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From stackexchange.com

What is the history of the use of "foo" and "bar" in source code examples?

9 9

Why do many code examples, especially tutorials, use the names "Foo" and "Bar" so often? It is almost a standard. For example: void foo(char* bar) { printf("%s", bar); }

#Bot #News #ycombinator #軟體工程 #hackernewsbot #hackernews

4h ago

From stackexchange.com

Subquadratic algorithms for approximate graph matching of two undirected trees

1 1

I am searching for efficient algorithms to optimize the approximate graph matching (AGM) problem. The general case of this problem is known to be NP-hard (equivalent to the quadratic assignment pro...

#compsci #algorithms

19h ago

From stackexchange.com

How were the 70s versions of pong and similar games implemented without a programmable computer?

1 9

My Dad once commented "Back in the 70s - when Wozniak was working at Atari - they were building games using electronics - not programming computers." As a Computer Science graduate withou...

23h ago

From stackexchange.com

Preventing unauthorized automated access to the network

1 3

Stack Exchange is implementing four new restrictions to prevent unauthorized automated access to the network. These restrictions should not affect day-to-day network usage; however, they are still


on Sep 23

From stackexchange.com

Why does Plan 9 use "snarf" instead of "copy"?

1 1

When you watch presentations about Plan 9 and its acme editor you might notice that the name for copy is snarf (I wasn't able to find any meaningful explanation unfortunately). Why is it so? Is ...

on Sep 6

From stackexchange.com

tmux command-prompt press enter?

1 1

Is it possible to include a enter character for tmux to use when using command-prompt's -I option? I'd like it to operate like a key-press; but \n and \r don't really do the job. The command argument

#tmux #linux #commandprompt #stackexchange

on Sep 6

From stackexchange.com

Can light become a satellite of a black hole?

1 1

In general, stars can have satellites orbiting around them. Then, can a photon become a satellite of a black hole? Once a photon enters the Schwarzschild radius, it cannot escape the black hole. Ho...

on Sep 5

From stackexchange.com

What is the translation of a code monkey in French?

1 1

From nordvpn.com: Code monkey is a slang term for a programmer or developer who is seen as someone who writes code quickly and without much thought or creativity. What is the translation of a code

on Sep 5

From stackexchange.com

Why does man print "gimme gimme gimme" at 00:30?

1 25

We've noticed that some of our automatic tests fail when they run at 00:30 but work fine the rest of the day. They fail with the message gimme gimme gimme in stderr, which wasn't expected. Why are...

#unix #linux #programming

on Oct 20

From stackexchange.com

2d zooming function using transformation matrix

0 1

I'm trying to create a sort of "graphing calculator coordinate system" where you can zoom into a point by scrolling with the mouse wheel. I'm using javafx's transformation matrices (Affin...

on Thu, 3PM

From stackexchange.com

What's the state-of-the-art in generic unification?

0 1

The Wikipedia page on unification mentions several generalizations of the basic Robinson unification problem. These seem to boil down to Making the terms in the domain of discourse more interesting (

on Thu, 2AM

From stackexchange.com

Instability of fully differential op-amp in LTspice

0 1

I tested the following circuit including a fully differential op-amp for stability in LTspice. The circuit has an inverting gain of 6 and a roll-off at 4 MHz. When exciting the circuit with a step,...

on Tue, 4PM

From stackexchange.com

How does moving a feedpoint off-center in a dipole affect the resonant frequency and resistive load?

0 1

Specifically, I understand that OCF dipoles change the SWR, but does it do this via reactance or resistance, or both?

on Tue, 8AM

From stackexchange.com

What is the impedance of an end-fed half-wave antenna?

0 1

It is my understanding that the feed-point impedance ($Z_a$) of an end-fed half-wave antenna is dependent on at least the following factors: $L_a$: The length of the radiating element of the anten...

on Tue, 8AM

From stackexchange.com

Why do we choose 44.1 kHz as recording sampling rate?

0 1

Peoples' ears can hear sound whose frequencies range from 20 Hz to 20 kHz. Based on the Nyquist theorem, the recording rate should be at least 40 kHz. Is it the reason for choosing 4...

on Mon, 2PM

From stackexchange.com

Lose at tic-tac-toe

0 1

Write a program that a will play a game of Misère tic-tac-toe. That is, the goal is to force your opponent to take three in a row. Accept on standard input either an 'X' or an 'O'(the letter, not ...

on Mon, 11AM

From stackexchange.com

An example Tissot ellipse for an Equirectangular Projection?

