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4 29
A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for big screens). A chart of hourly posts over the last week (for small screens).

From dailynous.com

Online Philosophy Resources Weekly Update - Daily Nous

2 2

The weekly report on new and revised entries at online philosophy resources, new reviews of philosophy books, and new podcast episodes. SEP New: Mexican Existentialism by Carlos Sánchez. Aesthetics in Critical Theory by Owen Hulatt. Dehumanization by Ben Phillips. Prioritarianism as a Theory of...

9h ago

From dailynous.com

The 253 Most Cited Works in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (guest post) - Daily Nous

1 1

What are the most cited works in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (SEP)? Eric Schwitzgebel (UC Riverside), with the help of graduate student Jordan Jackson, has gathered and crunched the numbers, and he shares the answer, below. (A version of this post first appeared at The Splintered...

6h ago

From dailynous.com

USC Tells Philosophy Department It Cannot Honor All of Its Offers of Admission This Year - Daily Nous

1 1

The Department of Philosophy at the University of Southern California (USC), like many departments, sends out offers of admission to its PhD program to more students than it actually expects to admit. The idea is that some accepted students will end up choosing to enroll at other universities,...

8h ago

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