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A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).

From applevis.com

JumpSpeak with voiceover? | AppleVis

1 1

I have come across an app called JumpSpeak that seems miles better than duolingo, and uses it seems real conversation and audio to walk you through a language; has anyone tried it though? no trial is available? Will

18h ago

From applevis.com

Chatgpt send button hard to locate | AppleVis

1 1

Chatgpt has become more and more a daily part of my life. I subscribe now and I'm wondering if anyone has any tips on locating the send button more reliably?. I can always find it but sometimes it takes me a couple seconds. Not a huge thing if you're chatting with it once or twice a day but...

21h ago

From applevis.com

stuck on the sharing data screen of the meta view app | AppleVis

1 1

Does anyone know how to get around the sharing data screen on the meta view app? Both the share and don't share buttons are dimned. There's a continue to scroll button but it seems to do nothing. Is there a jesture that I need to perform to make this button active? Thanks

13h ago

From applevis.com

Changing VO Audio distination to use Ipad in a concert, can i? | AppleVis

1 1

Hello all: AM thinking of using my Ipad or Iphone to streme some music my giggs. i am using mac now to do this, because i can change the Voice over audio output to be in my Hearing aids. , but now even the audio distination feature is in my VO router, still can not change the VOice over AUdio...

23h ago

From applevis.com

Aira's Build AI Initiative: Advancing Accessibility through Community Participation | AppleVis

1 1

Aira, a pioneer in providing visual interpreting services, is taking a significant step forward with the introduction of their Build AI initiative. This program not only underscores Aira’s dedication to leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) to aid the blind and low vision community but also...

3h ago

From applevis.com

Introducing the ARx AI Wearable Camera: Now Coming to the Apple Platform! | AppleVis

1 2

I have some thrilling news to share with all of you Aple tech enthusiasts and advocates for Apple's assistive technology. The ARx AI wearable talking camera, a state-of-the-art device designed to enhance real-world interactions for individuals with visual impairments, will soon be available for...

on Fri, 7PM

(Showing 7 out of 7.)