0 1

I am trying to calculate distortion of an equirectangular projection via Tissot indicatrices. I have tried following the directions on this post (among other things) but it is beyond my understand...

on Mon, 10AM

From stackexchange.com

Plotting graphs of Modular Forms

0 3

After watching all the 8 parts of "“Introduction to Modular Forms,” by Keith Conrad" on YouTube, I got "extremely intrigued" by plotting graphs of Modular Forms ( on SL(2,Z) ). So

on Mon, 8AM

From stackexchange.com

System of equations

0 1

I am a beginner in Latex and I would like to know how I can write this system of equations But I don't know how. I have tried this code: \documentclass{article} \usepackage{mathtools} \usepackage{

on Sun, 5PM

From stackexchange.com

Why are dynamic arrays called ArrayLists in Java?

0 1

The point of Java's ArrayLists is that they adjust their length automatically whenever items are inserted or deleted. If I understand it correctly, ArrayLists are wrappers around primitive arrays. ...

on Sun, 4AM

From stackexchange.com

Which HF bands are best during the day and which are better at night?

0 0

I am rather new to HF operation and have recently purchased my first HF rig. I have read about bands being "open" and "closed" based on various conditions including time of day. As I have been list...

on Sep 28

From stackexchange.com

What does a noise blanker really do, and what are the side effects?

0 0

Most HF rigs have a noise blanker (NB) feature. It does reduce some types of noise (car ignition noise and such). How does it really work? I've read it has negative side-effects with strong signals,

on Sep 28

From stackexchange.com

Right justified typing in vim?

0 0

I was re-writing some documentation recently and found myself wanting to write from right to left in vim; but I didn't want to make all the text that way, using for instance set rightleft. What I'm

on Sep 27

From stackexchange.com

Why do people say putting a "." (full stop) inside "" quote marks is grammatically correct/right?

0 0

The question I'm asking is why people put a "." (full stop) inside "" quote marks, why is this grammatically correct/right for English? From my computer coding knowledge, I thin...

on Sep 27

From stackexchange.com

How similar were the MC6800 and MOS 6502?

0 0

When reading about the history of the 6502 CPU, it is regularly pointed out that Chuck Peddle had previously worked on the MC6800 CPU at Motorola. As well, it is stated that the goal when creating ...

on Sep 27

From stackexchange.com

After seeing how misinformed an article is in a newspaper, you flip the page and continue reading as if the rest can be trusted. What is this called?

0 0

I vividly remember reading a Wikipedia article about a named law (e.g. "Betteridge's law of headlines"). It goes something like this: "You read an article about a topic you're very

on Sep 27

From stackexchange.com

Who qualifies as a bodhisattva?

0 0

Does a person cultivating bodhicitta qualify as a bodhisattva? Or to qualify as a bodhisattva, does one need to have levelled-up to some degree in the perfection of the great perfections. I have seen/

on Sep 27

From stackexchange.com

ansible list docker containers

0 0

I have a playbook in which one of the tasks gathers info about running docker containers on the specific host. - name: Gather info hosts: "{{ hosts }}" gather_facts: no tasks: ...

on Sep 26

From stackexchange.com

Can "Nazi stormtroopers" refer to uniformed military, or is that incorrect usage?

0 0

My understanding is that the "storm troopers" were specialized infantry in World War 1 (not Nazis), and a paramilitary group in the years leading up to World War 2 (yes, very much Nazis)....

on Sep 26

From stackexchange.com

Join points into lines, split by a date gap

0 0

I have data for the location and dates of a band's gigs as point features. I want to turn these into line features where the lines come from all points in time-order until there's a gap of a given ...

on Sep 26

From stackexchange.com

Is it really impossible to have gradient without banding?

0 0

I am struggling to create a gradient without banding. I have watched all the videos on YT and tried: Bluring all kinds, Noise, Dither,bit depth, Brush and doing the gradient in Illustrator. Everyt...

on Sep 26

From stackexchange.com

how is Mobius inversion derived in the first place?

0 0

I kind of understand how to prove Mobius inversion, but is there any hint regarding how Mobius came up with this idea in the first place? Specifically, are there any related observations that can ...

on Sep 25

From stackexchange.com

Writing 1+1= 2 in a complicated way

0 0

I am learning Unit Circle at the moment and I am using this source as an education tool Trigonometry: Unit Circle (Starts at 20:00). The author solves these simple equations like below: 1 + 1 = ...

on Sep 25

From stackexchange.com

How to print an image across two pages

0 0

I have a long image that's about 8 inches wide by 20 inches tall. It's open in Preview. For the life of me, I can't figure out how to get the top half of the image to print on one sheet of letter p...

on Sep 25

From stackexchange.com

How does changing your password every 90 days increase security?

