by the U.S. Hydrographic Office, Bureau of Navigation, Navy Department, Washington, D.C. Originally separate sheets, bound together here in dark brown board. Gilt spine title and seal on front cover: Bibliothek Marinens. Verso to front cover...
on Tue, 8AM
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Seventeenth century atlas of the World by Nicholas Visscher. With Engraved allegorical title page, on sheet 51x31, printed in full color, followed by letterpress half title page. Consists of 127 engraved maps, hand-colored in outline and full, with elegant title cartouche. Visscher is well-known...
on Tue, 4AM
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Receuil Des Principaux Plans des Ports, et Rades de la Mer Mediterranee, Estraits, de ma Carte de Douze Feiiilles. Dediee a Monsgr. le Duc de Choiseul, Ministre de la guerre et de la Marine gravee avec Privilege du Roy. Par Son tres humble Serviteur, Joseph Roux, Hidrographe du Roy. A Marseille,...
on Tue, 1AM
L'Evesche du Mans (southeast sheet).
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Atlas Francois, Contenant les Cartes Geographiques dans lesquelles sont tres exactement remarquez Les Empires, Monarchies, Royaumes et Estats de Europe, de l'Asie, de l'Afrique et de l'Amerique. 1695.
on Mon, 9PM
Vol. 5, Page 549-550. San Francisco.
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A series of six detailed insurance map volumes reflecting the specific building uses and construction types for the City of San Francisco in September 1905. This was just six months before the devastating April 1906 Earthquake and Fire. These volumes were in fact damaged by the fire but remain...
on Mon, 5PM
Northern India Including The Presidency of Calcutta.
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Maps by J. Rapkin. This edition with the town plans. Date estimated. This copy has the complete Index/Gazetteer, as issued. This edition has a second title page for the index gazetteer. Maps are hand colored with outline color, and bound in a separate volume from the Index/Gazetteer.
on Mon, 1PM
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Accompanies Carey's 2 vol Guthrie, 1794-95 (see our 2647). Although the title page calls for it, the large United States map is not present here, nor in any editions we know of (Baskes, LOC, Yale), therefore we conclude that it was not ready until late 1795 and was first included in the 1796...
on Mon, 8AM
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Stanford's London atlas of universal geography : Quarto edition, published by Edward Stanford. The Stanford map making company had been active in London since 1854. In 1874 they acquired the London atlas of 1834 from John Arrowsmith, with 50 maps which had increased to over 65 maps within 30...
on Mon, 4AM
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Rand, McNally & Co.'s indexed atlas of the world containing large scale maps of every country and civil division upon the face of the globe, together with historical, descriptive, and statistical matter relative to each ... Accompanied by a new and original compilation forming a ready reference...
on Mar 10
U.S.S.R. Kolyma, Kamchatka. Plate 39, V. II
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Published in 5 volumes, 1955-1959, with 122 colored double page map sheets, and a comprehensive index of over 200,000 names. Because of the long production times involved in the work of compiling the detailed maps, the volumes were arranged in continental groupings with volume III, North Europe,...
on Mar 9
Street Map of Northampton, England with Military-Geographic Features. BB 23.
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Operation Sea Lion (Unternehmen Seelöwe) Terms from Map Legends German – English Translation: Abwasserwerk – Sewage Plant; Akkumulatoren – Storage Batteries or Boilers; Alkali-Werk – Alkali Plant; Alte Befestigungsanlage – Old Fortification; Apparate – Appliances; Asbest – Asbestos; Backerei –...
on Mar 9
England and Wales (Section 5). England and Wales (Section 6).
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The Victoria Regina Atlas, Political, Physical & Astronomical. Containing Two Hundred Plates and Complete Index. Second Edition. W. & A.K. Johnston, Ltd. Established 1825. Edinburgh & London. 1906.
on Mar 9
Le Govvernement De L'Isle De France
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Blaeu's 11 volume Atlas Maior is considered by many to be the greatest atlas ever published, both in its own time and even today. It excels in comprehensiveness, engraving, color, and overall production. Each vol. has title page. with general title: Geographiæ Blavianæ volumen primum.... Each...
on Mar 9
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Idaho from the latest federal, state and transportation surveys. Geo. F. Cram, Chicago and New York. (Published by George F. Cram, Chicago, Ill. 1909)
on Mar 9
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A complete set of the six volume Atlas Universel in original bindings of half red leather teal cloth covered boards with title "Vandermaelen. Atlas Universel..." embossed in gold on the spine. This monumental work was the first atlas of the world with all maps on the same scale (and a large...
on Mar 9