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From theconversation.com

How (apparently) identical animals can have different genomes – new research

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Appearances can be deceptive but genomes not so much – this has huge implications for measuring biodiversity.

#culture #ofinterest #ciencia #noticia #tecnologia #interesgeneral

6h ago

From theconversation.com

La transition énergétique nécessite beaucoup de minéraux et de métaux. Cela pourrait avoir un impact sur nos lacs

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La transition énergétique nécessite la mise en place de plusieurs nouvelles infrastructures, lesquelles peuvent avoir des effets néfastes sur l’environnement ainsi que sur certaines communautés.

#climat #ecologie #pollution #environnement #extinctiondemasse

18h ago

From theconversation.com

‘I don’t really wanna consume his content’: what do young Australian men think of Andrew Tate?

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Our interviews with young Australian men, show how there are a diverse range of views about controversial figures such as ‘manfluencer’ Andrew Tate.

19h ago

From theconversation.com

Our blood-brain barrier stops bugs and toxins getting to our brain. Here’s how it works

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Our body fiercely protects the brain by holding onto things that help it and keeping harmful things out, such as toxins and bugs that can cause infection.

2h ago

From theconversation.com

AI could revolutionise environmental planning – if we don’t get trapped in the ‘iron cage of rationality’

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Many datasets have gaps and biases due to how the information was gathered. Developers must account for this to avoid embedded wrong assumptions being carried across to train future AIs.

3h ago

From theconversation.com

Here’s how ‘microgrids’ are empowering regional and remote communities across Australia

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Small renewable energy systems are replacing dirty diesel generators in remote communities. This study of 20 Australian microgrid feasibility projects reveals widespread benefits.

3h ago

From theconversation.com

‘We cannot simply go, go, go.’ What is girl mossing, the wellness trend that rejects hustle culture?

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Girl mossing’s proponents are chiefly young women posting forest selfies and embracing natural processes of renewal and decay.

4h ago

From theconversation.com

Las 10 leyes que han mejorado la vida del colectivo LGTBI en la última legislatura

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La política en redes sociales no mejora vidas, las leyes sí. En la pasada legislatura se aprobaron 10 normativas que beneficiaron a la comunidad LGTBI, como la Ley Trans y otras en salud, educación y empleo que ampliaron derechos fundamentales.

6h ago

From theconversation.com

How hurricanes will change as the Earth warms

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Bigger storms will mean rich countries owe an even bigger debt to former colonies.

6h ago

From theconversation.com

Hurricane hunters fly through extreme storms to forecast intensity – here’s what happens when the plane plunges into the eyewall

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The meteorologist leading NOAA’s 2022 hurricane field program describes flying through eyewalls and the technology in these airborne labs for tracking rapid intensification in real time.

6h ago

From theconversation.com

Election night 2024: what the experts say

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Follow along with The Conversation’s coverage of the general election results.

6h ago

From theconversation.com

No croutons, no anchovies, no bacon: the 100-year-old Mexican origins of the Caesar salad

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The contested origins of the cafe classic stretch back 100 years, to a restaurant in Mexico, on the Fourth of July.

7h ago

From theconversation.com

Found in a cave in Indonesia, we can now show the world’s oldest figurative art is 51,200 years old

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Figurative art presents lifelike representations of subjects. Using a new laser technique, we’ve dated figurative rock art painted 51,200 years ago.

7h ago

From theconversation.com

When did we become fully human? What fossils and DNA tell us about the evolution of modern intelligence

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Artefacts suggest a ‘great leap’, a recent evolution of modern intelligence. Fossils and DNA argue that’s an illusion.

8h ago

From theconversation.com

How do fireworks work? A pyrotechnics chemist explains the science behind the brilliant colors and sounds

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Hidden underneath the bright colors and celebratory nature of fireworks is a combination of ancient chemistry and modern pyrotechnical recipes.

8h ago

From theconversation.com

Une inflation sous-estimée, un argument en faveur d’une hausse du smic ?

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La méthode avec laquelle est mesurée l’inflation n’est pas dénuée de considérations politiques qui conduisent, vraisemblablement, à la sous-estimer. Et avec elle les revalorisations du smic.