0 0

Where I work I'm forced to change my password every 90 days. This security measure has been in place in many organizations for as long as I can remember. Is there a specific security vulnerabilit...

on Sep 25

From stackexchange.com

Is there scientific evidence on the benefits of binaural beats?

0 0

When two coherent sounds with nearly similar frequencies are presented to each ear respectively with stereo headphones, the brain integrates the two signals and produces a sensation of a third sound

on Sep 25

From stackexchange.com

Are there individual protons and neutrons in a nucleus?

0 0

The popular science material always talks about the number of protons and neutrons in a nucleus, but I've always wondered if that's a real thing nuclear physicists believe or if it is just a conven...

on Sep 25

From stackexchange.com

Did Microsoft actually release a “Critical Update Notification Tool”?

0 0

There is a commonly repeated rumour that Microsoft once released a program called the “Critical Update Notification Tool”, which they later had to quietly rename so that the acronym spell something

on Sep 25

From stackexchange.com

How to investigate further the iOS notification "This password has appeared in a data leak"?

0 0

I recently received 3 notifications of “This password has appeared in a data leak”, and they're all related to instances of people setting up a demonstration account for me. I’m a bit puzzled becau...

on Sep 24

From stackexchange.com

How can I hide my name on a shared Google Doc?

0 1

Just realized my name is clear as day on my documents that I'm sharing with strangers. Meanwhile they all show up as "Anonymous %animal%". How do I make it so my name doesn't show up?

on Sep 24

From stackexchange.com

Why does a 95% Confidence Interval (CI) not imply a 95% chance of containing the mean?

0 0

It seems that through various related questions here, there is consensus that the "95%" part of what we call a "95% confidence interval" refers to the fact that if we were to exactly replicate our

on Sep 24

From stackexchange.com

Bad Grammar in The Great Gatsby?

0 0

I'm sure many here have encountered a common error in written English, whereby 'have' is substituted by 'of'; 'should of', 'would of', 'could of', etc. It's my understanding that this is always

on Sep 23

From stackexchange.com

Announcing a change to the data-dump process

0 0

UPDATE August 29, 2024 This new post has updates related to various bug reports and feature requests. UPDATE August 14, 2024 Over the past week we’ve scaled up the availability of the new page and

on Sep 23

From stackexchange.com

User activation: Learnings and opportunities

0 0

We mentioned in our roadmap update that user activation was an area that we are prioritizing. In this post, we will go through the background, challenges, and opportunities that we will be focusing...

on Sep 23

From stackexchange.com

What commercial flight route requires the most (minimum possible) stops/layovers from A to B?

0 0

For travel hacking (and interest) value, colleagues and I have been trying to work out which routes worldwide might have the highest number of required legs. That is, for a one-way flight from airp...

on Sep 23

From stackexchange.com

Make 'entr' execute a locally defined shell function

0 0

entr is used to run shell commands when files change. The following script will output File changed. whenever the file /tmp/data.txt is modified. #!/usr/bin/env sh echo "/tmp/data.txt" | entr -s ...

on Sep 21

From stackexchange.com

Why 11 am + 1 hour == 12:00 pm?

0 0

One hour after 11:00 am is 12:00 pm. I find this very strange. Why isn't it 12:00 am? More descriptively, I thought we can think of the am/pm part as a time unit representing a higher amount than...

on Sep 21

From stackexchange.com

Best template strategies as alternatives to `return`ing variables with Twig Perversion?

0 0

This may not be the best place for this, and quite probably I need to provide more context by way of example – so I will understand if it gets judged to be ‘not a proper question’ – but here goes…

on Sep 21

From stackexchange.com

Tzitzis on a Scarf

0 0

The Shulchan Aruch paskens that one who takes a long, rectangular cloth and wraps it up into a hat-like thing (similar to a turban) does not put tzitzis on it because it's a hat, not clothing (OC 1...

on Sep 20

From stackexchange.com

What are Dr. Zoidberg's credentials?

0 0

Possible Duplicate: What kind of Medicine did Doctor Zoidberg study? In S1E2 ("The Series Has Landed"), Zoidberg tells Fry "Young lady, I am expert on humans." Then we learn he has no medical ...

on Sep 20