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From eupolicy.social

Jan Penfrat (@ilumium@eupolicy.social)

1 1

So sad to read that @syncthing@hachyderm.io will retire its #Android app at the end of the year. :( https://forum.syncthing.net/t/discontinuing-syncthing-android/23002

#foss #syncthing #opensource

10h ago

From eupolicy.social

Ian Brown (@1br0wn@eupolicy.social)

0 1

‘Drew Dickson, founder of Albert Bridge Capital, estimates that #Tesla’s auto business may be worth between $70bn and $100bn. By his calculations, that means the remaining $650bn of its market value — and as much as $90bn of Musk’s personal wealth — is largely based on investor optimism about...

on Sat, 6AM

From eupolicy.social

EURACTIV Global Europe (@euractiv_global@eupolicy.social)

0 1

Finland, Norway to improve rail links for military use https://www.euractiv.com/section/politics/news/finland-norway-to-improve-rail-links-for-military-use/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #defence #Finland #Nato #Norway

on Fri, 1PM

From eupolicy.social

Konstantin Macher (@pneutig@eupolicy.social)

0 1

#Überwachungspaket durch. In der „Bundestagsdebatte gab es nur einen Redebeitrag von Clara Bünger von der Linkspartei, der sich aus menschenrechtlicher Perspektive gegen das Vorhaben wandte.” Bitter. Nur #Linke, die es fast gar nicht in den Bundestag geschafft hätte und inzwischen als Gruppe...

on Fri, 12PM

From eupolicy.social

Jan Penfrat (@ilumium@eupolicy.social)

0 1

#NVIDIA, on the verge of becoming the world's most valuable company ever, has received 3.5 million EUR of your hard earned tax payer money as a "#research" grant from the @EUCommission@ec.social-network.europa.eu #HorizonEU #Horizon2020 #WTF Source:...

on Fri, 5AM

From eupolicy.social

EURACTIV Global Europe (@euractiv_global@eupolicy.social)

0 1

EU-Israel trade ties will be put on agenda next month, Borrell says https://www.euractiv.com/section/global-europe/news/eu-israel-trade-ties-will-be-put-on-agenda-next-month-borrell-says/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #EUtrade #EUIsraelAssociationCouncil #Gaza #humanrights #Israel

on Thu, 12PM

From eupolicy.social

Akshay (@Akshay@eupolicy.social)

0 0

(AlphaFold could also be a Nobel candidate for either Chemistry or Medicine, if they want to reward more current “AI”)

on Oct 9

From eupolicy.social

Akshay (@Akshay@eupolicy.social)

0 0

Nobel Prize in Physics for Artificial Neural Networks! Congrats to John Hopfield and Geoffrey Hinton! Is it physics, math or computer science? Who cares really, I studied physics decades ago and did get a course on ANNs, by a physicist, using statistical physics techniques. It’s certainly...

on Oct 8

From eupolicy.social

EURACTIV Politics (@euractiv_politics@eupolicy.social)

0 0

Ireland to unveil bumper pre-election budget, Apple windfall plans https://www.euractiv.com/section/elections/news/ireland-to-unveil-bumper-pre-election-budget-apple-windfall-plans/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Apple #Ireland #Irishelections #publicfinances #Taxes

on Oct 1

From eupolicy.social

Freedom not Fear (@fnf@eupolicy.social)

0 0

Registration deadline TODAY: sign up now to join the annual self-organised conference on digital rights in Brussels November 8-11! https://freedomnotfear.org/2024/registration-open #FnF24 #FreedomNotFear

on Sep 30

From eupolicy.social

Alice Stollmeyer (@AliceStollmeyer@eupolicy.social)

0 0

Attached: 1 image Over 300 scientists from 33 countries have signed yet another open letter criticising Hungary's proposal for EU #ChatControl: Client-side scanning of ALL end-to-end encrypted private communication (messages, email..) In other words: mass...

on Sep 29

From eupolicy.social

Freedom not Fear (@fnf@eupolicy.social)

0 0

Join us this winter for the coolest (pun intended) EU Data Privacy (un)conference yet! It is all DIY. We’re talking European democracy, human-centered tech, and the future of keeping our digital lives secure. Early birds get the worm … and possibly a travel cost...

on Sep 28

From eupolicy.social

EUwatch (@euwatchers@eupolicy.social)

0 0

Content warning: Les Italiens se mobilisent pour faire modifier la loi sur la citoyenneté

on Sep 27

From eupolicy.social

Ian Brown (@1br0wn@eupolicy.social)