8h ago

From theconversation.com

Australia’s long-awaited national anti-corruption body is a year old. Is it meeting expectations?

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The NACC is demonstrating, on raw numbers at least, that it is committed to its purpose and achieving results. But how effective those results actually are will take longer to assess.

8h ago

From theconversation.com

De la 2G à la 5G : la transformation continue des réseaux mobiles

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L’architecture des réseaux mobiles devrait être plus décentralisée pour répondre aux nouvelles envies des clients.

8h ago

From theconversation.com

Instaurer une « perpétuité réelle » ou l’art d’inventer ce qui existe déjà

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Certaines forces politiques considèrent que la perpétuité réelle n’existe pas en France. Quels éléments leur donnent raison ou tort  ? Quels outils juridiques pourraient changer cette situation ?

8h ago

From theconversation.com

Préférence nationale dans l’attribution de logements sociaux : pourquoi cette proposition du RN est inapplicable

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Cette promesse du RN vise à attribuer prioritairement aux Français des logements sociaux sur le critère de priorité nationale. Mais sa légitimité ne résiste pas à l’examen juridique.

8h ago

From theconversation.com

Pour les héroïnes de la comtesse de Ségur, une aventure en « liberté surveillée » ?

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Des robinsonnades, il y en a dans les romans de la comtesse de Ségur, comme dans toute la littérature de jeunesse du XIXᵉ siècle. Mais quelle place laissent-elles aux petites filles modèles ?

8h ago

From theconversation.com

Législatives 2024 : contre les déserts médicaux et les dépassements d’honoraires, quelles sont les propositions ?

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La pénurie de généralistes comme les tarifs de certains spécialistes creusent les fractures dans l'accès au soin. Quelles mesures pourraient être mises en œuvre par la prochaine Assemblée nationale ?

8h ago

From theconversation.com

Tour de France : entre Bourgogne et Quercy, grands crus et grenouilles momifiées

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Parmi les particularités géologiques des étapes de la deuxième semaine du Tour de France 2024 : des vignobles mythiques et des grenouilles momifiées dans d’anciennes mines de phosphate.

8h ago

From theconversation.com

La reconnaissance de l’État de Palestine : quel État, pour quelle Palestine ?

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L’État de Palestine est reconnu par la plus grande partie de la communauté internationale, mais ses contours restent terriblement flous.

8h ago

From theconversation.com

Éducation, jeunesse, sécurité, préférence nationale : que nous apprennent les propositions de loi déposées par les députés RN depuis 2022

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L’examen des propositions de loi ne permet pas de discerner un programme, simplement des mesures ponctuelles, dans l’air du temps, qui parlent aux Français et contribuent à la normalisation du parti.

8h ago

From theconversation.com

Entreprises : l’urgence de passer de l’individualisme à l’intérêt général

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Pour continuer à recruter et fidéliser, les entreprises ne peuvent pas ignorer des évolutions plus globales. De l’IA au vieillissement, les DRH devront intégrer des préoccupations sociétales.

8h ago

From theconversation.com

« Chef des armées, un titre honorifique » : ou comment renverser 66 ans de pratique constitutionnelle

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Une récente déclaration de Marine Le Pen sur les prérogatives du président de la République a pour le moins interloqué les spécialistes de la Vᵉ République.

9h ago

From theconversation.com

Podcast : Le sport, une drogue comme une autre ?

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Et si le sport, ce n'était pas « que » bon pour la santé ?

9h ago

From theconversation.com

Musiques indépendantes et plateformes de streaming : le bras de fer continue

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Depuis plusieurs années, de nombreuses voix s’élèvent contre Spotify et le modèle proposé par les acteurs dominants de l’industrie musicale.

9h ago

From theconversation.com

Americans in former Confederate states more likely to say violent protest against government is justified, 160 years after Gettysburg

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On the 160th anniversary of the Civil War’s Battle of Gettysburg, a political scientist finds that residents of formerly Confederate states express greater support for political violence than others.

