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From zeldman.com

I stayed.

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My insight into corporate legal disputes is as meaningful as my opinion on Quantum Mechanics. What I do know is that, when given the chance this week to leave my job with half a year’s salary paid in advance, I chose to stay at Automattic.

#承諾 #決策 #automattic #hackernews #ycombinator

on Fri, 5PM

From zeldman.com


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“I’m reassuring myself that New York City is still here.”

on Sep 12

From zeldman.com

Broken Blossoms

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“Raising loved children is the only consistent and lasting healing some will know.”

on Sep 8

From zeldman.com

Web and interaction design by studio.zeldman

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The web and interaction design studio and user experience consultancy of Jeffrey Zeldman, publisher of A List Apart Magazine and A Book Apart, co-founder of An Event Apart design conference, and author of Designing With Web Standards.

on Jul 24

From zeldman.com

What happened to the Share button in Zoom?

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Zoom has always included a clickable button/badge at the top left of its primary meeting interface window. Click the badge to copy the URL of that meeting. You can then, with just one more click in any messaging system, send that URL to the other meeting participants. Fast. Simple. Drop-dead...

on Jul 15

From zeldman.com

One weird trick

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Help to help, because we’re built to help.

on Jul 9

From zeldman.com

The gift of a three-month sabbatical

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It was late winter when my sabbatical began, and it’s late spring as it comes to an end. Next week I return to my post after three months’ paid leave, courtesy of Automattic’s sabbatical benefit. Three months. A season. With full pay, and zero work responsibilities. In a job full of rewards,...

on May 28

From zeldman.com

Ah yes, the famous “intern did it” syndrome

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Poachers, when caught stealing content from our website, always blamed the theft on an “intern” or “freelancer.” We always pretended to believe them.

on May 22

From zeldman.com


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Palestinians and Israelis are two Indigenous peoples occupying the land that is being fought over.

on May 7

From zeldman.com

Suckage begins here: why search engines now prioritize advertising over good UX

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In the dying stages of innovation, companies at the top of the heap use their market power to maintain their high profits.

on Apr 24

From zeldman.com

This Web of Ours, Revisited

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In my Adobe column of March, 2000, “Where Have All the Designers Gone?”, I discussed the rift between aesthetically focused web designers and those chiefly concerned with creating good experiences online. 24 years later, how have things changed?

on Apr 19

From zeldman.com

Don’t bring venture capital to a knife fight

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Why you can’t build another Apple with VC bucks.

on Apr 18

From zeldman.com

Both Sides, No

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Even when it’s ugly—especially when it’s ugly—journalists owe readers the truth.

on Apr 17

From zeldman.com

For love of pixels

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Stroll with us down memory lane as we celebrate the pearl anniversary of pixel art creation’s primary progenitor, and some of the many artists and design languages it inspired.

on Apr 13

From zeldman.com

Akismet means never having to say you’re sorry

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The bots who shit in your sandbox are bigger, brassier, and better than ever!

on Apr 9

From zeldman.com

My Glamorous Life: Roman Holiday

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While honeymooning in Rome, we spotted an Italian copy of my second book in the display window of a quaint old shop two blocks from the Colosseum. The ancient amphitheatre was our destination, but the strange sight of Designing With Web Standards in this unexpected location halted our progress.

on Apr 7

From zeldman.com

The More Things Change… (or: What’s in a Job Title?)

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“I’m not a ‘[full-stack] developer,’ regardless of what my last job title says. I’m not even a front-end developer. I’m a web designer. And I also specialize in accessibility, design systems, and design. I’m designing for the web. The infinitely flexible web…” #webdesign #frontend #webstandards...

on Apr 3

From zeldman.com

CAPTCHA excludes disabled web users

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The W3C explains how CAPTCHA excludes disabled users, and suggests alternatives which may be kinder and more reliable. Tip o’ the beanie to Adrian Roselli.

on Apr 2

From zeldman.com

Our Lady of Perpetual Profit

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A business world with deeply misguided priorities—exemplified by horror stories from the worlds of tech, gaming, and entertainment—accounts for much worker unhappiness and customer frustration.

on Apr 1

From zeldman.com

The Valley of Hidden Sorrows

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I have this friend. A mountain of unexpected medical debt buried his family at the start of last year. At the same time, the closing of his business stuck him with six figures of personal debt. Liquidating a retirement account and maxing out credit cards bought him short-term breathing room....

