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New and corrected edition of Meyer’s world atlas, edited by Ludwig Ravenstein, published by Bibliographic Institute. Containing engraved title page, index, descriptive text and 100 steel engraving outline hand colored maps, with detail information, showing political and administrative...
4h ago
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1st edition, with five postal maps added, as issued. With the list of subscribers and the extra postal maps of England, France, Germany, Italy and Spain. The French postal map is dated 1758. All five were added after the printed list of maps was printed, but are mentioned by Vaugondy in the...
16h ago
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This is Charles Morse's only folio atlas. He uses many of the (Sidney E.) Morse and Breese cerographic maps, but hand colors them. Morse was the son of Samuel F.B. Morse (inventor of the magnetic telegraph) and nephew of map publisher Sidney E. Morse. Charles Morse collaborated with Colby on the...
12h ago
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17th Century survey of France, in 4 volumes, published 1660-1663, by Casper Merian, printed by Casper Merian, Broer and Jan Appelaar. First published in German in Frankfurt between 1655 and 1661, also published in Latin. This is the first Dutch language edition of the most extensive survey of...
8h ago
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Czechoslovakian military atlas. Published in 2 volumes, The atlas published in 1965, and the name list published in 1966, this might be one of the most complex post WW2 atlases produced in Europe. The 210 000 names in the separately published in 256 pages, name register prove the amount of data...
23h ago
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La base de données TRF-GIS correspond à un système…
#progedo #histoire #opendata #histodons #archivistodons #historicalmaps #donneeshistoriques #donneesadministratives
7h ago