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From ghost.io

Violet Blue: "But he does good work."

1 1

Jake benefited greatly from journalists who did not check their facts, reporters who bought into his bullshit persecuted-hacker narrative.

5h ago

From ghost.io

Picture a Day: Jul 5

1 1

We escaped the stifling heat in the Peninsula by going out to the coast, Half Moon Bay, to be specific. We stopped at Surfer Beach and walked along a couple adjoining beaches part of Half Moon Bay State Beach this afternoon. I took several pictures, but I'll refrain from dumping

#tg3 #blog #beach #ocean #sfbay #waves #olympus #halfmoonbay #photography

16h ago

From ghost.io

15 new sci-fi and fantasy books to read this July

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Books about King Arthur, fantastical empires, dragons, eyeballs, and more.

on Fri, 9PM

From ghost.io

Blacks for Trump?

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Are young Black men shifting to Trump? An interview with Jerrell Gray, an organizer with Strategy for Black Lives.


on Fri, 7PM

From ghost.io

Why a blog?

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Hi, my name is Saskia. I've been writing since I was a kid, like, really writing. Novels, poetry, I even had an obsession with magazines (some of which have turned into my favourite portfolio pieces). From there, I got two degrees, both of which included a lot of writing. So

on Fri, 5PM

From ghost.io

Shabbat Gathering: My death.

0 1

Dear Chevrei, as is our custom, we will gather tonight at 5.45p ct to welcome Shabbat. These are the coordinates: Zoom Meeting ID: 883 8469 4181 Password: 822665 Phone: +1 312 626 6799 (To unsubscribe from the newsletter, click the link at the very bottom of this email.) Note:

on Fri, 2PM

From ghost.io

Picture a Day: Jul 4

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This is an abstract edit of an already abstract picture of fireworks. Since I never bring a tripod when I try to photograph fireworks, mine always turn out like abstract macros. I decided to really do up this shot. 😝 🎇

on Fri, 6AM

From ghost.io

Happy 58th Birthday, FOIA!

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Good evening from Washington, where I'm seriously considering skipping the fireworks this year, given oppressive heat and humidity. Alex Howard here, with a "bonus" civic text about a law that's near and dear to my heart. This week, I received a letter from Colleen Shogan, the 12th Archivist of the

on Fri, 1AM

From ghost.io

A Declaration of Independence from Tyranny, With Liberty and Justice for All

0 1

Good afternoon from sweltering Washington, where my neighborhood parade convened before the heat of the day fully arrived. Alex Howard, with another civic text on a day when far more of my fellow Americans pay attention to civics. As always, thank you for subscribing, sharing, commenting, and...

on Thu, 6PM

From ghost.io

AI's Reality-Bending Potential: A Double-Edged Sword in the Quest for Safety

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As AI continues to advance, it's clear that addressing these challenges will require ongoing collaboration between researchers, developers, and policymakers.

on Thu, 1PM

From ghost.io

Picture(s) a Day: Jul 3

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Earlier today I watched a YouTube video where the photographer made a Fujifilm digital film recipe called "pastelchrome", based on the Classic Chrome film emulation. It's meant to have a scanned film look, but still have enough room to accommodate additional JPEG editing, if you want to. I set up

on Thu, 3AM

From ghost.io

Ink Swatch Wednesday: Currently Inked for July

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I didn't acquire any new inks this week, but it is the beginning of the month, so I thought I'd post my list of currently inked pens. I have a scan on Tomoe River Sanzen (a page from my Hobonichi HON), and a scan on Iroful paper, which is new

on Thu, 2AM

From ghost.io

UX Jobs : Daily Picks (Wednesday)

0 1

Linkedin Access

on Thu, 12AM

From ghost.io

President Biden must show his fitness to serve through more open governance

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Good afternoon from Washington, where the capitol of the United States is dressed up and rehearsing to celebrate the Declaration of Independence, 248 years ago tomorrow. Alex Howard here, with another civic text. Thanks to everyone who has subscribed so far, especially to new members and the...

on Wed, 8PM

From ghost.io

Installing Linux For the First Time

0 1

Installing Linux for the first time can feel daunting. It's also quite freeing and rewarding. Let's get you started.