0 0

Jessica Lennard, chief strategy officer at the U.K. competition watchdog, said the refocusing of the policy debate from the concept of responsible #AI to safety had left “a real serious lacuna” in areas like AI liability and accountability, which “tend not to be covered explicitly in that AI...

on Sep 20

From eupolicy.social

Jordan Maris 🇪🇺 🇺🇦 #NAFO (@jmaris@eupolicy.social)

0 0

You've got to be kidding me 🤦🤦🤦 JUST BUILD TRAINS FOR GOODNESS’ SAKE. HYPERLOOP IS IMPOSSIBLE. https://www.euractiv.com/section/railways/news/hyperloop-from-sci-fi-to-priority-for-next-eu-transport-commissioner/

on Sep 20

From eupolicy.social

EURACTIV Transport (@euractiv_transport@eupolicy.social)

0 0

Hyperloop: from sci-fi to priority for next EU transport commissioner https://www.euractiv.com/section/railways/news/hyperloop-from-sci-fi-to-priority-for-next-eu-transport-commissioner/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #ApostolosTzitzikostas #EuropeanCommission #Hyperloop

on Sep 20

From eupolicy.social

Freedom not Fear (@fnf@eupolicy.social)

0 0

Registration for #fnf24 is open NOW! 🥳 https://freedomnotfear.org/2024/registration-open Join #FreedomNotFear November 8-11 in Brussels. The political landscape in the EU is changing but we stay committed to advocate for digital rights for all. This will be a great opportunity to share,...

on Sep 19

From eupolicy.social

Jesper Lund (@je5perl@eupolicy.social)

0 0

Attached: 1 image The FBI legal attaché at Europol literally spoke about the fight against encrypted communications platforms (not the fight against crime, as you would think law enforcement is doing..) (Full Europol press conference here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdlIT0zmmyY, and yes...

on Sep 19

From eupolicy.social

Akshay (@Akshay@eupolicy.social)

0 0

First legal view I’ve seen on the pager attacks: “Mary Ellen O’Connell, a professor of law and international peace studies at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana, said booby-traps are banned under international law. “Weaponizing an object used by civilians is strictly prohibited,” she...

on Sep 19

From eupolicy.social

Sebastien Tarnowski (@sebastientarnowski@eupolicy.social)

0 0

Attached: 1 image X/Twitter is still in the game when it comes to EU Affairs... https://x.com/gerardofortuna/status/1835579936154739028?t=EAqeirRVNzux0ivzM3P7WA&s=19

on Sep 16

From eupolicy.social

Jan Penfrat (@ilumium@eupolicy.social)

0 0

Attached: 1 image Commissioner Thierry #Breton has resigned from the @EUCommission@ec.social-network.europa.eu and will not run again. Sounds like he is pretty pissed. I am very curious to see where that will leave #DSA and #DMA enforcement. 😬 #DigitalMarketsAct #DigitalServicesAct...

on Sep 16

From eupolicy.social

Henning Deters (@DetersHenning@eupolicy.social)

0 0

Attached: 4 images #climateDiary 15 September 2024 #Vienna #Hochwasser

on Sep 15

From eupolicy.social

Konstantin Macher (@pneutig@eupolicy.social)

0 0

Attached: 2 images @dnkrupinski@hannover.town Anbei als Screenshot

on Sep 9

From eupolicy.social

EURACTIV Energy & Environment (@euractiv_green@eupolicy.social)

0 0

Greece to tax cruise ship arrivals to protect popular islands from overtourism https://www.euractiv.com/section/energy-environment/news/greece-to-tax-cruise-ship-arrivals-to-protect-popular-islands-from-overtourism/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Cruiseships #environmentprotection...

on Sep 9

From eupolicy.social

Konstantin Macher (@pneutig@eupolicy.social)

0 0

Attached: 2 images Ehemalige Kieler Ortsgruppe von #Digitalcourage trennt sich von dem "Verein" und postet die Entscheidung und Gründe im Fediverse. Daraufhin wird ihr Profil von DC sofort gesperrt. Erklärung padeluun: "Ich zensiere euren kritischen Post nicht gegen euch, sondern für euch"

on Sep 8

From eupolicy.social

Konstantin Macher (@pneutig@eupolicy.social)