9h ago

From theconversation.com

How investing in green buildings, including cheaper home loans, is a win for banks, people and our planet

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Financial institutions have a key role to play in funding green building construction and retrofits to cut energy use, running costs and emissions.

9h ago

From theconversation.com

How sport and poetry make the perfect match

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Broadcasters often reach for verse to inspire fans and heighten the drama of sporting events.

12h ago

From theconversation.com

Paddleboards, swim kit and fishing gear pose a biosecurity risk – here’s why

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Portable paddleboards can transport unwelcome passengers – here’s how to minimise the risk of spreading invasive and non-native species between waterways.

12h ago

From theconversation.com

Three ways to eat more nutritiously

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Many uncommon foods are full of beneficial nutrients.

12h ago

From theconversation.com

Not the Sun wot won it: what Murdoch’s half-hearted, last-minute endorsements mean for Labour

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The Sunday Times has given Starmer a gritted-teeth endorsement, but The Sun has not backed a party.

13h ago

From theconversation.com

Ukraine war: Kyiv rejects Orbán ceasefire plan but global security deals offer hope

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Kyiv has rebuffed the Hungarian leader’s suggestion for a ceasefire, saying it will not compromise on sovereignty.

13h ago

From theconversation.com

The exit poll: what is it, how is it made and how did it become such an accurate prediction of election results?

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At 10pm, the most accurate poll of the election will be released – here’s what makes it different to all the others.

13h ago

From theconversation.com

Ukraine war: Russia toughens up draft law to round-up more people for the frontlines

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Swathes of young Russians fled their country to avoid being sent to war in Ukraine, this summer could see a new exodus.

14h ago

From theconversation.com

Words such as racist slurs can literally hurt – here’s the science

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Research has disproven the saying ‘sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me’.

14h ago

From theconversation.com

Election 2024: what happens on the big day – and at what time

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An exit poll at 10pm will give a good sense of whether the UK is indeed heading for a Labour landslide.

14h ago

From theconversation.com

El análisis de negocio basado en datos revoluciona la forma de entrenar, gestionar y ver el fútbol

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A 2 de julio, la IA coloca a España en lo alto del podio de la Eurocopa. Sus modelos afinan predicciones, cambian la forma de preparar y ver los partidos, pero también transforman el negocio del fútbol.

15h ago

From theconversation.com

Hurricane Beryl’s rapid intensification, Category 5 winds so early in a season are alarming: Here’s why more tropical storms are exploding in strength

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Beryl’s strength and rapid intensification set records, raising alarms about what’s already expected to be a very active Atlantic hurricane season, as a meteorologist explains.

15h ago

From theconversation.com

Why Nepal had a religious monarchy − and why some people want it back

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Many in Nepal are protesting to bring back the Hindu monarchy, which was dissolved in 2008. A scholar of South Asian religions explains what’s behind these protests.

16h ago

From theconversation.com

Supreme Court of Oklahoma says no to Catholic charter school – but this may not be the end of the boundary-pushing saga

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Officials have vowed to keep fighting for permission to open the school as a charter – which would be a controversial first for the country.

16h ago

From theconversation.com

Detroit’s legacy of housing inequity has caused long-term health impacts − these policies can help mitigate that harm

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Historical housing discrimination in Detroit persists today and causes disparities in health outcomes. Policies are making a difference, but more needs to be done.

16h ago

From theconversation.com

Even short trips to space can change an astronaut’s biology − a new set of studies offers the most comprehensive look at spaceflight health since NASA’s Twins Study

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A set of papers published in Nature contain groundbreaking research into how even quick jaunts to space can affect an astronaut’s health.

16h ago

From theconversation.com

Eddie Redmayne’s Emcee performance has caused uproar – but there is more to this Cabaret than meets the eye

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Eddie Redmayne’s jagged performance embodies the extreme rupture between Weimar and Nazi culture.

16h ago

From theconversation.com

Britain’s corner shops survived a pandemic and competition from supermarkets – now they are expanding

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Convenience stores are often there when we need them for some top-up shopping, but now they offer so much more.

16h ago