on Wed, 2PM

From ghost.io

Every counter-revolution is a throw of the dice

0 3

The Supreme Court has officially thrown their lot in with a fascist coup. They have indicated their absolute willingness, indeed excitement, indeed collective engorgement for the fascist power grab. In the last seven days they legalized bribery, then said that January 6th was cool and good, then...

on Wed, 7AM

From ghost.io

Picture a Day: Jul 2

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Lantana flowers are endlessly fascinating. I wish I could find the ones with multiple colors in a cluster, as they’re even more magical-looking.

on Wed, 7AM

From ghost.io

UX Jobs : Daily Picks (Tuesday)

0 1

Linkedin Access

on Wed, 2AM

From ghost.io

Blizzard: A Postmortem

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Maybe we have an infrastructure issue and not a resource issue A few years ago my colleage and I were awarded a small grant to create a compatible plugin with Snowflake. Our reasoning was this: mutual aid. We know that people rely on both Tor and I2P, so what if

on Tue, 7PM

From ghost.io

What is The Lagrange Point

0 3

In technical terms? A Lagrange Point is a position in space associated with two stellar bodies in equilibrium with their gravitational forces and orbit. Take the Earth and the Sun, for example. Between our planet and the star that gives us life, there are five Lagrange Points (and, indeed, there

on Tue, 5PM

From ghost.io

Weeknotes 295 - agency exchanges for communities

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Thinking again about new concepts of agency in a genAI reality. And notions from last week’s news.

on Tue, 8AM

From ghost.io

Picture a Day: Jul 1

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Don't side eye me, Sprite! 😼

on Tue, 4AM

From ghost.io

UX Jobs : Daily Picks (Monday)

0 1

Linkedin Access

on Tue, 1AM

From ghost.io

Sustainability and Standards: We Need To Talk About Building Censorship Circumvention Infrastructure

0 1

Funding for FOSS projects needs to incorporate multi-year contracts for maintainers. This would ideally be someone who has experience and can assess and help a team implement best practices, policy and documentation as part of the contract. Projects should not need to create something new that...

on Mon, 11PM

From ghost.io

4 ways Trump ran the "Authoritarian Playbook" at the presidential debate

0 2

Good afternoon from sunny Washington, DC. Alex Howard here, with another civic text. I'm honestly still getting my mind around that the Supreme Court ruled 6-3 that a former President has "absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for actions within his conclusive and preclusive...

on Mon, 8PM

From ghost.io

What the Amtrak Cascades Preliminary Service Development Plan Means for Bellingham

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WSDOT released its final report that studies options for expanding intercity rail service in Western Washington.

on Mon, 5PM

From ghost.io

Biden's Brain

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2024 could have been a victory lap for Biden. Could one bad debate derail his campaign? A post-debate Q&A with psychologist Vince Greenwood, Ph.D.

on Mon, 2PM

From ghost.io

Things Elan Reacquainted Himself With After Breaking Out of His Single-Day Time Loop, by D. A. Straith

0 1

Content warnings Parental emotional abuse; Trauma; Food. 1. The colour ochre, painted by the city mageguard around his front door as a warning: do not enter, premises unsafe. 2. His parents’ address, which is where he tells the mageguard captain to find him while he waits for them to untangle

on Mon, 10AM

From ghost.io

Picture a Day: Jun 30

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Cheryl's digital "cabinet of curiosities"

on Mon, 5AM

From ghost.io

Knaves and curs and Banbury cheeses

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Writing for writers about writing

on Sun, 1AM

From ghost.io

Picture a Day: Jun 29

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Well, it finally happened. I totally forgot to post a picture of the day yesterday. Pfffft. Oh well, about half a year of posting every day (with a couple late entries) is still pretty good. 😛 I was randomly shooting images out the side window of our car as we drove

on Sun, 1AM

From ghost.io

I Began To Quietly Plead With A God I Do Not Worship At A Bakery In Montreal

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This draft has been sitting here in a browser tab for months. I come back to it and then turn to watch the birds and squirrels quarrelling and working in the big shared tree that shades our house. I bury the tab in a nest of tabs and drop it

on Sat, 9PM

From ghost.io


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I just did the job for you and used My Doom™ so you can enjoy a new Chaos Dwarf army this year!

on Jun 29

From ghost.io

Clean Power and Storage Wars

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When people find out what I do for work, it’s not unusual for them to ask, “Are we doomed?” My usual response is, “We would be, if not for the amazing developments in renewable energy.” We know the people willing to destroy the planet for personal gain are still

on Jun 29

From ghost.io

Last Quarter: Healing from loneliness

0 1

Hello. It's Friday. Unlike some weeks, I'm prepared to dive right in to the meat of my meditations. Be warned only that what I'm writing about today may stir difficult emotions in you, and perhaps also for me as I go. And yet as Last Quarter posts go, I will

on Jun 28

From ghost.io

Shabbat Gathering: Reincarnation.