0 0

Könnt ihr den Account der @dc_og_Kiel@digitalcourage.social noch aufrufen? Anscheinend wurde er von der Instanz gesperrt. Erfreulicherweise ist das #Fediverse durch die Föderation gegen #Zensur ein bisschen mehr resilient. Dadurch finde ich bei 23 social den letzten abgesetzen Post momentan...

on Sep 8

From eupolicy.social

Jesper Lund (@je5perl@eupolicy.social)

0 1

[dk] Så fik vi omfattende ansigtsgenkendelse i det offentlige rum https://www.justitsministeriet.dk/pressemeddelelse/politiet-faar-groent-lys-til-ansigtsgenkendelse/ Forklaring: i Danmark betyder europæiske retsstatsprincipper som "i overensstemmelse med loven" åbenbart ikke andet end, at...

on Sep 5

From eupolicy.social

Jan Penfrat (@ilumium@eupolicy.social)

0 1

„Das wird immer einer der besten Witze der #Demokratie bleiben, dass sie ihren Todfeinden die Mittel selber stellte, durch die sie vernichtet wurde. Die verfolgten Führer der #NSDAP traten als Abgeordnete in den Genuss der Immunität, der Diäten und der Freifahrkarte. Dadurch waren sie vor dem...

on Sep 2

From eupolicy.social

Ian Brown :fedi: (@1br0wn@eupolicy.social)

0 1

‘It is not known how much #Apple or #Microsoft will invest in #OpenAI during this round and neither company would comment. To date, Microsoft has been the primary strategic investor in OpenAI and it owns a 49 per cent share of the start-up’s profits after investing $13 billion since 2019.’ <<...

on Aug 31

From eupolicy.social

Netopia EU (@netopia@eupolicy.social)

0 1

Attached: 1 image REMEMBER Google had a social network called Orkut. It was extremely popular in Brasil, but not so much elsewhere. Courts made various orders... Google shut it down. Twitter/X troubles in brasil is not entirely unique.

on Aug 31

From eupolicy.social

Freedom not Fear (@fnf@eupolicy.social)

0 1

1 Post, 2 Following, 11 Followers · Freedom not Fear – Annual self-organised conference on privacy and digital rights.

on Aug 12

From eupolicy.social

Johnny Ryan (@johnnyryan@eupolicy.social)

0 1

Attached: 1 video Government must start thinking about amplification of disinfo and hysteria on digital platforms as a data problem, rather than a speech problem. To fix this, enforce GDPR Article 9 against Twitter YouTube TikTok etc. And also use AVMSD tools.

on Aug 12

From eupolicy.social

Panoptykon (@panoptykon@eupolicy.social)

0 0

Attached: 1 image Po co korporacjom twoje zdjęcia z wakacji? Dobre pytanie O tym, dlaczego dane stały się cennym surowcem w Internecie posłuchacie *dzisiaj o 21:00* w Radiu 357 (audycja "Plac na rozdrożu"). W audycji weźmie udział nasza ekspertka, Dorota Głowacka. Drugą gościnią będzie...

on Aug 7

From eupolicy.social

Johnny Ryan (@johnnyryan@eupolicy.social)

0 0

Attached: 1 image We have to stop social media from amplifying hate & hysteria. #DublinRiots should not have happened. We have called on the new Media Commission of Ireland to make digital platforms switch off this toxic tech that poisons our society....

on Aug 7

From eupolicy.social

Johnny Ryan (@johnnyryan@eupolicy.social)

0 0

Attached: 1 video My statement at the Irish parliament hearing yesterday on A.I. and children's safety "The first step is to acknowledge – at long last – that we cannot put our faith in voluntary action by tech companies." All witnesses all called for strong action by Coimisuin na Mean on...

on Aug 7

From eupolicy.social

Jan Penfrat (@ilumium@eupolicy.social)

0 0

#FediHelp: I am looking for a #graphics #designer who can beautifully visualise the sign-up process of the #Fediverse + beginners tips on an approx. 2m² large #print banner. Banner will be used for a conference booth and should allow newbies to understand the Fediverse and how easy it is....

on Aug 5

From eupolicy.social

Ian Brown :fedi: (@1br0wn@eupolicy.social)

0 0

Now would be a good moment for Microsoft to announce they are going to mandate this in the medium term 🤨 (with cross-industry agreement on what the APIs should enable) https://mastodon.social/@sbisson/112818551436233688

on Jul 22

From eupolicy.social

Lilli Iliev (@lilliiliev@eupolicy.social)

