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From jewishvoiceforpeace.org

This is terrorism. - JVP

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Israel carried out two terrorist attacks across Lebanon this week, bringing the entire region ever closer to the brink of all out war.

#war #arms #bombs #Israel #pagers #attacks #lebanon #weapons #Hezbollah #hizbollah

on Thu, 9PM

From jewishvoiceforpeace.org

Tell your Senators: No more weapons to Israel. - JVP

0 1

Call your Senators immediately and tell them to support Senator Sanders' bill to end weapons shipments to Israel and to support a full arms embargo on the Israeli government.

on Fri, 5AM

From jewishvoiceforpeace.org

An American was killed in the West Bank. - JVP

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While the world’s attention is turned toward Gaza, the Israeli government has expanded illegal Israeli settlements across the West Bank at a record pace. In July, it approved the appropriation of nearly five square miles of Palestinian land — the largest single land grab since the early 1990s.

on Sep 11

From jewishvoiceforpeace.org

Every life is precious. - JVP

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Every single death, all of the destruction, was preventable. We need an arms embargo now to end this loss of life.

on Sep 5

From jewishvoiceforpeace.org

A brief guide to Israel's cultural genocide - JVP

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Since its genocide against Palestinians in Gaza began, the Israeli military has destroyed hundreds of historical and religious sites, and centers of culture and learning like libraries, archives, and museums. 

on Aug 28

From jewishvoiceforpeace.org

Prevent regional war: arms embargo and permanent ceasefire now.

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Recent escalations of the Israeli government have once again brought the Middle East to the brink of a regional war.

on Aug 25

From jewishvoiceforpeace.org

Break the Bonds: A dispatch from our divestment campaign. - JVP

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The pressure is on for U.S. institutions to stop investing in genocide and Israeli apartheid.

on Aug 4

From jewishvoiceforpeace.org

Biden’s legacy is genocide. - JVP

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The Biden administration's support for Israel has led to a spiral of disaster claiming more lives by the day.

on Aug 1

From jewishvoiceforpeace.org

Thousands shut down the Capitol to protest Israel’s genocide. - JVP

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Now is the moment to escalate movement demands for an arms embargo. The U.S. government needs to end its support for this genocide now.

on Jul 26

From jewishvoiceforpeace.org

Tell your school board: Reject the ADL. - JVP

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This is a petition for local use that you can share with people in your community. 

on Jul 21

From jewishvoiceforpeace.org

Fight antisemitism, reject the ADL. - JVP

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For decades, the ADL has surveilled and targeted social justice movements, including civil rights, anti-apartheid, immigrant, farmworker, queer, Palestinian rights, and labor movements. Last week, the Guardian revealed that the ADL spied on progressive Black organizer, Tatjana Rebelle, keeping a...

on Jul 19

From jewishvoiceforpeace.org

Netanyahu is promising a forever war. - JVP

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What’s motivating Netanyahu to extend this genocide into a forever war?

on Jun 28

From jewishvoiceforpeace.org

Israel is a core pillar of U.S. dominance. - JVP

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In “Framing Palestine Israel, the Gulf states, and American power in the Middle East,” Adam Hanieh breaks down why the U.S. provides billions each year in military funding to Israel. The answer? It’s all about U.S. empire.

on Jun 26

From jewishvoiceforpeace.org

The truth about campuses. - JVP

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In April and May 2024, thousands of students at over 150 college campuses across the United States rose up in peaceful protest to demand that their universities divest from apartheid and genocide. 

on Jun 26

From jewishvoiceforpeace.org

Israel is a rogue state. Who will stop them? - JVP

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On May 26, the Israeli military carried out an unspeakable massacre in a humanitarian zone in Rafah, bombing tent camps filled with displaced men, women, and children, and killing 45 Palestinians. Hundreds of others were wounded.

on May 30

From jewishvoiceforpeace.org

The new right-wing repression playbook. - JVP

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As we grow to truly historic proportions, we’re also facing a new level of state repression.

on May 23

From jewishvoiceforpeace.org

Did Biden really suspend weapons shipments to Israel? - JVP

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In the last days, Israel has ramped up its genocidal assault on Palestinians in Rafah and across Gaza, forcing hundreds of thousands to flee from where they had been taking shelter. But nowhere in Gaza is safe.

on May 15

From jewishvoiceforpeace.org

URGENT: Stop arming Israel (call now) - JVP

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The U.S. must work to immediately de-escalate to prevent the further loss of life, and not fuel and exacerbate the violence by sending more weapons to Israel.

on May 12

From jewishvoiceforpeace.org

BREAKING: The U.S. ultimatum to Israel. ACT NOW. - JVP

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Breaking news: The U.S. has suspended the shipment of weapons to Israel. This is huge, and now is the time to tip the scales.

on May 8

From jewishvoiceforpeace.org

Will they crush the biggest student movement since Vietnam? - JVP

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As encampments are erected across the country, many school administrations are inviting police onto campuses to violently crack down on students.  

on May 2

From jewishvoiceforpeace.org

We're fighting to stop a genocide. Slanders against our movements are a distraction. - JVP

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As the largest anti-Zionist Jewish organization in the world, we unequivocally reject the conflation of antisemitism with anti-Zionism and reaffirm in the strongest terms that there is no place for antisemitism in our movements.

on Apr 26

From jewishvoiceforpeace.org

Statement on Columbia University’s discriminatory and repressive treatment of Jewish students - JVP

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For the past six months, the University of Columbia and Barnard College have created a climate of repression and harm for students peacefully protesting for an end of the Israeli genocide against Palestinians in Gaza. Students have faced attacks to their physical safety while on campus, endured...