0 0

Dear Chevrei, as is our custom, we will gather tonight at 5.45p ct and welcome Shabbat. These are the coordinates: Zoom Meeting ID: 883 8469 4181 Password: 822665 Phone: +1 312 626 6799 (To unsubscribe from the newsletter, click the link at the very bottom of this email.) Here

on Jun 28

From ghost.io

Some Supreme Court Justices consider corruption to be a bad thing

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"Officials who use their public positions for private gain threaten the integrity of our most important institutions. Greed makes governments—at every level—less responsive, less efficient, and less trustworthy from the perspective of the communities they serve. " Opinion of Justice Jackson,...

on Jun 28

From ghost.io

What I love most about The Princess Bride

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A reflection

on Jun 28

From ghost.io

What I love most about Hamlet

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A reflection

on Jun 28

From ghost.io

Picture a Day: Jun 27

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Chicago Botanic Garden, 2005

on Jun 28

From ghost.io

Why is The Quiet New Deal so quiet?

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The antidote to Project 2025 is happening now and will die if Trump seizes power. So let’s make some noise. Almost every day, I see headlines like this: And quite often, I see charts like this:  And this: And a little less rarely, you see a headline like this:

on Jun 28

From ghost.io

Pre-Bunking Trump's Debate Lies

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Hopefully, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash will prepared enough to debunk some of Trump's most oft-repeated whoppers.

on Jun 28

From ghost.io

To Sync Or Not To Sync...

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That is the question. Do you trade private data for convenience or not?

on Jun 28

From ghost.io

Red Pens and Playwriting

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Writing for writers about writing

on Jun 28

From ghost.io

Ink Swatch Wednesday: PLUS x Sailor Ice Gray

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Today I have the PLUS x Sailor Ice Gray ink that came with the First Snow limited edition (?) collaboration pen that I got today for my birthday! 🥳 This is a lovely, translucent cool gray color (do I see some faint pink and lavender tones?) with some shading. It's an apt

on Jun 28

From ghost.io

Picture(s) a Day: Jun 26

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Phew, kind of a busier weekday than usual, because it's my birthday! 🥳 I started out the day having impromptu brunch with my brother at a place in Cupertino called Sweet Maple. Had a pretty tasty matcha moffle (mochi waffle), and an ube latte. Then, after Hubby got home from work,

on Jun 28

From ghost.io

How journalists should respond to the "Authoritarian Playbook"

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Good afternoon from sweltering Washington, where I'm hunkering down in air conditioning and parsing what the Supreme Court's decision on Murthy vs Missouri means for how social media companies and U.S. government interact around disinformation, misinformation, and propaganda. (More on that...

on Jun 27

From ghost.io

Owncast Newsletter July 2024

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In This Issue * A Note From The Editor * Features * Owncast, Four Years On * Featured Streamer: Operation: Puppet * Closing Remarks A Note From The Editor Welcome back, dear reader! Perhaps you thought I'd taken a trip to the underworld or been distracted by a small, shiny object...

on Jun 26

From ghost.io

Written in Lace, by Samantha Rich

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Guardswoman Ysris brought her along to the captain’s tent, which was exciting in a way. Teys had never been in one of the big tents before. She slept with the field-kitchen workers, six to a little tent where they all tangled up like puppies in order to sleep. Only

on Jun 26

From ghost.io

Trump wants to be your Putin

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And the corporate right seems to want that, too. It’s not just about “collusion.” It’s about an almost complete alignment in opposing truth, justice, and the American way. Towards the end of the latest episode of Ball of Thread (which you can subscribe to on Patreon, Apple, Spotify

on Jun 26