0 0

Attached: 1 image Bereits zum vierten Mal hat China verhindert, dass die @wikimediafoundation@wikimedia.social bei der UN-Organisation für geistiges Eigentum (WIPO) als Beobachterin zugelassen wird. Wieder mit der unzutreffenden Begründung, Wikimedia sei an der Verbreitung von Desinformationen...

on Jul 22

From eupolicy.social

EUwatch (@euwatchers@eupolicy.social)

0 0

Content warning: Emmanuel Macron avoids defeat in legislative elections

on Jul 8

From eupolicy.social

Dr. Raphael Weyland (@raphaelweyland@eupolicy.social)

0 0

Attached: 1 image Bit more than 1/3 of my #VeloBaltica journey done, timewise (37 days) & in distance (2700km). It feels like already: time flying with good cycling, new countries, nice nature & interesting people!

on Jul 6

From eupolicy.social

Dr. Raphael Weyland (@raphaelweyland@eupolicy.social)

0 0

Attached: 3 images The official #Eurovelo10 track from the @ecfeurovelo@bird.makeup website imported in komoot then sent to garmin suddenly looked strange, I double checked. But I had good coffee and now just made it to Riga, great, but quite climate emergency warm with 31°C. Will at least stay...

on Jul 6

From eupolicy.social

Panoptykon (@panoptykon@eupolicy.social)

0 0

4/7 Wydawcy są świadomi zasad tej gry i od dawna się na nie godzą, nawet jeśli czasem narzekają. Walcząc o swój udział w reklamowym torcie, wypuszczają na media społecznościowe takie treści, które “lubią” algorytmy, tym samym zwiększając podaż click-baitu, treści być może o niskiej jakości,...

on Jul 4

From eupolicy.social

Netopia EU (@netopia@eupolicy.social)

0 0

Are you on Twitter - please also join us here https://twitter.com/NetopiaEu

on Jul 3

From eupolicy.social

Ralf Bendrath (@bendrath@eupolicy.social)

0 0

The @EUCommission@ec.social-network.europa.eu wants European enterprises to waste more ressources on #BigData, #cloud, and #AI. Because of #digitisation. "In 2023, the uptake of AI, cloud and/or big data by European companies was also well below the Digital Decade target of 75%. Under current...

on Jul 3

From eupolicy.social

Henning Deters (@DetersHenning@eupolicy.social)

0 0

"The majority ruling argued because Grants Pass’ anti-homeless ordinances theoretically apply to everyone, they do not effectively criminalize status but rather conduct." https://www.streetroots.org/news/2024/06/20/supreme-court-grants-pass-v-johnson-decision #TheoreticalFreedom

on Jun 28

From eupolicy.social

Jan Penfrat (@ilumium@eupolicy.social)

0 0

The latest shit idea from yours truly 🇩🇪 #Germany: The government proposes to empower itself to deport non-German legal residents if they 'like' or otherwise express support for "#terrorism" on social media. One time and you're out. No judge or other independent judicial approval...

on Jun 27

From eupolicy.social

EURACTIV Transport (@euractiv_transport@eupolicy.social)

0 0

EU centre-right decides future of combustion engines in early July https://www.euractiv.com/section/road-transport/news/eu-centre-right-decides-future-of-combustion-engines-in-early-july/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #carindustry #CarsandCO2 #CO2standardsforcars #Combustionengineban

on Jun 26

From eupolicy.social

Jan Penfrat (@ilumium@eupolicy.social)

0 0

So wow: controlled tests of Europe's oldest #solarpanels show that even after 40+ years of service, they continue to produce around 80% of their original power output. 💪☀️ https://www.heise.de/news/Photovoltaikanlage-zeigt-nach-30-Jahren-Betrieb-fast-80-Prozent-Restleistung-9770227.html

on Jun 26

From eupolicy.social

EDRi (@edri@eupolicy.social)

0 0

Attached: 1 video The EU Commission FINALLY admits *on record* that its #CSARegulation proposal would 👏break 👏 encryption, as Vera Jourova's comments at @EDPS@social.network.europa.eu Summit. This contradicts 3 years of @YlvaJohansson@respublicae.eu 's : "#CSAR doesn't break...

on Jun 26

From eupolicy.social

Jan Penfrat (@ilumium@eupolicy.social)

0 0

Attached: 1 video Soooo, not only has the Belgian Presidency postponed today's vote on #ChatControl, #EU Commissioner #Jourova for the first time publicly admitted that the proposal would break #encryption:

on Jun 26