on Apr 23

From jewishvoiceforpeace.org

For Release: JVP calls for Biden administration to demand a regional ceasefire. - JVP

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Jewish Voice for Peace calls on the Biden administration to use the United States’s leverage to enforce calls for a regional ceasefire, including an immediate end to U.S. military funding and weapons sales to the Israeli government, amid its unfolding genocide against Palestinians in Gaza.

on Apr 15

From jewishvoiceforpeace.org

Did Nancy Pelosi just ask to halt weapons to Israel? - JVP

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The genocide in Gaza continues in full force. But in the U.S., our movement’s power has been instrumental in pulling even centrist Democrats toward the left.

on Apr 11

From jewishvoiceforpeace.org

Tell Congress: Stop funding the Israeli military. - JVP

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Now is the moment to demand a full end to U.S. complicity in the Israeli government's genocide of Palestinians. Call your member of Congress.

on Apr 5

From jewishvoiceforpeace.org

New England police withdraw from training with Israeli military

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Coalitions of local residents targeted elected officials with meetings, letter-writing campaigns

on Mar 28

From jewishvoiceforpeace.org

Finally, the U.N. passes a ceasefire resolution. - JVP

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Security Council resolutions are legally binding, despite what the Biden administration would have us believe. But it’s up to the Palestine solidarity movement to ensure the U.S. government enforces it.

on Mar 27

From jewishvoiceforpeace.org

In Gaza’s north, a full-blown famine is imminent.  - JVP

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The Israeli military has deliberately blocked the entrance of humanitarian aid to the north, attacked aid convoys, and gunned down starving people as they tried to collect what little aid has managed to reach them. 

on Mar 22

From jewishvoiceforpeace.org

Why Biden is hiding. - JVP

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Over 150 days into the Gaza genocide, pressure on the Biden administration has reached a boiling point.

on Mar 7

From jewishvoiceforpeace.org

Join Us - JVP

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Join Us Who We Are Find Local Organizing Ways to get involved FAQ Who We Are JVP is a national, grassroots organization working towards Palestinian freedom and Judaism beyond Zionism. It’s the largest such organization in the world. As the right wing gathers momentum in the U.S., Israel, and...

on Mar 5

From jewishvoiceforpeace.org

Interested in joining or starting a JVP chapter?

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JVP chapters are the foundation of our grassroots power. Join your local community of activists today!

on Mar 4

From jewishvoiceforpeace.org

Genocide is a bad investment. - JVP

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One of the largest pension funds in the world has divested entirely from Israel Bonds. 

on Mar 1

From jewishvoiceforpeace.org

REVEALED: ADL’s US-Israel Police Exchanges Militarize the Police - JVP

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“The ADL’s cover is blown once and for all. There’s nothing Jewish about fighting against Palestinian freedom or militarizing the police.”

on Feb 18

From jewishvoiceforpeace.org

Rafah: The penultimate step in Israel’s march of genocide. - JVP

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An Israeli invasion of Rafah would be the most dangerous stage of the genocide yet.

on Feb 15

From jewishvoiceforpeace.org

Tell Congress: Demand Biden reinstate UNRWA funding. - JVP

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On the same day the ICJ found South Africa's genocide case against Israel plausible, the Biden administration announced it was suspending funding to UNRWA. 

on Feb 13

From jewishvoiceforpeace.org

Is a ceasefire imminent? What you need to know. - JVP

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This week, Democrats and Republicans each unveiled proposals that would provide billions in additional funding for Israel’s genocidal military, revealing just how out of touch they are with the majority of their constituents.

on Feb 9

From jewishvoiceforpeace.org

Sorrow and fury: a letter from American rabbis to President Biden. - JVP

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Dear President Biden, As American rabbis, we write to you with deep sorrow and fury.  Tomorrow is the UN – designated International Holocaust Remembrance Day: a time to honor the memory of the millions of people murdered through the genocide committed by the Nazi regime, including six million of...

on Feb 6

From jewishvoiceforpeace.org

Defunding UNRWA is another heinous act of genocide. - JVP

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The U.S. cutting UNRWA funding is what complicity in a genocide looks like.

on Feb 1

From jewishvoiceforpeace.org

On Holocaust Remembrance Day, JVP descendants of survivors call for an end to the Israeli government’s genocide of Palestinians - JVP

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On this Holocaust Remembrance Day, JVP descendants of survivors call for an end to the Israeli government’s genocide of Palestinians

on Jan 27

From jewishvoiceforpeace.org

This Holocaust Remembrance Day, 'never again' is now. - JVP

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As we approach International Holocaust Remembrance Day, we are confronted with a devastating truth: What we vowed never to allow to happen again is happening, right now.

on Jan 25

From jewishvoiceforpeace.org

Why Israel’s war on Gaza is textbook genocide. - JVP

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Israel is committing genocide — and Israel’s prosecution under international law matters for our movement.

on Jan 19

From jewishvoiceforpeace.org

What is BDS? – Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions

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JVP endorses the call from Palestinian civil society for Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) as part of our work for freedom, justice and equality.

on Dec 30

From jewishvoiceforpeace.org

Jews of all ages are organizing for a ceasefire. - JVP

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On the 8th night of Hanukkah, JVP members shut down 8 bridges and highways in 8 cities across the country to demand a permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

on Dec 27

From jewishvoiceforpeace.org

We shut down 8 bridges in 8 cities on the 8th night of Hanukkah. - JVP

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Our message is clear: As long as Israel is dropping bombs on Gaza, there can be no business as usual.

on Dec 18

From jewishvoiceforpeace.org

Did Biden just say the U.S. can’t protect Jews? - JVP

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All people deserve to be safe in our homes. There is no freedom to be found for any of us by using Jewish to lives to kill others.

on Dec 14