on Mar 25

From zeldman.com

AI Roundup: The Bad, the Ugly, and the Pretty Cool

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Useful links to pieces of the web that make differing and complementary sense of the threat and promise of AI.

on Mar 24

From zeldman.com

Heal an ailing web

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On the occasion of the web’s 35th anniversary, its inventor, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, had this to say:

on Mar 16

From zeldman.com

Death of a father

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Today Gerald Levin died. The world will remember him as the architect of the Time Warner AOL merger. But I think of him as a grieving father.

on Mar 14

From zeldman.com

Open-source moderation

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“Our online experience doesn’t have to depend on billionaires unilaterally making decisions over what we see.”

on Mar 13

From zeldman.com

New music from the beyond

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Happy heavenly birthday to my only brother and dear, deceased drum genius Pete Zeldman. Celebrate with Lost in Sound Records’s newly released album of solo drums, “Enigma,” and “I Don’t Want to Feel,” the first posthumous single from Pete’s 1990s postpunk fusion band, 2.5D.

on Mar 5

From zeldman.com

“Where the people are”

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How a smart friend (and progenitor of information architecture) provided me with a UX and life lesson whose wisdom I continue to hold close.

on Mar 3

From zeldman.com


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It’s a year and one day since you died. At times, I feel your presence. I listen to your music every day. I miss you.

on Mar 2

From zeldman.com

Just add water.

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Quick, before everyone else thinks of it. Set the word “SUCCESSION” in Engravers Gothic and export it to a transparent PNG. Download photos of confederate general Mitch McConnell and Republican Johns Thune (R-S.D.), Cornyn (R-Texas), and Barrasso (R-Wyo.). Grab and burn Nicholas Britell’s main...

on Mar 2

From zeldman.com

Get it right.

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“Led” is the past tense of “lead.” L.E.D. Not L.E.A.D. Example: “Fran, who leads the group, led the meeting.” When professional publications get the small stuff wrong, it makes us less trusting about the big stuff. Trust in media is already at an all-time low. Don’t alienate liberal arts majors...

on Mar 2

From zeldman.com

In search of a digital town square

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Ever since an infantile fascist billionaire (hereafter, the IFB) decided to turn Twitter over to the racially hostile anti-science set, folks who previously used that network daily to discuss and amplify topics they cared about have either given up on the very premise of a shared digital...

on Feb 29

From zeldman.com

Boys! Ragu!

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When you were a kid, what was a meal you always looked forward to?

on Feb 7

From zeldman.com

A Death at Walmart

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At age 38, Janikka Perry died of a heart attack at work, on her bakery shift at Walmart in North Little Rock, Arkansas, but you will not find her … A Death at Walmart

on Jan 25

From zeldman.com

Knowledge Management for the win

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For organizations struggling to become more efficient and productive, successful knowledge management can unlock awareness of customer needs and product gaps, unblocking alignment, creativity, collaboration, efficiency, productivity, and success.

on Jan 24

From zeldman.com


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The cruel and evil cannot be shamed.

on Jan 18

From zeldman.com

Operation Paperclip (and other crimes)

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U.S. war crimes. Forgiveness of Nazi war crimes. Forgiveness of Japanese war crimes. So many crimes against humanity. Gosh, where to begin? Operation Paperclip, and many more. Collected this morning from our friends at Wikipedia.

on Dec 24

From zeldman.com

Resistance makes side projects hard

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Today marks 15 full months that I’ve been working on a side project called Crafd. It’s a community for people who make things by hand: In that time … Resistance makes side projects hard

on Dec 10

From zeldman.com

Fly, my designers, fly!

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Designers can either become drivers of business within their organizations, or they can create the businesses they want to drive. We’re entering an era of design entrepreneurship, in which some designers are realizing that they’re not just a designer employed by a business; they’re creative...

on Nov 28

From zeldman.com

Algorithm & Blues

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Examining last week’s Verge-vs-Sullivan “Google ruined the web” debate, author Elizabeth Tai writes: I don’t know any class of user more abused by SEO and Google search than the writer. Whether they’re working for their bread [and] butter or are just writing for fun, writers have to write the...

on Nov 10

From zeldman.com

A beginning consultant brings skills, an experienced consultant brings value.

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A beginning consultant brings skills, an experienced consultant brings value. Early in a good career, you establish that you write the best code on your team, have the deftest touch in UI design, produce more good work more quickly than others. You’re the person who resolves disputes about which...

on Oct 3, 2023